‘I Am’ Able to Help You

[316 words] Each of the “I am” statements of Jesus in the book of John displays an important aspect of how He can meet our true needs. When Jesus said, “I am the bread of life” (John 6:35), He stated that He can sustain our souls forevermore. He is that which nourishes and satisfies. When…

The Mediation Of Christ

[519 words] The Master said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6). Jesus Christ is our Savior, our Mediator, our High Priest, and our Advocate. Jesus Christ is our SAVIOR. The angel directed Joseph to “call His name Jesus, for He will…

Who Is Jesus?

[474 words] Divine names are extremely significant and packed full of meaning Men like Abraham, Jacob, Moses and David received a progressive revelation of the character of God by means of those names. B.F. Westcott once wrote, “Each name authoritatively given to God is, so to speak, a fresh and lasting revelation of his nature.…

Better Things

[202 words] Hebrews is the book of “better things.” We find that phrase introduced in Hebrews 6:9, and throughout the rest of the book, the author reveals what those better things are: · Better hope (7:19)  · Better covenant (7:22; 8:6)  · Better promises (8:6)  · Better sacrifices (9:23)  · Better possession (10:34)  · Better…

A Root in the Dry Ground

[306 words] Yesterday, I ate my first apricot off of our tree. My wife and I have an apricot tree on the side of our house. The previous owners planted it, but we’ve tried to nurture it. Despite the windstorms and a tornado, we still have a nice crop of the fruit (which I love).…

The Uniqueness of Jesus

[543 words] Jesus Christ is the most unique individual who ever lived. Some have attempted to compare him to other religious leaders like Buddha, Confucius, and Mohammed, but when the evidence is considered Jesus stands head and shoulders above everyone else who has ever lived. Reflect on some truths that show the uniqueness of Jesus.…

God Knows Our True Needs!

[338 words] Science says that we need 4 basic things in order for us to survive: 1) Water, 2) Air, 3) Food, 4) Light. Jesus has the perfect water. “Jesus answered her, ‘If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked Him and…

The Words of Jesus

[63 words] “No man ever spoke like this man!” (John 7:46). The words of Jesus are: – Gracious words (Luke 4:22)- Powerful words (Luke 4:32)- Astonishing words (Mark 1:22)- Authoritative words (Mark 1:22)- Living words (John 6:63)- Judging words (John 12:48)- Cleansing words (John 15:3) What do the words of Jesus mean to you? Have…

Can You Name Just One

[185 words] Can you name just one fault of Jesus of Galilee? Can you name a person He mistreated? Can you name a soul to whom He was unjust? Can you name one teaching of Jesus that is immoral? Can you name one practice of His life that was out of balance with His teachings?…

Getting the Word Out About Eating Right

[182 words] What would happen if you consumed meals that consisted only of candy? While it might be very tasty, it would not be nutritious at all. And while you might make it fine for a while, eventually your body would fail you because it did not receive the sustenance needed for a healthy life.…

Christ Stands Alone

[286 words] There had been other great teachers before Jesus. There had even been miracle workers before Jesus. However, even with all the powerful prophets who had come before Him, none of the other’s teachings were understood as inaugurating God’s long-awaited and promised kingdom. A new age dawned with the coming and teaching ofJesus. The…

You’re in the Wrong Church

[168 words] If you identify your congregation by a person (pastor or leader) other than Christ, either you’re not in the right church or you’re not the right kind of Christian. Christ does not brook the exaltation of man. The church belongs to him. No person has the right to be known for the work…

Jesus is THE Prophet of God

[208 words] Moses told the people of God that a prophet was coming – a prophet whose words would carry with them a weight that would be remembered by God for all eternity (Deuteronomy 18:15-19; John 12:48). This coming prophet would continue to be the cornerstone, central focus and continuing hope for the people of…

There Was a Man…

[405 words] There was a manWho walked this landAnd passed through Galilee.He crossed the fields,Plucked corn for mealsAnd walked upon the sea. Despised of men,Yet without sin,He taught them truth and love.With smiling faceHe told of graceWhich came from God above. Three years He taughtTo turn from naughtTo riches in the sky,To turn from sinAnd…

The Beatles

[310 words] For a couple of weeks now, people have been celebrating the influence of the Beatles on the music industry. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the “British Invasion” that shook the foundation of the entertainment industry in our nation. Since the Beatles first appeared on the Ed Sullivan television program, their influence…

Ten Minutes With Jesus

[327 words] If the Lord Jesus Christ gave you ten minutes with him, what would you ask? There are some who wouldn’t want to speak to the Lord for two minutes, or even one minute because they don’t believe in him. They think he may have been a good teacher, but certainly he wasn’t the…

What is Your Response?

[393 words] What characterizes your response to Jesus? All of us will respond to him in one way or another. Will our response indicate our rejection of his word, or will it indicate our desire to trust and obey him? Several different responses are seen in Luke 13:11-17. In what was one of the last…

More Beautiful Than We Imagined

  [152 words] “Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is” (1 John 3:2). A young man who had been blind since he was…

Characteristics of Jesus’ Ministry

  [299 words] There has never been a greater example on this earth of what we ought to strive for than Jesus the Christ. He has done all things well (Mark 7:37), and Christians desire to be conformed to His image (Romans 8:29). So as we seek to minister to the world around us, what…

Looking in the Wrong Place for Jesus

  [331 words] Periodically, we read or hear of “sightings” that unbelievers have a field day with. I refer to “Jesus sightings,” people are claiming in such things as clouds, Cheetos, dental X-rays, cooking utensils, windows, walls, and trees. Wikipedia even has an entry for it (“Perceptions of religious imagery in natural phenomena”). People vehemently…

I AM the Answer

  [201 words] Who is going to stand with me when my life falls apart? I AM. Who is going to make sure that one day good will prevail over evil? I AM. Who is going to help me when I need it? I AM. Who is smart enough to figure everything out in my…

The Inspiring Jesus

  [119 words] Socrates taught for 40 years, Plato for 50, Aristotle for 40, and Jesus for only 3-1/2 years. Yet the influence of Christ’s ministry infinitely transcends the impact left by the combined 130 years of teaching from these great philosophers. Jesus painted no pictures; yet some of the finest of Raphael, Michelangelo, and…

Cleansing Through Blood

  [231 words] And from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and ruler over the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood” (Rev. 1:5, NKJV). Blood is typically something we wash off, not something we wash with. As an…

Do You Love Jesus?

  [140 words] Love is essential for one to be a Christian. So if we are to be a “good” (faithful) Christian then we must love Jesus. Jesus said that loving God with all our hearts is more important than any other commandment (Matthew 22:37-38). Yes, it’s even more important than faith (1 Cor. 13:13).…

Tell the Story of True Suffering

  [319 words] A sports news network reported an NFL’s investigation showed an offensive lineman for one of the teams was harassed by one of his teammates last year. An investigation ordered by the league said it found evidence that a player had been the subject of racial slurs and bullying during his time with…

The Greatest Gift of All

  [245 words] A long time ago in Persia, a benevolent ruler named Shah Abbis reigned. To get to know his people better, he wore disguises to mingle among them. One day, he went as a poor man to the public baths, and sat by the fireman tending the furnace. At mealtime, he shared his…

Behold, the Lamb of God

  [320 words] Sin has a way of demanding our attention. Whether it is a sin someone has committed against us or our falling prey to our own evil desires (James 1:14), sin has a way of becoming our focus. All sin is against God and carries with it the spiritual death sentence demanded by…

If You Had Died for the Sins of the World How would You Feel?

[152 words] When men took your name in vain? When men damaged their bodies dabbling in sin instead of glorifying you as their savior in their bodies? When men fussed and got angry among themselves in the church which you had established and thus brought reproach upon you? When men chose to go somewhere else…

Who Do You Understand Jesus to Be?

[214 words] “Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant and sat down. The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him, and he began by saying to them, ‘Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing” (Luke 4:20-21). For centuries, God’s chosen people had been expecting a Savior,…

True Food

[157 words] I’ve been told that there’s a health-food restaurant in the northeast with a billboard that says. “Eat here and live a long life!” Not wanting to be outdone, the barbecue place next door put up a sign that reads: “Eat here and die happy! Food is essential to each of us, without it…

Jesus’ Deity

[163 words] Many books have been written by men concerning the deity of Jesus but there is no need to read any of them. Just read the Bible and you will be convinced that Jesus is God. Here is a simple verse that sets forth the deity of Jesus: “‘Behold! The virgin will conceive in…

The Seven S’s of the Savior

[164 words] Jesus came to the earth to… … Speak – “I have many things to say… He who sent Me is true ; and I speak to the world those things which I heard from Him” (John 8:26). … Seek – “for the Son ofMan has come to seek… that which was lost” (Luke…

‘For Christ’s Sake’

  [264 words] One of the basic attitudes of this generation seems to be “What’s in it for me?” The entire premise of the life of Christ, however, was living for the sake of others. Paul, in 2 Corinthians 8:9, reminds us that for our sakes Christ left the riches of Heaven for the poverty…

Jesus Loves Me (Senior Version)

Jesus loves me this I know Though my hair is white as snow. Though my sight is growing dim, Still He bids me trust in Him. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me, The Bible tells me so. Though my steps are oh, so slow, With my hand in His…

We Wish To See Jesus

In John 12:21, it is recorded that some Greeks came to Philip and said, “Sir, we wish to see Jesus.” If someone said that to you, what would you do? When my kids ask me a tough question I’m likely to pull out my phone and look it up right away. However, such would not…

Jesus vs. the Jews

Throughout the Gospel of John, Jesus is essentially on trial. The reader is forced to make a decision around every corner about whether he or she accepts the claims of Jesus or the claims of His opponents: the Jews. In the second half of John 10, Jesus is in the midst of one of His…

The Earth is Losing Its Darkness

[243 words] According to an article in the science journal, Science Advance, artificially lit surfaces around the world are spreading, growing brighter, and producing more light at night. There are many ramifications of having too much light shining in the world at night. Nocturnal animals’ sleep patterns are thrown off according to Franz Holker of…

The Colors of Love

[142 words] Purple was the robe, the beaten Jesus wore (Matt. 27:28) Brown, the thorny crown which in much pain He bore (Matt. 27:19) White, the sinlessness from which He didn’t shrink (Heb. 4:15) Yellow, the bitter gall that He’d refuse to drink (Matt. 27:34) Green, the lovely plants nearby Calvary’s hill (John 19:41) Red,…

Jesus Never Had an Obituary

[583 words] Many of us often make it a habit of reading the obituaries to see which one of our classmates, co-workers, friends, and family have gone on to meet their reward.   Obituaries tell us about where a person was born, lived, one’s immediate family history, one’s occupation, hobbies, and many other things, as well…

A Solid Foundation

[237 words] Earthquakes capture the interest of the world. The tragedy is indescribable. Homes, office buildings, and highways were built and people were assured they were safe. Yet the buildings and roadways have proven to be extremely unsafe. Great damage was done and lives were lost as a result. Almost 2,000 years ago Jesus said…

What Did Jesus Give Up For Us?

[491 words] We often talk about what all Jesus gave on our behalf, i.e. He gave His blood (Matt. 26:28; Acts 20:28). And it is right and good to focus on what Jesus gave. But I would like to focus for a few moments on the things Jesus gave up for us. The text in…

Long Walk Part of Gift

[316 words] A missionary’s wife was once teaching some children in Africa about the value of giving. She quoted Acts 20:35 where our Savior is quoted as saying, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” One little African boy soaked in every word and then decided to live out her teaching, but he…

To Be More Like Jesus

[527 words] There is a wonderful transformation that takes place in the heart and mind of one who follows Jesus. Jesus’ disciples turn from darkness to light, and shift from serving sin to serving the Savior. This wonderful change produces peaceable fruit. No longer do we seek revenge or look to get even for every…

Jesus and Crowds

[233 words] Crowds followed Christ. He could have used the crowds that followed Him to have thrown Jerusalem and Palestine into a turmoil. But Christ would not sacrifice truth and righteousness for a crowd. When Christ saw that the crowds were following Him for what they could get, that their motives were wrong, and that…

What a Friend We Have in Jesus

[195 words] “A man who has friends must himself be friendly, But, there is a Friend who sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24). We all have a Friend. Jesus left heaven to come to earth to live–and die–for you and me. He was tempted just as we are so He would know the trials…


Jesus is unique. In fact, the phrase “only begotten Son” in the NKJV’s translation of John 3:16 could arguably be rendered ”only Son” (ESV), meaning that Jesus was God’s unique Son. Yes, those who are Christians are sons and daughters of God, but Jesus is special. There’s no one else like Him. Jesus was both…

Who is This?

[143 words] When Herod the tetrarch heard about Jesus, and the apostles preaching throughout the villages of Israel, plus the healing they were carrying out, he was perplexed (Luke 9:1-7). Some said John had risen from the dead (though Herod had killed him). Others thought that Elijah had appeared, or one of the prophets had…


Just (Revelation 15:3) Elect (1 Peter 2:6) Sinless (1 Peter 2:22) Understanding (Hebrews 4:15) Shepherd (John 10:14) Compassionate (Matthew 9:36) Helping (Hebrews 13:6) Righteous (1 John 3:7) Immortal (Hebrews 13:8) Savior (2 Pet. 1:11) Teacher (Matthew 11:29) Edd Sterchi Broadway church of Christ Campbellsville, KY… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and…

Jesus vs. the Jews

Throughout the Gospel of John, Jesus is essentially on trial. The reader is forced to make a decision around every corner about whether he or she accepts the claims of Jesus or the claims of His opponents: the Jews. In the second half of John 10, Jesus is in the midst of one of His…