The Good Word

[385 words] We are to hear and obey the word of God! The Master said, “Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it” (Luke 11:28). We are often admonished from the pulpit and in Bible class to study and apply the Bible daily. This is good advice for the Bible is…

The Bible Is Right!

[421 words] Willie Cato’s book, “His Hand and His Heart,” is about the wit and wisdom, dedication and sacrifice of the beloved Marshall Keeble. “Brother Keeble,” as he was affectionately known, was one of the greatest preachers of the 20th century. I highly recommend that you read about this great servant of God, listen to…

What Would You Take For It?

[363 words] When my dad bought me something or gave me something he knew I really wanted, after a period of time, he would grin and say, “What would you take for it?” Knowing I wouldn’t part with whatever gift he had bestowed upon me, he liked to test me and reassure himself he had…

The Word Of God Is…

[286 words] Powerful: “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes…

Everyone Needs a Sword!

[340 words] Growing up I often played with sticks, gift paper cardboard rolls, and basically anything that could have even resembled a sword. Thinking back, I realize that the image of a sword was something that I was exposed to in literature, TV, movies, and video games. Shows like Zorro, He-Man, Star Wars, Thunder Cats,…

Saved By The Book

[344 words] Rick Waggoner began driving his morning bus route just as he had for the last ten years. He was forced to pull over when his bus broke down. Three young men approached the bus and savagely proceeded to shoot Rick twice in the chest, once in the hip, and also stabbed him in…

I Don’t Care What the Bible Says

[472 words] I really do try to avoid watching the news on a regular basis. It seems to me more and more that each day is a repeat of the day before, and very little “good” news is reported. I also limit the “news” I see on social media, because it does very little in…

The Awesome Word

[309 words] We have reduced the church to a counseling center helping people cope! God made the church a salvation center teaching people how to live. We do not merely need therapy—we need the WORD! We don’t just need Bible scholars—we need Bible lovers! If you honor the Word, God will bless you! You must…

A New Car! (Just Kidding)

[202 words] A few years ago some friends and I attended the Fort Worth Stock Show. There a local radio station was having a drawing to win a truck. A girl from our group decided to fill out as many entry forms as she could. Turns out it worked!  The next week she gets a…

Thanksgiving Leftovers

[156 words] The Thanksgiving holiday is over and most of us are having leftovers until the food is gone. While we enjoy family and friends during such days, the significance of giving thanks to God every day is far more important than any earthly joy we receive from such a one-day event. “Behold what manner…

Lessons for Life

[338 words] “Take firm hold of instruction, do not let go; Keep her, for she is your life” (Proverbs 4:13). I won’t forget that day on the mountain. It was our first time for snow skiing, so lessons were suggested. Not me, I had been on water skis many times. I could do this. We…

Hold The Mayo

[245 words] “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him” (Psalm 34:8). Have you ever noticed the clever slogans at fast food chains? The concept each restaurant seeks to portray is that the customer is in complete and total control. For example, Burger King invites customers…

Stirring Waters

[372 words] Many times in my life the calm waters have been stirred. Stirring waters are signs of change. When the water stirs the course of time may be altered. One might be called upon to make some remarkable changes in their life. There was once a man who could do nothing to change his…

Credibility from Mountaintops

[363 words] There are many people who look on those who are religious as naïve, that is, people with good intentions, but devoted people deluded by ideas not based in reality. Though this is hardly the case, it matters not; some just choose to think this because they desire to live in accordance with what…

‘My’ Religion

[565 words] A famous country singer told how she got religion. When she was a child, her mother said the Holy Spirit told her that her daughter had a special gift. When she grew up and started singing, she said the gift had to come from God because she didn’t get it from her mother…

Honest Heart, Open Bible

[161 words] It takes two things to go to heaven. Those two things are an honest heart, and an open Bible. The fog of religious confusion and division makes finding true Christianity difficult in our day. We did not want nor cause the denominational division of our day; we were just born into a world…

We Have the Manual

[232 words] “Then Manoah prayed to the Lord and said, ‘O Lord, please let the man of God whom you sent come again to us and teach us what we are to do with the child who will be born’” (Judges 13:8). I still remember the feeling when the hospital let us leave to take…

Emptying the Ocean

[361 words] When I was a young preacher student at International Bible College, now known as Heritage Christian University, I had the great privilege of sitting at the feet of a man by the name of Basil Overton. Brother Overton was in his mid-sixties and had been preaching since he was 14. He had a…

The Quran

[531 words] Last month marked thirteen years since radical adherents to the religion of Islam organized an attack against our country. It is hard to believe that it was that long ago. However, militants such as these continue to dominate the headlines. Groups like the Islamic State and Boko Haram seek to strike fear in…

Context Can Keep You From Drowning

[487 words] It is possible to twist the scriptures, particularly those portions which are harder to understand, to one’s own destruction (2 Peter 3:16). Satan misuses scripture to cloud the thinking of those he wishes to lead astray (Matthew 4:6), and he certainly has not gone out of business in the information age. We have…

Do We Have A Direct Line To The Divine?

[191 words] Hillary Clinton, in a recent interview about the evolution of her view on homosexual marriage with Terry Gross, host of NPR’s “Fresh Air,” said, “One of my big problems right now is that too many people believe they have a direct line to the divine and they never want to change their mind…

Destructive Weapons

[150 words] Bombs are destructive weapons of warfare. A hand grenade will not kill as many people as an atomic bomb but it is still deadly. Land mines are destructive even though they are hidden from view. Peter uses the word “destructive” when he describes false teachers (2 Peter 2:1). Peter is writing this to…

The World’s Most Important Book

[188 words] What was billed as the world’s most expensive new book went on display in 2008 at the New York Public Library. There are more expensive old books, but this is a new book produced by the Italian publisher Marilena Ferrari. Its cost: over $100,000! The book depicts the life and work of Michelangelo,…

Find True Power

[364 words] People often look in the wrong place to find real power. Sometimes, folks look for power in the teachings of human beings. We humans are sometimes amazing. But, when it comes to true power we suddenly find ourselves unable to do very much. The teachings of Confucius are great, but are not divinely…

Read Kant

[310 words] My graduate philosophy instructor was a newly minted PhD, and he was an expert in Immanuel Kant. A well-informed, thoroughly devoted expert. His seminar on the German philosopher was, of course, excellent. His cardinal rule for our class was simple: Read Kant. Too many instructors present philosophy and philosophers through the writings of…

Hungry? Really?

[458 words] “The full soul loatheth an honeycomb; but to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet” (Prov. 27:7). When you are full you don’t want anything else to eat. Even a delicious dessert has no appeal. If you are really hungry, however, you will eat what you can even if it is something…

How Gullible Are We?

[254 words] A freshman at Eagle Rock Junior High won first prize at the Greater Idaho Falls Science Fair, April 26, 1997. In his project he urged people to sign a petition demanding strict control or total elimination of the chemical “dihydrogen monoxide.” And for plenty of good reasons, since: 1. It can cause excessive…


[274 words] Solomon knew what he was talking about when he said, “Much study is a weariness of the flesh” (Ecclesiastes 12:12). One of the challenges of Bible study/reading is staying awake and alert while you read. Jesus gave some encouraging words that may help with that problem. At the conclusion of the parable of…

God’s Desire to Bless All Men

[316 words] Psalm 67 is a beautiful passage that summarizes several powerful promises concerning God’s relationship with man. The chapter reads as follows: “God be merciful to us and bless us. And cause His face to shine upon us. That Your way may be known on earth. Your salvation among all nations. Let the peoples…

Why Do You Love the Bible?

[129 words] I was asked this question at one time. How would you answer it? Of course there are a variety of reasons to love the Word of God, but what would be on your list? Here are a few reasons that I love the Bible: 1. It teaches me how to be saved. 2.…

Book of God 

  [214 words] The Bible is referred to in many different ways. We speak of it as God’s Word, the Good Book, the Holy Scriptures, and the Sword of the Spirit. It is also known as the Book of books and the Living Word. Some call it simply THE Book, for nothing else seems necessary.…

By the Root 

  [313 words] Growing season for most things in gardens and flower beds is winding down. That means less weed pulling! This preacher remembers a weed in Georgia that we nicknamed “Monster Weed” because it grew very quickly, developed thorns and had a root system that made it nearly impossible to pull up by the…

The Indestructible Word

  [197 words] Many have tried to destroy the Bible. In a.d. 303, the Roman emperor Diocletian issued an edict to destroy Christians and their Bibles. Over a burned Bible, he built a monument on which he wrote the words, “Extincto momene Christianorum” (the name Christian is extinguished). Twenty years later, Diocletian was dead and…

The Truth

  [281 words] When I was a young boy in school the teachers often gave us a “True/False” quiz. I loved that kind of test. I could rip right through them marking “T” or “F” with abandon and very little thought. I was usually disappointed in my grade because a good teacher knows how to…


[192 words] Do you ever get upset with potholes? You know, life is often referred to as a journey with potholes. We begin our journey at birth. But much of our early life is dictated by someone else. Babies do not have to worry about potholes, a wrong turn, or any bumps in the road.…

Leaving Your Bible?

  [507 words] My father and mother used to carry a Bible to church with them every Sunday. My brothers and sisters and I, when we were old enough to read, were given a Bible so we could do the same. We didn’t leave the house without our Bible because my father would surely tell…

Power of the Scriptures

  [66 words] The story has been told of a South Sea islander who proudly displayed the Bible to a G.I. during World War II. “We’ve outgrown that sort of thing,” the soldier said. The native smiled back and said, “It’s a good thing we haven’t. If it were not for this Book, you’d have…

How to Remember How Many Books Are in the Bible

  [40 words] How many letters in the word “Old?” — 3 How many letters in the word “Testament?” — 9 There are 39 books in the Old Testament. Multiply 3 x 9 and you get 27. There are 27 books in the New Testament. via Findlay church of Christ Sparta, TN… We are sorry,…

Doing it Right

[374 words] From the book of Exodus comes a great example of doing things right. In chapters 25-29, God gives Moses instructions concerning how the tabernacle is to be built. Many specific directions are given, and God emphasized the importance of following them exactly: “According to all that I show you, that is, the pattern…

Perils to the Soul

[322 words] Have you noticed the growing fascination that some have with other people’s perils? They pay good money to watch stunt drivers jump a string of cars, or a tightrope walker make his way across a tiny rope 200 feet above the pavement. We marvel when someone unnecessarily puts himself at risk. The greatest…

A Shortage of Ninjas

  [188 words] Apparently Japan is running out of ninjas. In the small city of Iga, the birthplace of the ancient ninja warriors, officials cannot find enough martial artists to perform for tourists, even though the job can pay up to $85,000 per year. Part of the problem is that the city’s young people are…

The Power of God’s Word

  [449 words] “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Heb. 4:12). “Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the…

They Just Won’t Listen

  [388 words] “Then He said to me: ‘Son of man, go to the house of Israel and speak with My words to them. For you are not sent to a people of unfamiliar speech and of hard language, but to the house of Israel, not to many people of unfamiliar speech and of hard…

Rare Bible Found in Trash

[184 words] In 2006, electrician Michael Hoskins discovered a rare, 188-year-old, King James Bible. He told his hometown newspaper, that he went to drop off his household trash, and there it was. He also related that “There were three or four boxes of books leaning up against the concrete wall behind the dump site. I…

Cleaning from the Inside Out

[512 words] The story is told of an old man who lived on a farm in the mountains of eastern Kentucky with his young grandson. Each morning, Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table reading from his old, worn out Bible. His grandson who wanted to be just like him tried to imitate…

Read the Manual!

[490 words] When was the last time you bought something (anything) new? Like most of us, you probably pulled out the new product, proceeded to put it together or plug it in to use based on your previous experience with the product, only to discover that you have that one bolt extra that should probably…

Biblical Meditation: The Cure for What Ails You

  [392 words] “Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and…

A Toothbrush and the Bible

  [302 words] What do a toothbrush, a scrub brush, and a toilet brush have in common? Each one of these items is a brushing tool that does a particular job. They are all used to clean. Even my two year old knows that a toothbrush is used to clean teeth, a scrub brush is…

Psalm 119:97-99

  [141 words] “Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day. You, through Your commandments, make me wiser than my enemies; for they are ever with me. I have more understanding than all my teachers, for Your testimonies are my meditation.” When the law of God is loved, it will…

Important Facts About the Bible

  [258 words] Following are four important facts about the Bible that we should all know. The Bible is the ONLY Book that came to us from the mind of God. All other books were produced merely by human beings. The Bible comes from God’s mind and was revealed through human agents (apostles and prophets)…

You Scrumptious Beast

  [183 words] There are so many ways we can find ourselves vulnerable to Satan’s schemes. He is like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. And he does not starve. There is always someone. There are always Christians who are having the off-days–and Satan knows how to make a bad day much worse.…

The Most Important One

  [95 words] It is said when the famous missionary, Dr. David Livingstone, started his trek across Africa, he had 73 books in three packs weighing 180 pounds. After the party had gone 300 miles, Livingstone was obliged to throw away some of the books because of the fatigue of those carrying the baggage. As…

Psalm 119:1

  [142 words] “How blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the LORD.” Some folks have been known to lament that there is little enjoyment in a life lived under the restrictions of biblical morality and teaching. The most enjoyable life, we’re told, is in a life without moral…

Psalm 119:18

  [74 words] Psalm 119:18 contains this petition: “Open my eyes, that I may behold wonderful things from Your law.” For some of us, reading the Bible has become dull, and consequently, unproductive. There may be any number of reasons why that tragedy has occurred. One may be that we have not saturated our Bible…

Psalm 119:30

  [79 words] “I have chosen the faithful way; I have placed Your ordinances before me.” Life is a series of choices. One will not be faithful to God simply because his parents were, or because he wishes to be, or because he sits in a church building a few times a week. One can…

Satan’s Lie

[276 words] Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but…

Lack of Knowledge

[250 words] Benjamin Franklin once said “Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn.” There is no question that God places a high value on knowledge and particularly knowledge of His word. Hosea recorded the words of God when He wrote “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.…

What is the Bible?

[358 words] The Bible is first and foremost the inspired, inerrant word of God. It is the message delivered from Heaven through the spirit-breathed words of inspired men. It is historically, scientifically, and geographically as perfect as its original author. It contains no errors or contradictions as it has been protected by the very hand…

God Supplies the Raw Materials!

[81 words] A woman went into the grocery store to complain to the manager. “Something’s wrong with this flour you sold me,” she said. “It’s too tough. This morning I made biscuits with it and my husband could hardly eat them!” Sometimes folks get into this sort of position with God’s word. He has provided…

God Wants to Tell You Something

[284 words] Saul arrived in the prophet’s city hoping to get information from Samuel. What he got was something he did not expect. Saul’s father had sent him to find some missing donkeys. The future king of Israel and his servant looked but could not find the animals. Saul’s servant thought they should go to…

Do You Believe the Bible is True?

[210 words] “Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth” (John 17:17). Jesus, the Word made flesh Himself, claims in His Word, that the Word of God is truth. Well, many worldly skeptics would argue that just because the Bible claims to be truth doesn’t make it so (even though they would accept that…

Is Your Bible ‘Red’?

[172 words] A preacher once observed in a sermon that every Christian should own a “red” Bible. At least that was what people heard He actually said, “Every Christian should own a ‘read’ Bible.” Regardless of the color, it should be well-worn by the constant study of its owner. It is amazing how little people…


[386 words] Receptivity is the desire to hear and the willingness to accept God’s Word! The Master exhorted, “Therefore take heed how you hear” (Luke 8:18). This admonition concluded His teaching about the different soils (hearts) on which the seed (God’s Word) falls. Some hearts are hard. Some hearts are shallow. Some hearts are distracted.…

My Need, His Supply

[424 words] “The law of the LORD is perfect, restoring the soul; the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple. The precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes. The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever; the judgments of…

A People Eager to Do Good

[309 words] We are God’s people, His holy people, the church of God, the pillar and foundation of the truth (1 Tim. 3:15). We want to do what pleases Him; it is our new nature (2 Cor. 5:17) and our identity as His children (1 John 3:22). However, we do fail, we sin! If we…

What Time is It?

[215 words] Ever been in a group of people and ask what time is it? How many answers did you get? You perhaps got as many answers as there were people with watches. Yet there is a place in Denver where time is correct to a split second. It is never wrong and many watches…

‘But They Did Not Ask Counsel of the Lord’

Soon after Israel’s victories over Jericho and Ai, several of Canaan’s southern city-states formed an alliance and immediately set out to fight against God’s people (cf. Gen. 9:1ff). The fearful Gibeonites, however, had a different strategy. They chose to deceive Israel into thinking they were somebody that they were not (non-Canaanite inhabitants) with hopes of…

‘The Bible Means Exactly What It Says,’ Sort Of

  [243 words] You might hear the above phrase from time to time, and it is a fair phrase. But we must be cautious; sometimes, the Bible doesn’t mean exactly what it says. Sometimes, God says one thing, but means something else. For example, Jesus said, “If thy hand offend thee [causes you to sin,…

The Source Matters

How much would you pay for a baseball? Not a baseball made of gold—one made of leather with red stitching just like any other baseball. You can get a whole bag of baseballs from a place like Wal-Mart for about $20. So what is the maximum you would pay for a baseball? What if I…

Biblically Correct

We hear much on the TV about being “Politically Correct.” It has some precepts which are correct. It tries to encourage or insist on citizens using certain words and phrases which are kinder, and less inflammatory, which is good! But without God it is merely man’s opinion. However, we Christians are endeavoring to be “Biblically…

Is the Bible Corrupt?

The Quran, upheld by those in Islam, says that the Bible has been corrupted. Bart Ehrman, a well-respected atheist, wrote in Misquoring Jesus, the Bible has “been altered over the years at the hands of scribes, who were not only conserving scripture but also changing it.” The word of God claims it is not corrupted,…

The Word of God

The empire of Caesar is gone; the legions of Rome are decaying in the dust; the avalanches that Napoleon hurled upon Europe have melted away; the pride of the Pharaohs is fallen; the pyramids they raised to be their tombs are sinking in the desert sands; Tyre is a rock for bleaching fishermen’s nets; Sidon…

Faith Comes by Hearing

“So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ” (Romans 10:17). Pertaining to personal salvation, there is no subject more necessary than faith. In Hebrews 11:6 it is written, “And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He…


In one of the many Biblical dictionaries it states, “God has entrusted humankind both individually and collectively with responsibility.” Jesus told several parables with responsibility or accountability at the center. One example is the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 19:11-27). Two of the servants were responsible with the money—invested it and returned it…

Map, Compass, and Blueprint

A traveler was packing his suitcase in preparation for a long journey. He said to his friend, “In this small corner of my suitcase, I am going to put a lamp, a mirror, a telescope, a sharp sword and a small library.” His friend inquired, “How are you going to manage that?” “Easily enough,” came…

The Pattern of Sound Words

Man has ever sought to be free of divine restraint. In the early days of the church, a philosophy known as “antinomianism” was prevalent. It was the ideology that argued: “We are not under law.” The concept is not dead even today. There are some, even in the church of the Lord, who allege that…

The Divine Word Versus a Deceived World

The Bible teaches that men can be deceived by Satan (Revelation 12:9,10). Deception in vital matters pertaining to the soul means damnation. The religious world is deceived if it believes that God approves of religious division (denominationalism). The Divine Word teaches such division is sinful (1 Corinthians 1:10-13; John 17:20,21; Ephesians 4:1-4). The world is…

Thoughts Not to Entertain

If Paul had thought like some today, he would have written to the Ephesians like this: “Paul the apostle to the saints at Ephesus. Brethren, I rejoiced when I went into the theater in your city to behold the shows. The play of Aristophanes was a magnificent story of a man who overcame poverty and…

Who Will Guide You?

Think about a boat on the river with no one in it just going with the waves; side to side, bank to bank, and not knowing where it will end up. It could end up stuck next to the bank with branches all around it and not able to move. It could end up at…

A Solid Foundation

[237 words] Earthquakes capture the interest of the world. The tragedy is indescribable. Homes, office buildings, and highways were built and people were assured they were safe. Yet the buildings and roadways have proven to be extremely unsafe. Great damage was done and lives were lost as a result. Almost 2,000 years ago Jesus said…

There’s No Comparison!

[123 words] Man-made Religion Says: “One way is as good as another.” The New Testament Says: “There is only one way.” (John 14:6) Man-made Religion Says: “One faith is as good as another.” The New Testament Says: “There is only one faith.” (Eph. 4:5) Man-made Religion Says: “One church is as good as another.” The…

What Do We See?

[278 words] There are so many different doctrines on how to get to heaven, it makes one wonder what people actually see when they read the Bible. …What do you see when you read Peter’s answer to those on the Day of Pentecost who asked what to do to be saved, and he told them…

Watch for Briars

[389 words] “And that which fell among thorns are they, which, when they have heard, go forth, and are choked with cares and riches and pleasures of this life, and bring no fruit to perfection” (Luke 8:14). The world has always offered man pleasure. It has always suffocated spirituality because men love darkness rather than…

When God Is Silent

[488 words] Those reading this article will likely agree that we should do what God says in his word. When God has given a commandment, those who love God will obey (I John 5:3). But how should we interpret God’s silence? In cases in which God has given no instruction, do we have the authority…

A Mirror For The Soul

[412 words] A mirror is probably one of the most honest things there is. It doesn’t lie. Every time one looks into a mirror there is an accurate reflection of exactly what we are. About the only way to make a mirror lie is to distort it. Even then, the reflection is not flattering. James…

Doers of the Word

It isn‘t popular to quote the Bible. It is even less popular to believe the Bible is God’s Word. Many who proclaim to be “Christians“ do not believe the Bible! Does that remind you of the Jews in the first century? They ridiculed Jesus when He claimed to be the Son of God. They accused…

Proclaiming Truth

“The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call” Acts 2:39. Just as Paul needed the courage to stand on the pagan Mars Hill and proclaim Christ, we need to stand as a rock in the sea of postmodernism, denominations, and…

Religious Myths

There are many so-called “myths” out in the religious world. Many people believe things that have been created by man, but no evidence can be found of this “myth” within scripture. Millions of people are going to be disappointed when it comes to the day of judgment and they have placed so much faith in…

A Mirror For The Soul

[412 words] A mirror is probably one of the most honest things there is. It doesn’t lie. Every time one looks into a mirror there is an accurate reflection of exactly what we are. About the only way to make a mirror lie is to distort it. Even then, the reflection is not flattering. James…

Watered-Down Juice

[184 words] A recent issue of Consumer Reports had a small article about a recent trend in orange juice marketing. It seems that the major orange juice companies are attempting to keep up with the latest “lower carbs” and “fewer calories” fads, so they are manufacturing orange juice with “half the sugar and calories.” So…

Have You Not Read?

[177 words] This was a statement that Jesus made over and over again to those who would question Him. This was nearly always the case when dealing with those who should have known what the Law taught. The priest and the Pharisees who were supposed masters of the law often were put to shame due…

A Thief With Standards

[397 words] In 1992, Dennis Lee Curtis was arrested for armed robbery in Rapid City, South Dakota. In his wallet, police found a list of rules Curtis had written for himself—guidelines for his robberies. For example, he wrote: • “I will not kill anyone unless I have to.” • “I will take cash and food…

The Power of God’s Word

  [383 words] How often have you been sitting in a worship assembly and listening to the sermon when suddenly a point that is being made from the Bible makes you wonder, “How did he know?” Something was said that really hit home. You are struggling with a temptation, a difficulty, or a Bible question…

Why The Ship Is Sinking

[257 words] In 1628 the Swedish warship Vasa was set to take its maiden voyage. The ship was built upon completion was one of the most powerfully armed vessels in the world. However the maiden voyage didn’t go that well. Less than a mile offshore the ship encountered what was described as a slight breeze…

15 Reasons to Read the Bible Daily

[138 words] 1. To be rid of anxiety and have peace (Psalm 119:165). 2. To set things right when life is out of control (Psalm 19:7-8). 3. To have direction and know God’s will (Psalm 119:105). 4. To experience healing and deliverance (Psalm 107:20). 5. To grow in the Lord (1 Peter 2:2). 6. To…

Reading Bibles Only on the Edges

[195 words] Bible reading, though discouraged by some, is a wonderful privilege as well as an essential for Christian living (Acts 17:11). Being greater than any product of purely human genius, the Bible cannot but be a benefit to man. In studying the Scriptures man receives lasting blessings: 1. Strength. Who doesn’t need greater strength…

Do You Restore God’s Word?

[232 words] “Go and inquire of the Lord for me and for the remnant … about what is written in this book that has been found. Great is the Lord’s anger that is poured out on us because our fathers have not kept the word of the Lord; they have not acted in accordance with…

Only By God’s Word?

[216 words] “In everything he walked in the ways of his father Asa and did not stray from them; he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. The high places, however, were not removed, and the people continued to offer sacrifices and burn incense there” (1 Kings 22:43). Jehoshaphat did what was…

Reading the Bible

[431 words] The story is told of an old man who lived on a farm in the mountains of eastern Kentucky with his young grandson. Each morning, Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table reading from his old worn-out Bible. His grandson who wanted to be just like him tried to imitate him…

Into Texting?

[602 words] The word “text” has taken on a different meaning in this generation. In light of our familiarity with texting, we should be able to relate to a few lessons about the most important text message that has ever been sent. Context. A text of Scripture must be understood in its context. The verses…