[299 words] “Love” is one of the most loosely-used words in the English language. This creates a lot of confusion about what true love really is. In 1 Corinthians 13:8, the apostle Paul said, “Love never fails.” Yet many times couples will say they have fallen out of love with one another. Such an attitude shows that they never really understood how God defines love. Most people think of love as a strong, warm feeling of affection for someone or something. Certainly there is an emotional aspect to love. Between spouses, there are even romantic feelings. But in the Bible, love is not just something one feels, it is a decision of the will to help others even if one must sacrifice of oneself to do so. That’s how God and Christ love us and that’s how we should love others. In 1 John 3:16-18, we read, “By this we…