To Be Noble and Just

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Do you know how many thoughts you think in a day? One scientific study conducted in 2023 determined that the average human thinks about 6,200 separate thoughts each day! That is like 2,263,000 thoughts a year! That is a lot of thinking!

But sadly those same scientists also determined that about 80 percent of those thoughts are negative. That means we spend most of our lives thinking bad, unhelpful, unhealthy thoughts. That is not the way God wants us to be!

In Philippians 4:8, God challenges us to use our powerful minds to think better thoughts! The two we will focus on are noble and just thoughts.

Noble. Do we even really know what the word means? Essentially, the noble person is one who commands the respect of their peers. They inspire confidence in others and cause them to desire to improve and do better. They make you want to be a better person.

Ruth is a great example. She had a reputation from all who knew of her for being virtuous (Ruth 3:11). She was fiercely loyal to her mother-in-law and was a tireless worker (2:11-12). Best of all, she was devoted to God and would not abandon Him (1:16-17). The same should be said of us that we are loyal and hardworking people who can be counted on to stand for what is right.

Just. What does this word mean? Often, it has to do with being fair or being right. What would you do if I walked in and cut in line in front of you at dinner, and I said I was allowed to do that because I have a beard? You’d probably say, “That’s not fair!” And you’d be right. To be just, we must treat each other fairly. We must do what is right in the sight of God. We can’t just do what makes us happy or feel good, we must do what is good.

So, what kind of person must we be to be considered “just”? The just person does not look for a way to trick people and hurt them, and does not look for a way to take what belongs to someone else. Instead, the just person looks for ways to make others happier and healthier! They look for people who have been mistreated and try to help them.

Jesus put it perfectly: “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets” (Matt. 7:12).

Let us think noble thoughts! Thoughts that inspire confidence and the desire to be better and stronger! 

Let us think just thoughts! Thoughts that are fair and good and want what is the very best for others.

Bart Warren
South Green Street church of Christ
Glasgow, KY

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