Sunday Night

[149 words]

I love the church that Jesus built,
And I know that it is right.
I go there on each Sunday morn,
But not on Sunday night.

I love to sing the songs to God;
Such worship must be right.
This I do each Sunday morn,
But not on Sunday night.

God bless our preacher, too,
And give him power and might
To put the sinner in his place;
I won’t be there Sunday night.

I love to hear the gospel, too;
It gives me pure delight.
I hear it on each Sunday morn,
But not on Sunday night.

I’d go through rain, sleet and snow,
Do anything that’s right
To be at church on Sunday morn,
But not on Sunday night.

Yes, we all must die;
I hope I’ll be doing right:
So may I die on Sunday morn,

(Where will you be tonight?)

via Church of Christ
Metropolis, IL

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