The B-I-B-L-E, Yes, That’s the Book for Me!

[440 words] The Bible is the most amazing document known to mankind. Consider that it is a compilation of 66 different books written by 40 different individuals over the course of 1,600 years, and yet it is perfect in harmony, history, accuracy, and advice. Notice what 2 Timothy 3:16-17 has to say about the Bible:…

The Bible, Short and Sweet

[292 words] The Bible is divided into two main parts. The Old Testament was God’s will primarily to the Jewish nation. Its requirements were binding until the covenant of Christ became effective (Colossians 2:14). The New Testament is God’s will through Christ to all men living today. The Old and the New Testament were written…

The Bible Still Reads

[251 words] You may have heard of the Reformation doctrinal stance of Martin Luther, which has now become a doctrine so imbedded in the minds of some, to say anything different is to be branded a heretic. It is said by man that one is justified by faith alone through grace alone. When I ask…

The Good Word

[385 words] We are to hear and obey the word of God! The Master said, “Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it” (Luke 11:28). We are often admonished from the pulpit and in Bible class to study and apply the Bible daily. This is good advice for the Bible is…

Finding True Power

[365 words] People sometimes look in the wrong place to find power. Sometimes, folks look for power in the teachings of human beings. We humans are sometimes amazing. But, when it comes to true power we suddenly find ourselves unable to do very much. The teachings of Confucius are great, but are not divinely inspired…

No Excuses

[227 words] On September 26, 2021, Elijah Saolo was about to win the Quad Cities Marathon in Illinois. As he sprinted down the final stretch, not only was he in the lead, he was on pace to set a record time!  But then, instead of turning right and following the designated path, he went straight…

The Bible Is Right!

[421 words] Willie Cato’s book, “His Hand and His Heart,” is about the wit and wisdom, dedication and sacrifice of the beloved Marshall Keeble. “Brother Keeble,” as he was affectionately known, was one of the greatest preachers of the 20th century. I highly recommend that you read about this great servant of God, listen to…

What Would You Take For It?

[363 words] When my dad bought me something or gave me something he knew I really wanted, after a period of time, he would grin and say, “What would you take for it?” Knowing I wouldn’t part with whatever gift he had bestowed upon me, he liked to test me and reassure himself he had…

The Word Of God Is…

[286 words] Powerful: “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes…

Everyone Needs a Sword!

[340 words] Growing up I often played with sticks, gift paper cardboard rolls, and basically anything that could have even resembled a sword. Thinking back, I realize that the image of a sword was something that I was exposed to in literature, TV, movies, and video games. Shows like Zorro, He-Man, Star Wars, Thunder Cats,…

Saved By The Book

[344 words] Rick Waggoner began driving his morning bus route just as he had for the last ten years. He was forced to pull over when his bus broke down. Three young men approached the bus and savagely proceeded to shoot Rick twice in the chest, once in the hip, and also stabbed him in…

I Don’t Care What the Bible Says

[472 words] I really do try to avoid watching the news on a regular basis. It seems to me more and more that each day is a repeat of the day before, and very little “good” news is reported. I also limit the “news” I see on social media, because it does very little in…

The Awesome Word

[309 words] We have reduced the church to a counseling center helping people cope! God made the church a salvation center teaching people how to live. We do not merely need therapy—we need the WORD! We don’t just need Bible scholars—we need Bible lovers! If you honor the Word, God will bless you! You must…


[210 words] We all need reminders. If not for our digital calendars and alarms, our post-it notes, and our spouses, most of us would be lost and would fail to meet most deadlines. The Lord let Peter know that he had a responsibility to remind his fellow Christians about what was truly important (2 Peter…

Thanksgiving Leftovers

[156 words] The Thanksgiving holiday is over and most of us are having leftovers until the food is gone. While we enjoy family and friends during such days, the significance of giving thanks to God every day is far more important than any earthly joy we receive from such a one-day event. “Behold what manner…

Bible Blindness

[283 words] Several videos have been published online depicting colorblind individuals seeing color for the first time, with the help of a pair of special glasses. Valspar Paint partnered with scientists and ophthalmologists from a company called Enchroma to make the seemingly impossible become a reality for the colorblind.  “Oh, look at that!” one man…

‘My’ Religion

[565 words] A famous country singer told how she got religion. When she was a child, her mother said the Holy Spirit told her that her daughter had a special gift. When she grew up and started singing, she said the gift had to come from God because she didn’t get it from her mother…

We Have the Manual

[232 words] “Then Manoah prayed to the Lord and said, ‘O Lord, please let the man of God whom you sent come again to us and teach us what we are to do with the child who will be born’” (Judges 13:8). I still remember the feeling when the hospital let us leave to take…

Did Bugs Bunny Corrupt the Scriptures?

[366 words] If I called you a Nimrod, how would you feel? If you are like most people you would probably feel insulted. The popular definition for a nimrod is an inept person, an oaf, a moron, an ignoramus. The original name Nimrod really meant to be a skillful mighty hunter. Its origin is found…

Emptying the Ocean

[361 words] When I was a young preacher student at International Bible College, now known as Heritage Christian University, I had the great privilege of sitting at the feet of a man by the name of Basil Overton. Brother Overton was in his mid-sixties and had been preaching since he was 14. He had a…

Seven Wonders of the Word

[272 words] Psalm 119:161 I am impressed with the following seven wonders of the Word. The wonder of its INSPIRATION! Not just part of it, not just the thoughts of it, but “all scripture is given by inspiration of God” (2 Tim. 3:16). To the very jot (tiniest letter) and tittle (tiniest projection which distinguishes…

Getting the Word Out About Eating Right

[182 words] What would happen if you consumed meals that consisted only of candy? While it might be very tasty, it would not be nutritious at all. And while you might make it fine for a while, eventually your body would fail you because it did not receive the sustenance needed for a healthy life.…

The Quran

[531 words] Last month marked thirteen years since radical adherents to the religion of Islam organized an attack against our country. It is hard to believe that it was that long ago. However, militants such as these continue to dominate the headlines. Groups like the Islamic State and Boko Haram seek to strike fear in…

Do We Have A Direct Line To The Divine?

[191 words] Hillary Clinton, in a recent interview about the evolution of her view on homosexual marriage with Terry Gross, host of NPR’s “Fresh Air,” said, “One of my big problems right now is that too many people believe they have a direct line to the divine and they never want to change their mind…

You Don’t Need the Book of Mormon to Know the Truth of God

[349 words] If asked why it took approximately 1,800 years after the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the book of Mormon to be revealed the Mormons will respond by say ing that the world was not ready for the truth. But is that true? Was the world living without the truth, the…

The World’s Most Important Book

[188 words] What was billed as the world’s most expensive new book went on display in 2008 at the New York Public Library. There are more expensive old books, but this is a new book produced by the Italian publisher Marilena Ferrari. Its cost: over $100,000! The book depicts the life and work of Michelangelo,…

Curiosity About the Bible

[431 words] Curiosity is an exciting aspect of life. Parents love to see their children explore and discover their world. Likewise, teachers enjoy seeing students come to class with curiosity and a hunger for learning. Curiosity about the Bible is expected and natural as well. Who can help but be moved to seek answers to…

The Beatles

[310 words] For a couple of weeks now, people have been celebrating the influence of the Beatles on the music industry. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the “British Invasion” that shook the foundation of the entertainment industry in our nation. Since the Beatles first appeared on the Ed Sullivan television program, their influence…

Find True Power

[364 words] People often look in the wrong place to find real power. Sometimes, folks look for power in the teachings of human beings. We humans are sometimes amazing. But, when it comes to true power we suddenly find ourselves unable to do very much. The teachings of Confucius are great, but are not divinely…

Read Kant

[310 words] My graduate philosophy instructor was a newly minted PhD, and he was an expert in Immanuel Kant. A well-informed, thoroughly devoted expert. His seminar on the German philosopher was, of course, excellent. His cardinal rule for our class was simple: Read Kant. Too many instructors present philosophy and philosophers through the writings of…

Hungry? Really?

[458 words] “The full soul loatheth an honeycomb; but to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet” (Prov. 27:7). When you are full you don’t want anything else to eat. Even a delicious dessert has no appeal. If you are really hungry, however, you will eat what you can even if it is something…

The Truth Shall Set You Free

[231 words] Have you ever heard of postmodernism? Many sociologists and philosophers speak of America today as a “postmodern” society. By that they mean we as a people have more or less rejected the concept that there is such a thing as absolute, objective, “capital-T “ Truth. There was a time when most Americans believed…

People Do Change

[404 words] People do change but they do not often change churches. They change from one make of automobile to another. They change their places of residence. Many change husbands or wives. Many change jobs. But there seems to be a kind of stigma against changing churches. People will readily change with churches–that is, if…

God’s Desire to Bless All Men

[316 words] Psalm 67 is a beautiful passage that summarizes several powerful promises concerning God’s relationship with man. The chapter reads as follows: “God be merciful to us and bless us. And cause His face to shine upon us. That Your way may be known on earth. Your salvation among all nations. Let the peoples…

Boring Christianity?

[503 words] I can remember one time when I was a boy, I made the mistake of stating to my mother that I was bored. The next thing I know I was doing chores, carrying firewood, cleaning, and anything else my mother could think of on our small three and half acre farm. I learned…

Why Do You Love the Bible?

[129 words] I was asked this question at one time. How would you answer it? Of course there are a variety of reasons to love the Word of God, but what would be on your list? Here are a few reasons that I love the Bible: 1. It teaches me how to be saved. 2.…

The Bible and the Television

[174 words] Oh, Lord, I like to read the Bible;Its teachings fill me with delight.But now I’m watching television;My favorite program’s on tonight! I read it for my own up-building;I need it to lead my steps aright.Tomorrow night I’ll read a chapter,But television’s good tonight! No other book is like the Bible,So free from sin’s…

Book of God 

  [214 words] The Bible is referred to in many different ways. We speak of it as God’s Word, the Good Book, the Holy Scriptures, and the Sword of the Spirit. It is also known as the Book of books and the Living Word. Some call it simply THE Book, for nothing else seems necessary.…

Where’s the Corpse? 

  [42 words] Bernard Ram wrote, “A thousand times over the centuries the death knell of the Bible has been sounded, the funeral procession formed, the flowers ordered, the inscription placed on the tombstone, and the eulogy written, but somehow the corpse never stays put.”… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and…

The Indestructible Word

  [197 words] Many have tried to destroy the Bible. In a.d. 303, the Roman emperor Diocletian issued an edict to destroy Christians and their Bibles. Over a burned Bible, he built a monument on which he wrote the words, “Extincto momene Christianorum” (the name Christian is extinguished). Twenty years later, Diocletian was dead and…