Helping Them See

[257 words] A report by Dr. William Martin to the American Medical Association in 1913 didn’t pull any punches. In his assessment of public school children in New York, he found forty pupils he described “as the worst in the school” and eighteen of which being “so stupid they were in ungraded classes.” He also…

What’s In A Nickname?

[193 words] Abraham Lincoln once served as a character witness, although it is doubtful he did much good. When asked about the word of a man named Peter Lukins, Lincoln responded honestly, “Well, he is called Lyin’ Pete Lukins.” In the Scriptures, we get some insight into the nature of some biblical characters by the…

The Last Verse

[274 words] In 1814 Francis Scott Key had been negotiating the release of an American from the British Fleet. Key was successful and was only allowed to return to his ship, yet not allowed to leave the fleet because he had become familiar with the strength and position of the British units and their intention…

The Disease of Discouragement

[196 words] dis·cour·age·ment dəˈskərəjm(ə)nt  a loss of confidence or enthusiasm; dispiritedness. an attempt to prevent something by showing disapproval or creating difficulties; deterrent. Where does discouragement come from? Let’s consider an interesting comment in the book of Ezra. The book of Ezra tells the story of the rebuilding of the temple. Though the act is brought…

Why We Need To Confess

[180 words] As John Dewey exclaimed, “A problem well-put is half solved.” For us to fix something we have to know what is wrong and what is causing the problem. Too many times we face an issue and are unable—or maybe better said unwilling—to examine ourselves to see what is wrong. That is what makes…

An Important Ratio

[181 words] The fact that God gave us two ears and two eyes and only one mouth should give us some indication on how he expects us to use them.  “This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger;” (James 1:19). John Maxwell once…

You Are Hereby Invited

[351 words] Scott Stallings, a three-time PGA winner, was hoping for an invite to the Masters after a good performance the previous year. The Masters golf tournament held each year at the Augusta National Golf course is one of the most exclusive golf events in the world. So Stallings had, as he said in a…

That’s Not Right

[232 words] Cunningham’s Law is an axiom coined by Steven McGeady. It’s named after Ward Cunningham, the inventor of wiki software, who initially gave him the advice.  It states “the best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question; it’s to post the wrong answer.” That doesn’t just…

The Letters in ‘All’

[184 words] A teacher once gave me some advice: On a test, “all the above” is often the right answer, but rarely is it in life.  When the claim is “everyone” or “always,” it usually isn’t accurate because there is most likely some exception. Consider Romans 3:23: “…for all have sinned and fall short of…

Full House

[225 words] The follow-up question I always get when people hear I am a minster is the “how big” question. “How big is your congregation,” and, “How many kids are in your youth group?”  I guess that is the way they measure success. The assumption is that the more folks, the better things are going.…

Wait, Who Did Shoot J.R.?

[242 words] In the summer of 1980, everyone was asking the question, “Who shot J.R.?” For those of you not around then, J.R. Ewing was the villainous character on the hit series Dallas.  That year’s season ended on a cliffhanger where J.R. is shot by an unseen assailant outside his office. The mystery became a…

If I Recall

[200 words] The Consumer Product Safety Commission protects the public from dangerous products. They might fine companies for bad practices or force them to recall products that are too dangerous. To facilitate that mission, they made 80,000 lapel buttons, but they had to be recalled since the edges were too sharp. And the paint had…

I’m Loving It

[312 words] Let’s be honest, there is somebody you can’t stand. You may not even have a goat but somehow, they got it. Just the way they walk and breathe irks you. Even when they are being nice, you want to punch them in the face. There’s just something about them that is like fingernails…

It’s Bean a Problem

[286 words] If you struggled in geometry, you may not like the name Pythagoras. However, he is an interesting fellow. Now it is hard to separate the myths from the facts when it comes to the ancient Greek philosopher, but his influence, not only in math, but in science, music, ethics, and religion are remarkable.…

He Brings Good Things To Life

[195 words] There are those times when it all seems too much. Paul wrote about a time he was in that place in 2 Corinthians 7:5. Worn out physically, surrounded by problems, “conflicts without, fear within”. You probably know that feeling. When it seems the whole world is against you and that includes you. Depressed. Downcast.…

Try + Umph = Triumph

[226 words] Dad always used to say “Can’t never could do nothing.” I know that isn’t grammatically correct but it is correct when it comes to life. If we think it can’t be done, we prove it to be so, even if it wasn’t true to begin with. However, it isn’t just can’t that will…

You Can’t Push a Chain

[192 words] A chain is a handy device. You use it to pull a car out of the ditch. You can hoist a heavy item. You can use one to anchor a boat or secure a gate. But can’t push with a chain. It will pull or hold but try to push and it’s pretty…

There is Space for You

[261 words] Ever try to check in only to find out the hotel is full up? Ever stay at a friend’s house only to find out there isn’t a bed or even a couch to crash on? Ever get invited to come along but there isn’t a seat in the car or a spot at…

And Where Are Your Parents?

[163 words] Prosecutors in Knox county Tennessee decide to do something about a numbers of students that had been chronically absent from school. Under Tennessee law, parents can be held responsible for their children’s missed days. So they sent a letter to 582 parents of habitually truant students telling of a meeting they could attend…

A New Hope

[142 words] The word “now” comes from a Latin phrase, novus homo, which means “a new man” or “man newly ennobled.” There is a powerful lesson in that. Each moment is a change we have to start over. To become a new person, to become a better person. “Now” is an important concept in the Bible.…

The Not-So-Encouraging Words

[238 words] Richard Nixon had already had one nominee for the Supreme Court shot down by the Senate and it was looking like his second choice Harold Carswell was about to go down as well. Since he was attacked as a mediocre choice, Republicans were asked to help bolster the candidate. Nebraska Senator Roman Hruska…

Grand Theft Thunder

[248 words] We know what it means when we say someone “stole our thunder.” It is a euphemism for when someone takes your praise, credit, or attention before you have a chance to. But it doesn’t make a lot of literal sense. You don’t own any thunder for anybody to steal. Unless you are John…

Was It That Great?

[244 words] We’ve all heard the phrase before, “the greatest thing since sliced bread,” but as it turns out this greatest thing didn’t start out so great. Otto Rohwedder invented the first bread slicing machine, built to slice bread by the loaf. His prototype and blueprints went up in smoke in a fire in 1917.…

Simply Read

[254 words] Have you not read? This phrase is used several times by Jesus when someone was asking him a doctrinal question (Matthew 12:3, 19:4, 21:16, 21:42 Mark 12:26). Many times these questions were asked as traps to try to force him into offending a particular audience or to make him look bad. Yet Jesus…

Hey There Delilah 

[158 words] I don’t know what Samson saw in Delilah, but whatever it was it was enough to destroy him. I don’t think we can hold women like this as a positive example expect maybe in one aspect: persistence. This woman was able to do what no man ever could: She brought down Samson. She…

The Mirror

[204 words] I don’t like mirrors. Mirrors make me look fat. They make it seem like my hairline is in full retreat. Mirrors make my face older, my hair thinner, my shape more rounded. I don’t know what is wrong with these mirrors. I know what you are thinking, you are going to say there…

A Bad Obsession

[217 words] In Psalms 37:1 we read, “Do not fret because of evildoers, Be not envious toward wrongdoers.” It’s a good warning because that is exactly what we do. Think about it. How many times do we see folks that are beside themselves about worldly shenanigans? They obsess about the evil they see to the…

Proper Punctuation

[208 words] I have always thought we need more punctuation marks. As it is, we really only have three ways to end a sentence. Even those are fairly new. The question mark came about in the middle ages when scholars would write the Latin “quaestio” at the end of a sentence to show that it…

Look At Your Ways, Now Look Back At Me

[271 words] Old Spice was having a tough time. It was getting crushed by its newest competitor Axe with its hip image that appealed to youth. Old Spice was…old. How could they regain their strength in the market? They were able to do it with a new quirky ad campaign that changed their image and…

What You Have To Wear To Be In Church

[237 words] I guess “what to wear” has always been an issue in the church. As our world goes through a casual dress phase, we see that reflected in church services as well. I oftentimes now see groups advertise their informal attire as an attribute. In times past, include the era of the New Testament,…

He is Always the Majority

[228 words] Abraham Lincoln understood that while he was in charge of a democracy, his office wasn’t one. Once at the end of a disagreement with his cabinet, he announced the vote, “Seven nays, one aye; the ayes have it.” He was the one aye and that was all that mattered. Some folks have got…

Eat This, Not That…Maybe

[217 words] Many of us are trying to “eat right”, but it can often be difficult to figure out what is really good for you. Products have all kinds of health claims on the label but how do you figure out which ones are really true? Well, that is why the FDA has a website…

If You Stand Firm

[287 words] Paul was worried about the brethren in Thessalonica. He barely had any time with them before circumstances have driven him from the city. Paul had wanted to return to them but Satan had kept that from happening. All he really wanted to know was ‘were they faithful”? Finally, when he receives the news…

Wrong Revenge

[336 words] In September of 1982, relatively healthy people around the Chicago area began dying unexpectedly. Soon it was discovered they all had been poisoned with cyanide ingested from Tylenol they had taken. Panic ensued.  Tylenol was taken off the shelves and police searched for any clues to who had done the tampering. Authorities asked…

It’s What You Do With It

[290 words] Walter Hunt was great at making things. He just wasn’t good at doing something with what he made. In 1834, he inventing the first sewing machine but never filed a patent on it. Someone else did and made a fortune. He didn’t make that mistake again with the first fountain pen and first…

The Worst Part Was the Political Implications

[256 words] Alfred Packer was a man made infamous by his peculiar crime; cannibalism. The fact Packer had murdered and eaten five hunting companions during a Colorado blizzard in 1873 was horrifying. Hardly anyone could think of a worse crime, well except for one person. The judge at the trial M. B. Gerry was quoted…

At What Price?

[271 words] Let’s say a man show up at your home, knocks on the door and says, “I saw your car in the drive, I always wanted one just like it, can I buy it from you?”, what do you do? Well, I guess it depends on how much you like your car. If it…

Coincidentally At Fault

[285 words] Robert Todd Lincoln was at the White House when he heard what had happened to his father at Ford Theater. He immediately rushed to be by his side and stayed there till his death. After the death of his father, he would go on to be a very successful lawyer and an important…

The Best You

[291 words] The Koreans have a term to describe a person who’s better at everything than you are, Umchina. If you translate it literally it’s “mom’s friend’s son.” Things are not that different here. Everyone can find that person who we always fall short of (If you can’t ask your Mom). The standard of others…