The Value of Tears

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How much value do you place on tears? That question may seem odd, but it is something you should think about! Some tears may fall insincerely, but other tears come when words fail to express an emotion we cannot control.

God places a high value on our tears. He knows that some tears show genuine sorrow for sin. A woman washed the feet of Jesus with her tears, (Lk. 7:37-48), and her tears of genuine repentance resulted in God’s forgiveness!

Paul shed tears for problems that would consume the church. (Acts 20:31) Paul reminded the Ephesian elders how he warned them “night and day with tears” regarding false teachers who would lead some away from the church.

Tears show our sorrows and our need for God’s help. (Ps. 56:1-8) Hezekiah’s tears were seen by God and, in pity, God spared his life. (Isa. 38:1-5)

But, in Heaven, God will wipe away all tears! (Rev. 21:4) All of the things that cause tears will be removed and Heaven will be a place of indescribable joy! In the midst of our tears, God offers hope. Yes, tears are valuable!

Gary Knuckles
Briensburg church of Christ
Benton, KY

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