Not As Good As It Looks

[175 words] In one of the most powerful anti-smoking ads I’ve ever seen the promises of the cigarette ads are examined. You’ll look cool. Smoking makes you independent and mysterious. But then the curtain is pulled away and a man in a wheelchair who can barely breathe says: the reality is you could end up…

Annie’s Death

[323 words] Charles and his wife were devastated. Their little girl, Annie, had died. Charles blamed himself and his wife because they were first cousins. While such inbreeding can cause birth defects, this was not the cause of Annie’s death. She, most likely, died of tuberculosis (TB) caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In other words, Annie…

No One Wants Society Based on Unbelief

[175 words] For some, religion is a fairy tale for children and a false hope for the aged. To those folks, God is the product of a weak mind and Jesus is a fanatic who demonstrated this characteristic. They believe heaven is a Christian’s wishful thinking and hell only a believer’s nightmare. They charge that…

What About the Unfit?

[114 words] The theory of evolution declares mankind is the result of the survival of the fittest. If this is so, then getting rid of the unfit is desirable. To conquer and exploit weaker people, businesses, or countries is simply the law of the jungle from which we evolved. Mercy killings, forced sterilization, and selective…

It Just Happened!

The story is told of a science professor who constructed a planetarium, a precisely scale model of the universe. A student came into his office and asked him who made it. The professor said, “No one.” The student laughed and asked again, “Come on, who make this fantastic piece of precise work?” The professor replied,…

A Judge’s Haunting Words

[217 words] I went to Sunday school when I was small and learned all about God. After I was married I decided to go again and take my children. I couldn’t persuade my husband to go, but the children and I went regularly for a year. Then I skipped a Sunday. And soon I skipped…

‘The Internet Is Where Religion Goes To Die’

[318 words] On September 29, 2011, I debated Blair Scott, the Director of Communications for American Atheists, Inc. During the debate, he made several comments regarding religion in general and Christianity specifically. One of the more memorable statements he made was: “The Internet is where religion goes to die.” I remember sitting on stage thinking…