[420 words] The Bible relates that God destroyed the city of Sodom because its inhabitants “were wicked and were sinning greatly against the Lord” (Gen. 3:13). What was the wickedness which brought God’s wrath down upon them? Some homosexual advocates try to make the sin of Sodom that of inhospitality. They argue that because the Sodomites refused to show hospitality to the two messengers sent to rescue Lot that God destroyed the city. But this is a biased misinterpretation of the scriptures. It is clear that the primary sin which the inhabitants of the city were guilty was homosexuality. The men of Sodom were demanding same-sex relations with the two messengers (Gen. 19:4-5). Later, New Testament writers described those who lived in Sodom as ones who led “filthy lives” (2 Pet. 2:7) and who “gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion” (Jude 7). Also, according to Webster’s dictionary the…