Jesus CONQUERED Death!

[198 words] Inasmuch then as the children have partaken of flesh and blood, He Himself likewise shared in the same, that through death He might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, and release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage” (Hebrews 2:14-15). A…

The Empty Tomb

[376 words] The first attempt to escape the fact of the resurrection of Jesus was the attempt of the chief priests who tried to explain why the tomb was empty! The guards reported to the priests, and even these Jewish leaders did not question the report that the tomb was empty! They did not even…

You Gotta Be Dead!

[342 words] Overheard in Sunday school: Teacher: “If I sell my house and my car, have a big garage sale, and give all my money to the church, will that get me into heaven?” Children: “No!” Teacher: “If I clean the church building every day, mow the yard, and keep everything neat and tidy, will…

Come and See

[278 words] “Look!” I can remember hearing that so many times when our kids were small. Sometimes they had discovered something new. Sometimes they had done something they thought was amazing. Sometimes they just needed to know I was interested and paying attention. They might have been diving into the pool for the first time…

What Did His Resurrection Mean?

[431 words] And the angel answered and said to the women, ” Do not be afraid; for I know that you are looking for Jesus who has been crucified. “He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said. Come, see the place where He was lying” (Matthew 28:5-6 NASB77). Jesus had said…

A Strange Thing Happened at the Funeral

[305 words] Jesus once came across a funeral procession and did something strange. He walked up to the boy’s grieving mother and said: “don’t cry.” That poor lady might have said: “Why not weep? It is time. I have lost my only son.” But Jesus reached out and touched the open coffin. This was a…

Jesus Never Had an Obituary

[583 words] Many of us often make it a habit of reading the obituaries to see which one of our classmates, co-workers, friends, and family have gone on to meet their reward.   Obituaries tell us about where a person was born, lived, one’s immediate family history, one’s occupation, hobbies, and many other things, as well…

From Death He Arose

[49 words] From darkest grave, from death he arose, As sacrifice for sin he gave His life, and blood to save flowed freely. I know I’ll rise and never die Again because my God and Lord Was first to be raised, before me. I love the way the Lord has opened. J. Randal Matheny UPLift,…