Echoes of Love

[120 words]

The other day a boy refused to obey his mother. Angrily he ran to a ravine and cried, “I hate you!” Suddenly the words came echoing back, “I hate you!” Frightened, the boy ran to his mother and said, “There’s a bad man in the woods. I heard him say, “I hate you.”

Knowing what had happened she said, “Go back and say, “I love you.” The little boy called out, “I love you.” And the same words came back to him. “Son,” she said, “this is a law of life, what you give, you get. What you say, you hear.”

The Bible says “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he reap” (Galatians 6:7).

Bulletin Digest (April 2008)

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