A Nation Without God

[249 words] George Washington, just after he took office, wrote, “Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly implore his protection and favor…” Abraham Lincoln once said, “It is the duty of nations, as well as…

His Glory Is Everywhere

[224 words] Those who followed God in the Old Testament often thought that God was contained within the walls of the Temple. However, the prophet Isaiah taught us otherwise. In chapter six of the book of Isaiah, the prophet tells us of a vision God gave him. In that vision, he saw God sitting on…
Black Bear

Surviving the Shock

[252 words] Last year, a Summersville, West Virginia, school principal got quite a surprise as he prepared to begin the new day. It was 7 a.m. and teachers and staff were getting ready for the students to arrive. The Zela Elementary School custodian had a problem. He couldn’t get the lid to unlock on the…

The Great Gift

[165 words] Everything we have, and everything we are is a gift of God’s grace (2 Peter 1:3-9). The fullest expression of grace is this: “We, who were once dead in trespasses and sin, but we have been made alive through faith in Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 2:5). Here is God’s grace in action. “And being…

Leaving Something Behind

[192 words] Before officials at the Golden Gate Bridge of San Francisco started using electronic tolling, drivers had to pay cash to cross the bridge. Sometimes, people found themselves at the toll booth without the money necessary to make the crossing. The drivers couldn’t turn around because of the intense traffic. So, the toll booth…

Guess Who’s Coming to Church Next Sunday!

[276 words] One of the most humbling passages in the whole Bible is this one: “I tell you, I will not drink from this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom” (Matthew 26:29). Jesus told this to His disciples as He…

No Fool like an Old Fool

[242 words] I’ve heard this phrase all my life – There’s no fool like an old fool. This usually refers to an older man who starts behaving like a child with no sense. Sometimes such fellows had more sense as a teenager than they exhibited in the later life. In the Bible, Solomon began life…

How We Honor Our Fathers

[201 words] My father passed away in 1996. My maternal grandfather left this earth in the 1960s. My dad’s dad died in the mid-1970s. Yet, I plan on honoring my “fathers” today in a special way. While we are worshipping and praising the Lord, I plan to thank the Lord for the influence my father…

Whose Battle Is It?

[160 words] In Joshua chapter 10, we read how God fought on Israel’s side to defeat their enemies (the Amorites). In verse 11, we find this verse: “As they fled before Israel on the road down from Beth Horon to Azekah, the Lord hurled large hailstones down on them, and more of them died from…

Honoring our Mothers

[218 words] This Sunday is “Mother’s Day.” It is a day when gratitude is expressed to our mothers. Mother’s Day in America began a century ago when Anna Jarvis wanted to honor her mother and the ladies in her church. Anna was so intent on calling on Americans to honor all mothers, she petitioned Congress…

A Time That Will Not Change

[180 words] I love Spring! But one thing I’ve never liked is Daylight Savings Time. It has been shown that the changing our bodies’ rhythms back and forth isn’t healthy. But our government still insists on doing it. For one thing, it is good for business, they say. Up north, the sun sets earlier and…

Forgiving Those Who Sin Against Us

[198 words] There are those who are going to hurt us. But as Christians we are not to hold grudges, for these become heavy weights to pull us down and away from God. In the “Lord’s Prayer,” Jesus taught us to ask God for forgiveness as we have forgiven those who sin against us” (Matthew…

What’s in a Name?

[236 words] There was a time when the meaning of names was thought to be important. My name, for example means “laurel-crowned” meaning “a champion or a noted warrior.” Or as someone observed, it means “the guy with weeds in his hair.” Not quite so flattering! A name is important and cannot be shed like…

Richer Than Rockefeller

[193 words] One time John D. Rockefeller was one of the richest men in the world. It is said that once he was being interviewed for a newspaper article, the reporter asked: “Mr. Rockefeller, what is the secret to becoming rich?” JDR responded, “There are three simple rules for anyone who wants to become rich:…

How to Have a Happy New Year

[166 words] What phrases are you tired of hearing? I asked this question once in a class and was surprised by the number of statements that came from the students. Among those mentioned was the simple wish: “Happy New Year!” I must confess that I love to hear the phrase because it reminds me of…

Pastor Who?

[498 words] Lately, I have been disturbed by the number of preachers and youth directors who have started to refer to themselves as “Pastor so-in-so.”  The latest one was a young man who had just graduated from a university associated with churches of Christ. He introduced himself to me as “Pastor Bull”* from XYZ* Church…

He Crowns the Humble with Salvation

[172 words] Winston Churchill was once asked, “Doesn’t it thrill you to know that every time you make a speech, the hall is packed to overflowing?” “It’s quite flattering,” replied Sir Winston. “But whenever I feel that way, I always remember that if instead of making a political speech I was being hanged, the crowd…

Holy Rest

[217 words] Under the old covenant, God commanded the Israelites to keep a Sabbath rest (Exodus 20:8-11). On the last day of each week, those who followed God were to take off from work any kind. They were to worship God with their Jewish brethren and they were to rest. In additional to taking one…

What Have You Got to Smile About?

[185 words] Smiling is a natural reaction to having a happy heart. I’m not talking about a smirk, leer or a sneer but a genuine, radiant, beaming smile. Actually, there is a lot about “smiling” in the Bible although the actual word isn’t used much in most English translations. For instance, Proverbs 15:13 in the…

Liquid Paper and the Good News

[241 words] With today’s computers, many young people have no idea what “Liquid Paper” was. The liquid could assist anyone using a typewriter. If you made a mistake typing a letter or report, you could simply stop, then paint out the mistake. After the liquid dried, you could type over the mistake and continue your…

Candidates for Dumbest Criminals

[159 words] Three years ago, Florida police pulled over a speeding car traveling over 90 mph on one of the state’s major intersections. As an officer approached the car, he noticed two zip-lock bags labeled “bag full of drugs.” A drug-sniffing dog alerted the police that illegal drugs were inside the automobile. This gave the…

Thoughts About Drought

[226 words] I hate times of drought. The grass is brown. Trees begin to wilt. Often, the excessive heat of summer is a constant companion. Our prayers always include the constant plea with God: “We need rain.” Thursday evening, parts of Abilene and the surrounding area got rain. It was good to feel a slightly…

Joy Springs from Your Relationship with God

[136 words] David wrote Psalm 16 as a prayer to God. In it, David asks for the Lord’s protection during a trying time. Also, David begs the Lord for His guidance. Then David made a commitment to follow God’s direction. Many call this a “messianic psalm” (a prophecy of some aspect of Jesus’ life). From…

Supper with the King

[208 words] I want you to imagine a scene with me, a scene of beauty and wonder and grace. The King of heaven and earth has prepared a feast in honor of His Son. The table has been prepared, the Son has taken His place at the head, and we are the ones who have…

On Independence Day Remember our King!

[164 words] When this country was born, one of the great slogans was, “We have no king but Jesus.” As the Bible says: “He is the King of kings and the Lord of Lords” (Revelation 19:16; 1 Timothy 6:15). Despite what history “revisionists” and so-called fact checkers spin, this country was founded by people who…

Signs of Spiritual Maturity 

[217 words] How can we tell a spiritual person from a worldly person? The Bible tells us in several places. In James 3, the terms used are “Godly wise” implying a contrast with foolish. “But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy…

Honoring Dad

[257 words] If you’re a father, today you might get another “interesting” tie or a wild t-shirt. Or your kids might do something for you to help you feel like something special. Soak it all in, because you deserve it and it’s good for your children to honor you.  But as you’re celebrating, don’t forget…

Regret for Our Past Decisions

[263 words] In the book of Genesis, we read the story of Lot, the nephew of Abraham. God commanded Abraham to take his family and move away from his home country to a new land. Abraham and his family and all their flocks made the migration to a land that was over-flowing with physical blessings.…

Honor Mom

[168 words] Today is “Mother’s Day.” It is a day when gratitude is expressed to our mothers. Mother’s Day in America began a century ago when Anna Jarvis wanted to honor her mother and the ladies in her church. Anna was so intent on calling on Americans to honor all mothers, she petitioned Congress and…

When Times Are Tough

[263 words] I once read a story about an affluent man who lost his job. This led to him losing his life savings. Then, he lost his house and car. Last of all, the wife, who promised to love him “for richer, for poorer … until death parted them,” divorced him and took up with…

Why Do Some People Take So Long?

[286 words] “In faith there is enough light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don’t.” — Blaise Pascal Physicist Pascal hit the nail on the head with this quote. Anyone who has taught and prayed for a loved one to obey the gospel – only to hear excuse after…

Finding It Hard to Accept

[212 words] A college student in a philosophy class was taking his first examination. On the paper there was a single line which simply said: “Is this a question? —Discuss.” After a short time he wrote: “If that is a question, then this is an answer.” The student received an “A” on the exam.  God…

Holy Rest

[192 words] We know that under the old covenant, God commanded the Jews to keep a Sabbath rest (Exodus 20:8-11). But did you know that God also commanded that the Jews take various weeks off, too? (Leviticus 23:4-8, 34). These “Sabbath weeks” are similar to our vacations. Today, God no longer requires Sabbath-keeping under the…

A Christian Needs a Super Bowl Discipline

[156 words] Today is Superbowl Sunday. As I thought about “The Big Game,” I remembered something that Coach Tom Landry once said. According to the former Dallas Cowboy, “The job of a football coach is to make men do what they don’t want to do, in order to achieve what they’ve always wanted to be.”…

Legalized Suicide Coming Soon?

[449 words] Among one of the great evils in our modern world is a Canadian invention called “MAID.” No, this isn’t a house-cleaning service. Disguised as a “charitable” way to help those who have permanent disabilities and illness, it is a method to murder yourself.  MAID is a physician-assisted suicide. Canadians have their choice. Doctors…

When a Family Member Acts Up

[271 words] When I was a young youth minister, a fellow with which I served had a young wife. It was disappointing to the congregation and devastating to the preacher when he returned home from a long day at work to discover that his wife had packed up nearly everything of value in the house,…

God Hears My Cry for Mercy

[232 words] “Praise be to the Lord, for he has heard my cry for mercy. The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him” (Psalms 28:6-7). In this psalm, David, inspired by the Holy Spirit,…

It’s Just How You Look at It

[224 words] When I look at a cluster of dandelions, I see a bunch of weeds that are going to take over my yard. Children see flowers for the elderly neighbor lady or little white balloons that float in the wind as you blow on them.  When I feel wind on my face, I brace…

The Lesson of the Gloves

[256 words] I once read a story about a young preacher. Hershel and his wife were two young adults who were new to the ministry and to the town where they served. As many young adults, they had more bills than money. But there was hope. You see, Hershel was asked to preach a wedding.…

Do You Believe the Bible?

[162 words] The late Batsell Barrett Baxter once told the story about the 19th century agnostic, Robert Ingersoll, who often displayed animosity toward the Christian faith. One noted denominational preacher wanted to debate Ingersoll, but the atheist refused every challenge. Then, one day, the two met by accident. The preacher said, “Mr. Ingersoll, some months…

Faith Despite Persecution

[186 words] Approximately 64 A.D., The Great Fire of Rome devastated the city. If you were alive during that time, it would have had the sort of shock value that we all experienced in our own national tragedy. Before then, Christianity was growing. However, it was thought of as “just another religion” in the mixing…

Mr. Lincoln’s Tears

[157 words] The story is told that near the end of his presidency, a woman came to the While House to present Abe Lincoln with a basketful of baked goodies—cakes, pies and breads. “Is there something you want, Madam?” the president asked. “No sir,” she replied, “I only wanted to tell you thank you for…

Teaching the Important Things 

[209 words] A mother-mouse was taking her two little mice-kids for a walk. Suddenly, a big ol’ cat jumped out of the bushes. However, the older mouse shouted “Bark!” At that, the cat ran away. Then, the mother-mouse told her youngsters, “See, children, that’s why it’s important to learn a foreign language.” Tongue-in-cheek example aside,…

God Asks, ‘Where is the Honor Due Me?’

[190 words] Using the language of his times, the prophet Malachi spoke words from the mind of God to His people. God asked this question, “‘A son honors his father, and a slave his master. If I am a father, where is the honor due me? If I am a master, where is the respect…

Tragedy in Uvalde, Texas

[256 words] Inevitably, when bad things happen to good people, folks ask “why?” and “where was God when the bad thing happened?” At the time of the writing of this article, we have had several tragedies in the Unites States. The one closest to home was the shooting in Uvalde, Texas, where nearly 20 people…

The Unopened Love Letters

[276 words] “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways,” is perhaps one of the best-known lines of poetry ever written. But do you know the story of the creator of those words? Elizabeth Barrett was a poet who lived many years with her parents. Her father was bizarre. He had forbidden all…

Memorial Day

[247 words] “Since the first shots fired in the Revolutionary War, Americans have answered the call to duty and given their lives in service to our Nation and its sacred founding ideals. As we pay tribute to the lives and legacies of these patriots on Memorial Day, we also remember that they sacrificed to create…

Tragedy in Uvalde, Texas

[256 words] Inevitably, when bad things happen to good people, folks ask “why?” and “where was God when the bad thing happened?” At the time of the writing of this article, we have had several tragedies in the Unites States. The one closest to home was the shooting in Uvalde, Texas, where nearly 20 people…

A Mother’s Love

[328 words] There was a widow who was trying to raise twin sons on her own. When the boys turned 18 and graduated from high school, they thought they could do whatever they wanted. So they stopped going to church and started going out at night to some very unsavory places. Their mother kept begging…

What to Do in Uncertain Times

[211 words] During an earthquake that occurred many years ago, the inhabitants of a small village were very alarmed…and at the same time surprised at the calmness and apparent joy of an old Christian lady, whom they all knew. At length one of them, addressing the elderly lady asked: “Aren’t you afraid?” “No,” she replied,…

Facing Our Own Monsters

[183 words] Did you know that Melville’s Moby Dick was loosely based on a true story? In 1819, the whaling ship, Essex, left port from Nantucket to sail to the Pacific Ocean via Cape Horn. The crew took several whales without incident. Then one day, a massive whale hit the ship head-on. The giant then…

A Deceptively Deadly Cave 

[185 words] In Southern Mexico is the Cueva de Villa Luz (cave). As you walk toward the cave, the trail takes your through a paradise of lush rain forest. The cave is fed by 20 or more underground springs. The cave itself is home to spectacular rock formations and beautiful ponds. The environment is interesting…

The Super Bowl’s Winning Desire

[165 words] This afternoon a game will be played. Large athletes will face off against each other in a football game known as the “Super Bowl.”  In the end, only one team will emerge victorious.  Do you know where the rest of the NFL is tonight? At home watching the game. What separates a Championship…

Friends with Jesus

[186 words] Proverbs 17:17 says: “A friend loves at all times and a brother is born for adversity.” True friends have a connection that goes beyond a couple of years. They are committed for life. Jesus highlighted the importance of friendship in John 15:15. He gathered his disciples together the night before he was going…

Living with Dragons

[244 words] One day, in England, a “gentleman of the road” (we’d call him a hobo) stopped by a restaurant named “St. George and the Dragon.” He knocked at the back door and asked if he might have some leftovers to eat. A very stern lady looked the fellow in the eye and said: “I’ll…

Don’t Forget to Light the Fire

[317 words] In one of Jack London’s short stories, he writes about a fellow who was a newcomer to the Alaska gold rush. As he outfits to go out to “stake his claim and strike it rich,” a seasoned veteran gives him some advice. “It’s winter, so whenever you pause from hiking, be sure to…

Where Did Thanksgiving Come from?

[189 words] The present-day American practice of Thanksgiving descended from the first Thanksgiving in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1621, 399 years ago. It is a unique holiday because it doesn’t commemorate a special event such as a battle or a birthday. It is simply a day set aside to tell God thanks for his many gifts.…

Lord, Send Someone Else

[426 words] In the book of Judges, we read about a time when the nation of Israel was overrun with Midianites. They would rob God’s people of their harvest and do even more evil things to God’s people. Israel prayed and begged God to send a leader who would run the enemies out of their…

When We Lose a Friend

[231 words] I once had an elder in another congregation tell me: “You know you are growing old when you walk into a café and see several widows and realize that they were married to men younger than you.” This article is not about aging, but it is about coping with the loss of a…

A Life Without Disease

[195 words] At the time of this writing, I just got the news that another relative of mine has left this life due to Covid-19. Wouldn’t it be great to wake up tomorrow and read this headline? “Covid-19 Now Cured!” But despite the great gains medical science has made, disease and death is still a…

Lessons from a Skunk

[146 words] Back when I was a teenager, I and my brother were helping my dad with his lake cabin. While I was unloading some plumbing supplies, Gary was pulling off some trim from the crawlspace. Suddenly, my brother let out a yell, and a distinctive smell filled the air. It was the smell of…

Criticism and the Beehive

[249 words] It is said that someone reported to Abraham Lincoln that Edwin Stanton, one of the President’s cabinet members, had referred to him as a fool. Mr. Lincoln replied, “Well, I must check into that, for I have found that he is usually correct in his judgments.”  This indicated President Lincoln’s great capacity to…

The God of the Impossible

[291 words] Amy Brockman worked as a ski instructor for the more prestigious ski areas in the world. This allowed her to train for the U.S. Olympic Ski Team while earning a living.  One day a beginning skier accidentally skied into Amy, knocking her into the path of the lift chair. The operator didn’t see…

When It Comes to Jesus, Never Assume

[196 words] It was about 8:30 when the rather fierce-looking father of the girl entered the parlor where the young man was courting her. The father had his watch in his hand. “Young man,” he said, “do you know what time it is?” “Y-y-yes sir,” stuttered the frightened lover, as he scrambled out into the…

Giving Thanks

[209 words] The Apostle Paul gave us an important charge. He said: “Always and for everything give thanks in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father” (Ephesians 5:20). This means going to God in prayer and thanking him for what He has given us. And doing this every day. The word…

What a Pitcher!

[187 words] Last November, Lindy McDaniel passed away. If you look him up in the online encyclopedia, Wikipedia, you will notice that he was well-known in baseball circles. His pitching career spanned 21 years (from 1955-1975). He was an amazing relief pitcher who “saved” many games.  Wikipedia makes one additional brief mention. It states: “He…

The Good Confession of Romans 10:9-10

[395 words] “If you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For man believes with his heart and so is justified, and he confesses with his lips and so is saved” (Romans 9:9-10). When Bobbie was 9 years…

Dad’s Wisdom

[199 words] How many of us heard our fathers make the statement: “If all your friends jumped off a cliff, would you?” Of course, we were being scolded for doing something dangerous or hurtful. That’s when we offered our excuse: “but everyone was doing it.” As soon as those words hit my father’s ears, he…

Scars Tell a Story

[372 words] A few years ago, on a hot summer day in Florida, a young boy decided to go for a swim in the small pond behind his house. It was hot outside so the thought of a cool swim called to the lad. The boy ran and dove into the water – not realizing…

Taking the Correct Trail

[156 words] “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death” (Proverbs 14:12). When hiking, it can be dangerous to follow the wrong trail. In fact, wandering off trail is the number one reason that adult hikers require rescue. This is what happened to Sue Clements, a…

The Arrogant Claim to Know More than God

[183 words] It’s hard for us to conceive of someone standing face-to-face with God and saying, “Lord, you don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m smarter than you.” And yet, in reality, people do that all the time, even many who claim to be Christians.  I once was studying the Bible with a man who…

Our Holy God

[139 words] “Exalt the LORD our God and worship at his footstool; he is holy” (Psalms 99:5). What does the word “holy” mean? It means to be set aside away from everything that is bad or wrong. Our God is perfect. He doesn’t commit sin. To say that God is holy means there is no…

Who is Your Twin?

[376 words] A young girl of 14 gave birth to twins in a small town in Ohio. Afterwards, she disappeared — never to heard from again. The twin babies were adopted by two families in separate towns in Ohio. Jim Springer and Jim Lewis grew up not knowing each other although they had heard that…

A Heart like Paul’s

[452 words] “I am telling the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience testifies with me in the Holy Spirit, that I have great sorrow and unceasing grief in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were accursed, separated from Christ for the sake of my brethren, my kinsmen according to…

Talk with Your Spouse

[206 words] Over the years, I have been approached by several couples who were having marital problems. Here are two people who have promised to honor and sacrifice for each other for the rest of their lives. And now, their marriage is on the rocks. Often, the major complaint that comes from the wife is,…

Creation of the Master Artist

[304 words] I came across this article in the book, Grandma Says by Chrissy Lynn. “As a child, I watched my grandmother create magnificent quilts out of scraps. She was from a different time – almost a different culture. The Great Depression taught her to use what she had and to not waste anything. Her…

Are We A Denomination?

[356 words] Q: Has the term “church of Christ” become a denomination in the minds of people? A: Obviously, yes. Many people outside the church call us “church of Christer’s.” They do not understand what we mean by the phrase “the church.” In some people’s minds, a Christian has to be either a member of…

When Hate Dominates Your Thinking

[188 words] This week, we witnessed first-hand what happens when negative emotions are allowed to dominate our thinking. We watched as folks – most of which had good intentions – stormed our capitol building in Washington, D.C. Property was damaged. Individuals were injured. People lost their lives. And now, their very cause has earned disrespect.…

Joseph’s Integrity Needed by All

[214 words] Marriage and fatherhood are not just quaint human traditions. They didn’t evolve out of ancient needs or convenience. The humanists and feminists all assume this and that is where they are very wrong. Fathers are important. Not just to physically produce children. But to raise them and produce a Godly home. Marriage and…

The Thanksgiving Attitude

[222 words] In 1623, Governor William Bradford issued the first proclamation of American Thanksgiving. In that decree, he directed the Pilgrim Fathers to gather and “render thanksgiving to ye Almighty God for all His blessings.” Since that time, there have been countless Thanksgiving proclamations by presidents and governors of our land. In the words of…

Forgiving Others

[224 words] Jesus told a parable about a king who forgave a servant who owed a very large sum of money. However, this same servant refused to forgive another a very small amount. In the story, when the king heard about the actions of this unmerciful servant, he was “white hot” with anger and punished…

What Is Edification?

[300 words] “Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification” (Romans 14:19). Edification is not a word we use in everyday life. We don’t hear or read about it in the news. It’s not usually found on any TV drama or comedy. However, the Bible urges us…

Annie’s Death

[323 words] Charles and his wife were devastated. Their little girl, Annie, had died. Charles blamed himself and his wife because they were first cousins. While such inbreeding can cause birth defects, this was not the cause of Annie’s death. She, most likely, died of tuberculosis (TB) caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In other words, Annie…

Lost in the Woods

[377 words] Everyone who has ever spent any time hiking or hunting in the forests of our land, knows of the possibility of getting lost. Some time ago, a teenager hunting in the Rocky Mountains with his father, discovered firsthand what it means to be lost. The young man did not see game in his…

Joy to the World Because the Lord Has Come

[220 words] What was it the angel said when he announced the birth of our Lord? “I bring you good news of great joy” (Luke 2:10). So why is it that so many Christians—including some preachers—live and worship as if they were baptized in jalapeno juice? Have we forgotten the words of the Apostle Paul?…

We Preach Christ

[256 words] Many years ago, at a congregation I previously served, some visitors attended our worship services. They had been brought by a couple of new Christians. They wanted to share their faith with their friends. We had an amazing service. The songs were joyous celebrations of our Lord. The prayers were deep and heartfelt.…

Good Medicine

[296 words] Do you want good medicine during this time when we are hearing negative things – especially about the coronavirus and its spread throughout the U.S.? Right now, many people are having trouble – not with the disease – but with the effect it is having on our nation. Jobs are being lost, retirement…

When God Leads A Nation, Mercy Triumphs

[229 words] “May the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you rule the peoples with equity and guide the nations of the earth” (Psalms 67:4). Today, many people throughout the world are seeking justice. Many more cry out for mercy. In the United States, right now, minority groups are asking for racial justice.…

Choose Your Friends Wisely

[248 words] Life is filled with choices. We chose what we do for a living, what we eat, where we live, etc. One of the most challenging is the choice of friends. Solomon the wise prophet told us: “The righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them astray” (Proverbs 12:26).…

His Eyes Are Upon You

[343 words] Recently, I read a story about an 11-year-old boy up north. He was eagerly looking forward to attending a friend’s birthday party. Days before the event, he and his mother had picked the perfect gift. They had carefully wrapped it. Friday night, all was ready for the occasion. But, Saturday morning, everyone awoke…

Let’s Read the Writing on the Wall

[303 words] In Daniel chapter 5, we read about how a man was stripped of his blessings. The man’s name was Belshazzar, one of the rulers of ancient Babylon. This fellow was rich and powerful. As is often the case with those born rich, he was arrogant and irreligious. One night, Belshazzar was partying and…

Quarantine is a Biblical Practice

[335 words] Peter’s first letter addressed the difficulties the church was facing in the first century A.D. Today, we are facing a pandemic unlike anyone has ever seen in our generation. To the faithful, the hardest thing is having to self-isolate away from our friends at the Lord’s church. We do this so we won’t…

‘Do Not Be Afraid, Little Flock’

[209 words] In Luke 12, we read how Jesus told his followers “do not worry.” He said, don’t worry about getting the necessities of life or even how long you will live. He then pointed to world of unbelievers and said: “they worry about these things.” But you should seek God’s kingdom and He’ll take…

God’s Promise

[284 words] Over the centuries, the enemies of God’s people have sought to harm the Lord’s family. Today, we are fighting a virus instead of soldiers. Our weapons are good sanitation and medical practices. But our greatest munition is our faith in God. Jesus Christ is the Great Physician (Luke 5:17-32). The most dreaded disease…

What the Bible Says About Lent

[249 words] “Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, lest he rebuke you and you be found a liar” (Proverbs 30:5-6). Do not add or subtract commands to the Bible! This teaching is found throughout the Old and New…

The Intelligence of the Intelligent

[194 words] There is an urban legend about a group of famous scientists who stopped for lunch at a small-town diner. Seated at the table were six of the greatest thinkers of our day. Their average IQ was in the 160s. They noticed that their salt and pepper shakers had been reversed. One with the…

A Walk Down Memory Lane

[303 words] Bill drove into his hometown for one more chore. His mother’s funeral had been a month earlier. His dad had passed away two years ago. Today, he had to sign final papers to sell his childhood home. He arrived in town a little early, so he decided to take one last look at…

The Ultimate Prize

[190 words] In late 1989, Steven Covey wrote, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. It quickly became a number one best seller. This book was the result of observing effective, successful people. In it, he noted that such people begin each day with the end in mind. In other words, they set important goals and…

A Time to Rejoice

[301 words] Overheard at the Mall: “I just dread the Christmas season.” When I heard these words, I felt sorry for the one speaking them. To me, this time of year lifts my heart because of three nostalgic reasons.  First, I remember how my parents (especially my mother) worked hard to make this season of…

What Should We Really Be Thankful For?

[171 words] The Apostle Paul encourages us with these words: “Everything you do or say, then, should be done in the name of the Lord Jesus, as you give thanks to Him through God the Father” (Colossians 3:17). As we examine this text, we see that prayer is a constant event in the life of…