Do You Know About The First Valentine?

  [297 words] This month we will celebrate the holiday referred to as Valentine’s Day. It is a time when we show others that we care for them. Small gifts of cards, candy, and flowers are part of the tradition. But it might surprise you to find out that this holiday started out as a…

Hymns for the ‘Sorta’ Committed

[217 words] Some Christians, by the way they are living their lives, would obviously like for some of the songs we sing to be changed to the following: • I Surrender Some• It is Fairly Well with My Soul• Fill My Spoon, Lord• Oh, How I Like Jesus• He’s a Little Bit to Me• I Love…

A Real Benefit Package

  [276 words] People will often change jobs for better benefits. More paid health insurance coverage is a major benefit people seek. A liberal retirement plan with earlier investment is also a premium job seekers consider. For a moment, let’s consider a different source of benefits from someone who loves you very dearly. It is…

At Your Weakest Moment

[267 words] At Your Weakest Moment … . . . that’s when Satan will tempt you to sin. Our adversary is no fool. He’s not going to waste time and effort by working against your strengths. He will attack you when you are the weakest and where you are most vulnerable. Here’s an example: Someone…

Seeing Jesus

[263 words] It has often been noted that the resurrection of Jesus had a life-altering effect upon the apostles and other disciples. Jesus had predicted that His arrest and subsequent death would cause the disciples to desert Him (Matt. 26:31) and they would be overcome with sorrow (John 16:20). They do indeed scatter—they “left Him…


[234 words] This week we will celebrate another “Fourth of July.” I enjoy the hot dogs and the fireworks and especially the arrival of family. Yet, l always contemplate the history of what happened back in 1776 when the Declaration of Independence was signed by 56 courageous men. They, and many others of their generation,…

My Dad Knows God!

  [282 words] A small boy was playing with his buddies in the back yard. The father overheard them talking. The conversation was, amusingly, one of those “My Dad can whip your Dad” routines. One boy proudly says, “My Dad knows the mayor of our town.” Another said, “That’s nothing, my Dad knows the governor…