[339 words] The scriptures show us clearly that Daniel was a man of prayer (Dan. 6:10), so it’s no surprise to see him pouring his heart out to God in Daniel chapter 9. Several clues in this chapter teach us what motivated Daniel to pray on this occasion. Scripture made him pray (Dan. 9:2,11-13). Realizing God’s promises were real and close to fulfillment made him hit his knees. Daniel understood this from his study of the prophet Jeremiah (Jer. 29:10). Recognizing God’s promises ought to drive us toward His throne, too. Christ’s return and the coming judgment should lead us to pray as Paul (2 Thess. 1:3-12) and John (Rev. 22:20) did. Sin made him pray (Dan. 9:3-6). Daniel mentions Israel was guilty of sin, iniquity, wickedness, and rebellion, as well as rejection of God’s word as given through the prophets. Daniel is praying to beg God for forgiveness. As…