[524 words] Because of our keen awareness to our own imperfections, we are made to wonder, as did the Psalmist, “What is man, that thou art mindful of him” (Psalm 8:4)? I wonder, just as you do, how God could still love us after all our sins? The answer to this great question came in the form of a crimson and gray scarf. Let me explain. You may have noticed the colors of the scarf, crimson and gray, are Ohio State’s colors. My wife, son and I moved from West Virginia to Ohio. We enjoyed great blessings while we lived there, especially our two daughters who were born in Elyria, Ohio. They have remained faithful to their place of birth, at least by the college team they cheer for. With their love for Ohio, they enjoy wearing Ohio State clothing. My wife made each daughter a scarf in their favorite…