The Destructive Nature of Selfishness

[428 words] “Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others” (Phil. 2:3-4). Two locations are widely recognized as the most likely spots for the resurrection of Jesus Christ. One, the…


[125 words] Why is it that some people project a positive attitude, while others are so negative? Some people are so unhappy that they no longer have that beautiful Christian spirit. They walk under a cloud of despair, and fail to see the good in others. I tend to believe that even though we are…


[396 words] I once knew a family that got a lot of free pies. The reason was that there was an elderly gentleman who had an unusual “tradition.” This man wanted his wife to fix a fresh pie for their noon meal. As I remember it, if this was not a daily occurrence, it was…

Vending Machine Religion

[339 words] Sitting in an automobile repair shop, I was recently confronted with one of the biggest opponents to health—the vending machine. As a young boy, like a magnet I was drawn to the bright lights and the colorful display of pure sweetness found within every wrapper. The thrill of putting money in and selecting…


[113 words] Selfishness is the root sin for so many other wrongs. If our goal is to please self instead of blessing others, we will be miserable and we will make others miserable too. “He’s so full of himself,” or “He’s so self-righteous,” are descriptions people use for the selfish. God says, “Let nothing be…

Being ‘Other’-Oriented is Not Just for Christmas!

  [207 words] A common reference people use when referring to our society today is “the ME generation.” The accusation refers to the perceived attitude of selfishness portrayed by many in modern-day America. Is this harsh judgement fair? I certainly think so! All one must do is to engage in some minor investigation into the…

It Is a Lot of Garbage

[280 words] What the biggest man-made structure? You might be thinking the Pyramids, the Great Wall of China, or One World Trade Center. However, those are all wrong….maybe. What do we mean by biggest? Tallest? Widest? Takes up the most area? Even the term ‘man-made structure’ is problematic. What if we really weren’t planning on…