The Demise of the Sunday Night Service

[282 words] Traditions come and go. One such tradition in American churches is the Sunday evening service. It’s unclear when the tradition started, but records would indicate that churches have been holding evening services for well over 100 years. In recent history, there has been a sharp decline in those who attend Sunday evening services.…

Other Things to Do

[102 words] When it is time to worship GodAnd to occupy my pew,Will I assemble with the saintsOr find other things to do?When God needs my service to HimAnd wants me to help a few,Will I do what needs to be doneOr find other things to do?When I sit down to rest awhileWith quiet reading…

Sunday Night

[149 words] I love the church that Jesus built,And I know that it is right.I go there on each Sunday morn,But not on Sunday night. I love to sing the songs to God;Such worship must be right.This I do each Sunday morn,But not on Sunday night. God bless our preacher, too,And give him power and…

Why Your Family Needs to Be in Worship

[241 words] It is important for family to worship together. The God who created each and ordained marriage and the family knew the importance of families worshiping together. To a woman who had miserably failed in her family life, Jesus said, “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the…

Four Reasons to Attend Every Service

[201 words] We assemble together because God has provided a place for salvation and learning. If you study the early days of the Lord’s Church you will see that they understood what it truly meant to give up of self and the value of assembling with the saints. Here are four reasons we should attend…

Wednesday Night Bible Study

[250 words] Adam grew up in the church. His parents were both Christians from the day he was born. He attended Sunday Bible class, his family went to worship God on Sunday mornings, Sunday nights, and then on Wednesday nights. They were a very happy Christian family. Then something happened. Adam started school and his…

A Proverb to Ponder

[136 words] Now, not all our attenders are members, and not all our members are attenders, but if all our attenders were members, and all our members were attenders… THEN…we’d have more trouble menders, more gospel defenders and more true soul winners! BUT…we’d have fewer people offenders, fewer spiritual hinderers and fewer religious pretenders! SO…let…

Just Right!

[199 words] Some people will attend church if everything is just right. The weather is a controlling factor in church attendance. Many times the temperature is too hot or too cold. Occasionally there will be a Sunday that happens to be just right. Those people will attend, unless something else is wrong. Their physical body’s…

One Bucket at a Time?

[460 words] “I only have to attend one service each week to be pleasing to God!” Have you heard this before? Perhaps not in these words, but the sentiment is certainly expressed on occasion, whatever words are used. Is it true? Not with the attitude that is seemingly conveyed with the remark (as written above).…

How Often Do I Really Have to Go?

[160 words] In this unusual time of a pandemic due to the COVID virus, of course we seek to be compassionate, flexible, and understanding. We must do our best to take care of each other (Matt. 7:12; Phil. 2:4). That being said, how much is “enough” when it comes to assembling with the saints? At…

We Gather Together

[438 words] As a young teenager, I was introduced to the song, “We Gather Together.” Some of you may remember it as a song used to celebrate Thanksgiving. I never really gave it much thought until this week when it came to mind as I read a bulletin article on worship. I googled the song…

If You Stand Firm

[287 words] Paul was worried about the brethren in Thessalonica. He barely had any time with them before circumstances have driven him from the city. Paul had wanted to return to them but Satan had kept that from happening. All he really wanted to know was ‘were they faithful”? Finally, when he receives the news…

Seven Negative Effects of Missing Worship Services

[58 words] 1. Worship becomes less edifying for everyone. 2. Church leaders become discouraged. 3. You lose touch with congregational life. 4. The church is robbed of the resources it needs. 5. Another learning and growth opportunity is wasted. 6. Your conscience becomes more calloused with each missed service. 7. You teach by your example…

Perils in Church Buildings?

[533 words] I was touring one of the oldest log church buildings in America when I noticed holes in the walls. “What are these holes?” I asked. A guide explained that they were drilled so men could put their rifles through the holes to shoot at indians if they attacked while the church was meeting.…

What If God Took Your Excuses Away?

[327 words] Several years ago, while living in another city, one of the elders in the church here and this writer were making some calls on some of our members who had become negligent in their attendance with the house of God at the times of worship. As we sat in one home, we listened…

Were You Praying for Us?

[255 words] It has always been difficult for this writer to understand why half the membership of the body of Christ finds no Christian joy or spiritual satisfaction in mid-week Bible Study. During this period, we sing, pray, and study the Lord’s Book. We enjoy the spiritual presence of our heavenly Master and add another…

Why Do Some Attend the ‘Optional’ Worship Services and Bible Classes?

[388 words] It has always been a struggle to get every member of the local church to attend all Bible classes and worship services. Yes, they will come to the A.M. worship service, but not to the other periods of Bible study and worship. When asked why, they will respond: “Those services are optional. They…

I Don’t Get Anything Out of the Services

[406 words] Has worship become a lost art? I’m afraid that many of us go through the motions without ever really reaching out to God. Consequently, we tend to leave a service much as we came in. Before long there is the tendency to dismiss the whole concept of assembling for worship. At its best…

By Bringing My Kids to Bible Study, I Am Saying to Them…

[173 words] …that there is nothing on earth more important than the Bible. …that a proper understanding of the Bible is essential. …that getting to know other Christians’ children is vital. …that some habits are good, and this is a good habit to get into. …that some things are worth sacrificing other things for. …that…

It is NOT ‘Just a Church’

[575 words] Jesus promised to do something never before done on earth: He would build His Church upon the great truth that He is the Christ, the Son of the Living God! “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock l will build My church, and the gates of…

Does Attending Make A Difference?

[217 words] How many times have you attended a worship service? How many times have you attended when you felt like staying home? Have you ever wondered if there might be a different way to approach worship than to file into the church building three times a week, week after week after week? A lot…

Why I Attend the Sunday Evening Services

[71 words] 1. I want to go, and I am wanted. 2. I need to go, and I am needed. 3. I had rather be there than anywhere else. 4. My children are watching me and will follow my example. 5. My soul is strengthened by the teachings. 6. My heart is warmed by the…

What You Do in the Church Pew Matters!

[461 words] “You mind your business and I’ll mind mine.” That is the motto of many and I, for one, like it! The Bible teaches us not to be busy-bodies. At the same time, we need to remember that what we do has an impact on others for good or bad. One of the reasons…

What Comes First?

[190 words] Even before his outstanding years as Harding University’s quarterback, Tom Ed Gooden was noted by the Arkansas Gazette as being the best high school quarterback in his district. The newspaper, ran a picture of Tom Ed with the caption, “Not On Wednesday.” It seems that another school had tried to schedule a game…

It is NOT ‘Just Church’

[577 words] Jesus promised to do something never before done on earth: He would build His Church upon the great truth that He is the Christ, the Son of the Living God! “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of…

Why Do You Go to Worship?

[300 words] Praise the Lord! I will praise the Lord with my whole heart, in the assembly of the upright and in the congregation” (Psalm 111:1). We gather and worship on a different day than those spoke of in the passage above. Yet, God’s people have always been commanded to worship Him in a prescribed…

But I Was There!

[106 words] For many, a person’s faithfulness is synonymous with attendance. A person is faithful to the Lord if they are at the services with regularity. While assembling together is vital for a Christian (Hebrews 10:25), we have more than just services to attend, we have to attend to service. Christian duty does not begin…

What Brought YOU Here?

[388 words] This morning churches across our nation will fill up with people gathering together for different reasons. For some it was the social interaction. For some it was to check the “go to church” box off our checklist. For some it was because someone made them. For some it was a habit. For some…

They Hoisted the Trophy Without Him

[392 words] It was a warm and sunny Sunday afternoon. My son’s Little League All-Star baseball team was playing in the Regional championship game. The team had won their first game earlier that afternoon to advance to the championship round. Just before the start of the game I headed to the dugout to inform both…

What Comes First?

[191 words] Even before his outstanding years as Harding University’s quarterback, Tom Ed Gooden was noted by the Arkansas Gazette as being the best high school quarterback in his district. The newspaper ran a picture of Tom Ed with the caption, “Not On Wednesday.” It seems that another school had tried to schedule a game…

Why I Go To Worship

[64 words] 1. I want to go, and I am wanted. 2. I need to go, and I am needed. 3. I had rather be there than anywhere else. 4. People will follow my example. 5. My soul is strengthened by the teaching. 6. My heart is warmed by the spiritual songs. 7. I am…

A Good Practice

[251 words] From time to time, church members will ask for assistance in locating a church of Christ in an area where they will be traveling in the near future; perhaps on vacation, during a business trip, or to visit family or friends. Attending worship with fellow-saints on the Lord’s Day figures into their travel…

What He Was Looking For

[193 words] John went to church one Sunday morning. He heard the song leader miss a note, and he winced. He saw a teenager talking when everybody was supposed to be bowed in prayer. He felt like the usher was watching to see what he put in the offering plate, and it made him mad.…


[370 words] “Now the ones that fell among thorns are those who, when they have heard, go out and are choked with cares, riches, and pleasures of life, and bring no fruit to maturity.” (Luke 8:14). Frequently members of the church, apparently for no reason at all, quit attending the services. This is usually preceded…

Six Reasons to Attend Bible Class

[414 words] Every Sunday morning Bible classes for every age are conducted in our Bible classes. Lamentably, some of our people do not take advantage of these fine classes. Many children are prevented from attending their class each week because their parents fail to bring them. Some are prevented by illness or other factors beyond…

I Never Intended to Quit!

[290 words] A man who had not attended one service of the church in four years told me he had never thought of quitting the church. I reminded him that he had: (1) Withdrawn his presence from the service; (2) Refused to give his moral support to the activities of the congregation; (3) Withdrawn his…

Mothers, the Lord, and Baseball

  [413 words] It is my good fortune in life to be blessed with a faithful Christian mother. My mother has blessed my life in more ways than I can count. Without her influence and godly example, I might not be a Christian or have a Christian family of my own. I will be forever…

Rally to Us There

[273 words] “And I said to the nobles and to the officials and to the rest of the people, ‘The work is great and widely spread, and we are separated on the wall, far from one another. In the place where you hear the sound of the trumpet, rally to us there…'” (Neh. 4:19-20). Nehemiah,…

When You’re Not at Church

[351 words] When you’re not at church, you are missed. You are missed by those you sit with during our assemblies. You are missed by those by our appointed shepherds. People are concerned about you when you are not present for our family’s time of worship. When you’re not at church, lots of people miss…

The Wednesday Night Crowd

[312 words] As a gospel preacher I have noticed the various names that we give to our Wednesday night assembly. We have called it “Prayer Meeting Night,” “Mid-Week Bible Study,” “Wednesday Night Classes,” etc. By whatever name we choose, it is a very important time for spiritual development. It is a spiritual shot in the…

Who Will You Worship Sunday?

[89 words] The god of Ease? “Had a hard week, gotta rest some.” The god of Mammon? “Gotta get another dollar.” The god of Popularity? “Folks came, gotta stay with them.” The god of Pleasure? “Only day I have to hunt, fish or play.” The god of Self-Pride? “They do not do me right.” The…

Faithful Attendance

[430 words] God expects (demands) His faithful followers to worship Him. The Scriptures are emphatic in the faithful child of God reflecting their love and loyalty by coming together with the saints, to worship their Heavenly Father, on the first day of the week. While attendance at worship services is NOT the only measuring stick…

Faithful Attendance

God expects (demands) His faithful followers to worship Him. The Scriptures are emphatic in the faithful child of God reflecting their love and loyalty by coming together with the saints, to worship on the first day of the week. While attendance at worship services is NOT the only measuring stick of ones spirituality, it certainly…

Why Go to Church?

A churchgoer wrote a letter to the editor of a newspaper and complained that it made no sense to go to church every Sunday. “I’ve gone for 30 years now,” he wrote, “and in that time I have heard something like 3,000 sermons. But for the life of me, I can’t remember a single one…

God’s Plan Revealed

God had a planned the church before the creation of the world (Ephesians 3:10-11). But it was not made known until “the dispensation of the fullness of times” (1:9). The “dispensation of the fullness of times” is a statement filled with meaning. Jesus was sent into the world by the Father “in the fullness of…

I Can’t Go To Church Today

[257 words] “I cannot go to church today,” Said little Peggy Ann Mckay. “I have the measles and the mumps, A gash, a rash and purple bumps. My mouth is wet, my throat is dry, I’m going blind in my right eye. My tonsils are as big as rocks, I’ve counted sixteen chicken pox And…

Don’t Stay Away from Worship!

Because you are poor. There is no admission charge. Because you are rich. Money is not everything. Because it rains. You go to work, school and shopping in the rain. Because it is cold. It is warm and friendly inside. Because it is hot. So are fishing and attending ballgames and golfing. Because no one…

Why Come Back?

[355 words] Is it mandatory? Is it a sin not to? These are questions every Christian needs to be asking and answering from God’s word. (Hebrews 10:24-26 is a good text to study for the right answer.) However, this article takes a look at the benefits of coming back. The first benefit that is available…

Doubting Thomas

[111 words] Doubting Thomas has received a bad reputation. You remember why. He was not present on that first day of the week when Jesus appeared to the rest of the apostles. As a result he expressed his doubt saying, “No, I have to see before I will believe” (John 20:19-25). Thomas’ absence resulted in…

What a Day That Will Be!

[211 words] Some years ago Paul Harvey reported that a poll indicated just 27.4 percent of the people in this country attend worship services at least once a week. That’s slightly more than one-fourth! There are many legitimate things such as illness, health, necessary work, and other things that can prevent us from attending worship.…

Opportunities and Connections

As a family will sit around a dinner table, they will grab hands to say the prayer for the meal. A connection is made in that brief moment that brings them closer together. Each holding a hand, grasped in union with each other and with God—the Father, Son, and Spirit. As a family, they know…

A Message from the Devil

Dear Members and Friends of the Church, I secretly visited your Bible classes recently and was overjoyed to see that so many of you had not come. I heard some lessons that were not very well prepared and others teachers said no visits had been made during the week. I was simply delighted! It thrilled…

Stoke the Folk!

Have you ever just sat around a fire? It is incredibly therapeutic. A fire seems to bring out wonderful moments of reflection and conversation. Fires are beneficial in many ways with the heat, light, and mood it produces. God’s word is compared to a fire in Jeremiah 23:39. Like a fire it enlightens and penetrates.…

At Your House…

Will priorities be established in your children when… You are early for their ballgame, but late for worship? You check on their homework regularly, but never check on their Bible class lessons? You won’t let them miss school even though they don’t want to go, but let them miss church worship services? You won’t let…

Why Go to Church?

A churchgoer wrote a letter to the editor of a newspaper and complained that it made no sense to go to church every Sunday. “I’ve gone for 30 years now,” he wrote, “and in that time I have heard something like 3,000 sermons. But for the life of me, I can’t remember a single one…

Am I Glad To Be In God’s House?

Recently in our worship on Sunday evening, I listened to a prayer of a senior saint asking God to help us come to a time when our attendance was equal at all services. It’s been a while since I heard such a prayer and desire expressed before the Father. Why is there such a disparity?…

Boost Your Budget by Missing Worship?

If you miss worship on the first day of week does that mean your pocket has a little extra in it to spend the rest of the week? If you answer yes, you have the wrong answer. Giving as we have been prospered means exactly that – giving as we have been prospered; not giving…


It is probably sound advice that, when a car leaves you stranded, you should return the favor. Few people would keep a car that cannot be depended upon to work as needed. There may be a parable here. Remember that David described himself and his fellow Israelites as “…his people, and the sheep of his…

A Prior Engagement

[181 words] James A. Garfield James A. Garfield, the 20th President of the United States, took office on March 4, 1881. On his first Sunday in Washington following his inauguration, a member of the Cabinet insisted that a meeting must be called to discuss a matter that purportedly threatened a national crisis. The President refused,…

What Did You Think Of Church, Daddy?

Every Sunday, just about noon, families walk out of church, get in the car and begin the drive home. Crucial religious instruction takes place then. Here are some of the positions a parent can take as these minutes tick away. Act like you have never been to worship services. Do not mention anything that happened.…

It Will Die

Take a leaf from a branch, lay it carefully aside and watch. Slowly the color fades, the leaf goes limp, curls up and dies. Take a fish out of water, lay it carefully on the ground and watch. Frantically it twists, struggles, gradually weakens, quivers and dies. Take a Christian away from the fellowship and…

Inconsistent Attendance is a Sign of Heart Trouble

Some members of the church willfully absent themselves from the assembly of the local church. Many reason within their own minds, the Sunday evening or midweek services are simply not important. Furthermore, they excuse themselves from Bible class because they feel it too is simply not important. However, church attendance is a good indication of…