It Is My Body

[451 words] Abortion is likely the leading discussion in the spring of 2022. It may very well be for some time. Abortion is the murder of a living child in the womb, and is supported by many. Supporters of abortion do not want to call this action murder. They want to have all believe that…

The Beginning of Life

[375 words] Our bodies were received from our earthly parents; however, our spirit came from God. God is the Father of our spirit (Heb. 12:9). God alone forms the spirit of man within him (Zech. 12:1). Man alone, of all creatures of this earth, has a spirit and bears the image of his Creator. No…

The Sixth Command

[603 words] You shall not kill. The Hebrew word for “kill” is a word modern translations render “murder.” The Hebrew word can be used in contexts where one is killed intentionally or unintentionally. In Matthew 5:21-26, Jesus develops what we are to understand. The command “thou shalt not kill” is a moral failing that begins…

I Have No Voice

[132 words] To live or die,some say is a choice.But as for me, I have no voice. In my mother’s womb,I slowly am formed.With arms and legs,I soon am adorned. All that I need,My mother supplies.Nourishment and oxygen,Even the color of my eyes. And, although on her,For life I depend.I am an individual,On this we…

Abortion in a ‘Christian’ Nation

[181 words] Nazi Germany killed over 6 million Jews, and millions more from other ethnic groups and those they deemed were not fit for society. We justly condemn the barbarism. The Soviet Union wiped out–by conservative estimates–12-15 million of its own citizens, in the gulag (though the total may be as many as 20-25 million).…

A Person? Or Just a Part?

[337 words] The abortion issue seems to center upon whether the fetus is a living person or just a part of the mother. If it is a person, aborting the fetus is murder. If it is just a part of the mother, aborting the fetus is just a procedure. There is a broad gap between…

How Could They?

[404 words] One of the sins of the dark world of the Gentiles in the first century was being “without natural affection” (Rom. 1:31). This is the natural love we have for our kin, especially for our parents and our children. It is not just being “unloving” as the New King James translates this verse.…

In Opposition to Abortion

  [368 words] Christians have always stood opposed to abortion. Abortion was common in the Roman Empire in which Christianity was born. Though there is no explicit New Testament reference to it, abortion was clearly condemned in the Christian literature immediately following the New Testament. For instance, in about AD 100 the Didache instructed, “And…

In a World Gone Mad

Little Ana Rosa Rodriguez was born into a world gone mad. In 1991, her mother, then 7 1/2 months pregnant, decided to have an abortion. Dr. Abu Hay, a reputed New York abortionist, agreed to perform the abortion. However, Dr. Hay failed. A few days later Ana was born missing her right arm. It had…