You Tell on Yourself

[139 words] You tell on yourself by the friends you seek,By the very manner in which you speak,By the way you employ your leisure time,By the use you make of the dollar and dime. You tell on yourself by the things you wear,By the spirit in which your burden bear,By the kind of things that…

You Tell Me I Am Getting Old

[170 words] You tell me I am getting old;I tell you that’s not so!The “house” I live in is worn out,And that, of course, I know.It’s been in use a long, long while;The color’s changing on the roof;The windows are getting dim,The walls a bit transparentAnd looking rather thin.The foundation’s not so steadyAs once it…

What’s In A Nickname?

[193 words] Abraham Lincoln once served as a character witness, although it is doubtful he did much good. When asked about the word of a man named Peter Lukins, Lincoln responded honestly, “Well, he is called Lyin’ Pete Lukins.” In the Scriptures, we get some insight into the nature of some biblical characters by the…

Ready for Worship! 

[193 words] At worship, I am given the opportunity to… …revere my Maker. “God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be held in reverence by all those around Him.” (Psalm 89:7) …rejoice in my salvation. “And my soul shall be joyful in the LORD; It shall rejoice in…

Whose Battle Is It?

[160 words] In Joshua chapter 10, we read how God fought on Israel’s side to defeat their enemies (the Amorites). In verse 11, we find this verse: “As they fled before Israel on the road down from Beth Horon to Azekah, the Lord hurled large hailstones down on them, and more of them died from…

Thank God for the Aaron’s and the Hur’s of the Church!

[121 words] As Moses found out, the hands of a leader can get heavy (Exodus 17:8-13). Amalek had declared war on Israel and Israel was assured victory as long as Moses could hold up the staff of God, but the battle outlasted Moses’ arms and he was in need of help. Enter Aaron and Hur.…

More Than We Ask

[107 words] I asked for just a crumb of bread.Within His banquet-hall he spreadA bounteous feast on every side-My hungry soul was satisfied. I asked for just a ray of lightTo guide me through the gloomy night,And lo, there shone along my wayThe noon-tide glory of the day. I asked for just a little aid,As…

What is a Grandparent?

[164 words] These answers to that question were taken from papers written by a class of eight-year-olds. • Grandparents are a lady and a man who have no little children of their own. They like other people’s kids. • Grandparents don’t have to do anything except be there when we come to see them. They…

The Blind Girl

[150 words] There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She told her boyfriend, “If I could only see the world, I will marry you.” One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her. When the bandages…

A Time That Will Not Change

[180 words] I love Spring! But one thing I’ve never liked is Daylight Savings Time. It has been shown that the changing our bodies’ rhythms back and forth isn’t healthy. But our government still insists on doing it. For one thing, it is good for business, they say. Up north, the sun sets earlier and…

Confession vs. Hypocrisy

[133 words] After hearing a sermon on confession, a man approached his preacher with a heavy conscience. He explained that he worked for a boat builder and stole expensive brass nails. The man could not tell the boat builder, he said, “Because he would lose his job and his boss would think him a hypocrite…

No Time to Complain

[176 words] Never once did our Lord have a path free from trouble. When He went into the wilderness, He was tempted of the devil. When He tried to rest, the multitudes followed Him. When He taught in the synagogue, the hearers became angry and sought to throw him off the brow of the hill.…

He Gave Thanks

[121 words] Ten times in the gospels, Jesus is recorded as giving thanks mainly at the Lord’s Supper and some other meals. The Lord gave thanks before He fed 4,000 (Mark 8:6). He gave thanks to the Father for hearing Him (John 11:41). We also should give thanks when we eat (Rom. 14:6). Thankfulness is…

Big Bang Theory

[142 words] I have to come clean and confess that I believe in the Big Bang. Now wait! Don’t stop reading here. Let me explain. The Bible, itself, teaches a “Big Bang.” Read it for yourself: “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens…

Ask for the Old Paths

[114 words] Christianity is not some newfangled way gotten up in modern times by men more zealous than well-informed. The whole of Christianity is in the New Testament. Anything in religion which is not as old as the New Testament is no part of Christianity. The “Old Paths” for us are the ways traveled by…

No Worries

[173 words] I’ve no time to worry about what I’ve not.I’m too busy praising Him for what I’ve got…Like the sunshine around me; the honey bees;The shade of an oak tree; an afternoon breeze;The birds when they’re singing; the fish when they bite;The rest that’s so welcome when day turns to night. I’ve no time…

His Presence Came Like Sunrise

[126 words] I met God in the morning,When my day was at its best,?And His presence came like sunrise,Like a glory in my breast. All day long the presence lingered;All day long He stayed with me;And we sailed in perfect calmnessO’er a very troubled sea. Other ships were blown and battered,Other ships were sore distressed,But…

Forgiving Those Who Sin Against Us

[198 words] There are those who are going to hurt us. But as Christians we are not to hold grudges, for these become heavy weights to pull us down and away from God. In the “Lord’s Prayer,” Jesus taught us to ask God for forgiveness as we have forgiven those who sin against us” (Matthew…

Do Not Tell Your Kids About Abstinence?

[121 words] “Do not tell your kids about abstinence, because if you do they will be curious about it and will go out and have sex.” Ridiculous! We don’t use this irrational logic in reference to other things. For example, we don’t avoid warning our kids about murdering and stealing, thinking they will be curious…


[114 words] First, someone told it,Then the room could not hold it,So busy tongues rolled itTill they got it outside. Then the crowd came across it,They stretched it and tossed it,And never once lost it,Till it grew long and wide. This lie brought forth others,Evil sisters and brothers,And fathers and mothers,A terrible crew. As headlong…

According to You

[106 words] The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are read by more than a few. But the one most read and commented on is the Gospel according to you. You are writing a gospel, a chapter a day,By the things that you do and the words that you say. Men read what you…

Richer Than Rockefeller

[193 words] One time John D. Rockefeller was one of the richest men in the world. It is said that once he was being interviewed for a newspaper article, the reporter asked: “Mr. Rockefeller, what is the secret to becoming rich?” JDR responded, “There are three simple rules for anyone who wants to become rich:…

God’s Child

[121 words] She searches the crowd for him. Is he listening? Is he behaving himself? It was such a short time ago when she would complain, “I did not hear a word the preacher spoke,” but now her thoughts are distracted for another reason. Now her children are not beside her—they are “too big.” Her…

Take a Moment to Listen

[116 words] Take a moment to listen todayTo what your children are trying to say;Listen today, whatever you doOr they won’t be there to listen to you. Listen to their problems, listen for their needsPraise their smallest triumphs, praise their smartest deeds;Tolerate their chatter, amplify their laughter,Find out what’s the matter, find out what they’re…

How to Have a Happy New Year

[166 words] What phrases are you tired of hearing? I asked this question once in a class and was surprised by the number of statements that came from the students. Among those mentioned was the simple wish: “Happy New Year!” I must confess that I love to hear the phrase because it reminds me of…

The Disease of Discouragement

[196 words] dis·cour·age·ment dəˈskərəjm(ə)nt  a loss of confidence or enthusiasm; dispiritedness. an attempt to prevent something by showing disapproval or creating difficulties; deterrent. Where does discouragement come from? Let’s consider an interesting comment in the book of Ezra. The book of Ezra tells the story of the rebuilding of the temple. Though the act is brought…

Why We Need To Confess

[180 words] As John Dewey exclaimed, “A problem well-put is half solved.” For us to fix something we have to know what is wrong and what is causing the problem. Too many times we face an issue and are unable—or maybe better said unwilling—to examine ourselves to see what is wrong. That is what makes…

High Anxiety and Blessed Relief

[189 words] Christians are not completely immune to anxiety. However, as Holy Spirit-filled followers of the will of God, we do have access to a God who cares for us and who will help us cope with this human reality. Consider, for instance, some things that have been discovered about human anxiety. Objective studies indicate…

Have You Memorized God’s Number?

[178 words] Do you have a phone number you have memorized? Mine was my grandparent’s phone number, 363-3009. They have been dead for several years now. I have not used that number for a long time, but I still know their old number. Many people today do not memorize phone numbers much, we often store…

A Human Jesus

[144 words] The Gospel Accounts present a truly human Jesus, not a ghostly figure who only appeared to be flesh and blood. Jesus spoke of His own body (Mark 14:8), head (Luke 7:44–46), hands, feet, flesh, and bones (Luke 24:39), and blood (Matthew 26:28). He also displayed distinctly human feelings and qualities: He was moved…

Pulling on Both Oars

[157 words] An old Scotsman operated a small rowboat for transporting passengers. One day a passenger noticed that the old man had carved on one oar the word “Faith” and on the other oar the word “Works.” Curious, he asked the meaning. The old man replied, “I’ll show you.” He dropped the “faith” oar and…

Living It Day by Day

[161 words] She sat alone in an old people’s home,Lonely and old and gray;She wished that someone, just anyone,Would call on her that day.Did you? He lay for days on his hospital bed;The hours were long and hard.He wished someone, just anyone,Would send him a cheery card.Did you? He was far from home on foreign…

He Crowns the Humble with Salvation

[172 words] Winston Churchill was once asked, “Doesn’t it thrill you to know that every time you make a speech, the hall is packed to overflowing?” “It’s quite flattering,” replied Sir Winston. “But whenever I feel that way, I always remember that if instead of making a political speech I was being hanged, the crowd…

An Important Ratio

[181 words] The fact that God gave us two ears and two eyes and only one mouth should give us some indication on how he expects us to use them.  “This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger;” (James 1:19). John Maxwell once…

Authority and Power

[149 words] What’s the difference between an ineffective teacher and a school yard bully? The former has authority without power and the latter has power without authority. Our world is full of ineffective authorities and highly effective bullies. When Jesus went to Capernaum, He taught the people and they remarked that He spoke “with authority”…

An Exceptional Lesson

[144 words] It is widely believed and preached that to be saved all that is necessary is to “believe only” or “just receive Jesus as your personal Savior.” These expressions leave us with the erroneous impression that there is nothing for sinners to do to be saved. The Bible teaches differently; there is something you…

Earth’s Most Sacred Spot

[108 words] Some time ago I bought a fine little devotional book on the death of Christ. One of the chapters was on “Earth’s Most Sacred Spot.” The author was referring to Golgotha, “the place which is called Calvary.” Because our Savior suffered and died there, the author considered it the most sacred of all…

10 Reasons for Going to Hell

[129 words] 1. It requires no effort at all to get there.2. You can associate freely with bad company there.3. You won’t have the constant watchful eye of God over you.4. You won’t be expected to attend Bible Study or worship.5. You won’t have to give anything of yourself to God.6. Purity and goodness will…

What Does God Expect from Our Elders?

[145 words] The following acrostic describes many of the attributes and behaviors that God expects of elders. We can read more about what God expects of elders by reading Eph. 4:11-16, 1 Tim. 3, Titus 1, and 1 Peter 5. E – Encouraging members, enthusiastic about the Lord’s work. L – Leader, looking after one’s…

The Bible is God’s Unchanging Standard

[189 words] Man is not left to “do his own thing” religiously. He has the Bible, God’s unchanging standard upon which to build his life. Confusion comes when “Every man does that which was right in his own eyes” (Judges 17:6). When man becomes a law to himself and tries to direct his own affairs…