[342 words] Overheard in Sunday school: Teacher: “If I sell my house and my car, have a big garage sale, and give all my money to the church, will that get me into heaven?” Children: “No!” Teacher: “If I clean the church building every day, mow the yard, and keep everything neat and tidy, will that get me into heaven?” Children: “No!” Teacher: “Well, then, if I treat animals kindly, give treats to all the children, and love my wife, will that get me into heaven?” Children: “No!” Teacher: “Well, then how can I get into heaven?” One brave five-year-old boy: “You gotta be dead!” This little boy gave a theologically profound answer and he didn’t even know it. He spoke the truth, though he didn’t fully understand it. It is true that doing good deeds will not get us into heaven (Eph. 2:8-9). It is also true that if…