Turn It Around

[268 words] “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country!” This challenge, made famous during the Kennedy presidency, suggests a like principle which should guide every Christian’s attitude toward the church. We should be less concerned about what is being done for US and more attentive…

Being ‘Other’-Oriented is Not Just for Christmas!

  [207 words] A common reference people use when referring to our society today is “the ME generation.” The accusation refers to the perceived attitude of selfishness portrayed by many in modern-day America. Is this harsh judgement fair? I certainly think so! All one must do is to engage in some minor investigation into the…

Combating Consumerism

As I sat eating lunch at Subway today, my view outside reminded me how much we have come to depend on the services that are provided to us. Restaurants of all types compete to feed us tasty meals. Doctors want to improve our health, while gas stations keep our cars running. Where would we be…

Out of Sight

A rich fisherman with tons of expensive fishing gear was not catching any trout. A little boy nearby with primitive equipment filled a stringer.  In desperation the rich fellow asked the little boy, “How do you do it?” The boy answered, “I just stay out of sight better than you do.” “Staying out of sight”…