Spirit, Help My Weakness

[354 words] Help my weakness of virtue. A primary weakness that we notice about ourselves is our moral weakness, our weakness in the face of temptation. Jesus noted that, like when we want to stay awake but drift into sleep anyway, we are susceptible to the weakness of our fleshly cravings. “The spirit is willing,…

I AM the Answer

  [201 words] Who is going to stand with me when my life falls apart? I AM. Who is going to make sure that one day good will prevail over evil? I AM. Who is going to help me when I need it? I AM. Who is smart enough to figure everything out in my…

The Wind

When I drove into the office this morning, the wind was not blowing very much. We can’t see the wind, but we can see the results of it. The reason I knew the wind was not blowing much, was the flag was moving only a little. The wind is spoken of in the Bible some…