His Glory Is Everywhere

[224 words]

Those who followed God in the Old Testament often thought that God was contained within the walls of the Temple. However, the prophet Isaiah taught us otherwise. In chapter six of the book of Isaiah, the prophet tells us of a vision God gave him.

In that vision, he saw God sitting on his throne in the temple. Above him were special angelic beings called “seraphim.” As they flew above God, they called out to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.”

Their voices were so powerful, they shook the temple and the whole earth. What was the message of the angelic voices? God’s glory cannot be contained inside the temple. It is everywhere. In fact, our Lord is everywhere (Isaiah 6:1-3).

Often people – including some Christians – seem to think that God is only “at church.” He is with us as we worship in a very special way (Matthew 18:20). But God is also with us while we work, while we relax, when we go to movies or concerts or fishing or anything else we do. He is with us at all times in all places (Jeremiah 23:23–2; Psalms 139).

This truth is reassuring when we need help and humbling when we’re tempted to do wrong. His Glory is everywhere!

Larry Fitzgerald
Woodlawn church of Christ
Abilene, TX

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