The Blessings of Teachers

[391 words] One of the things I’ve always enjoyed about teaching is witnessing the “a-ha!” moment. It is when the student has the lightbulb go on and suddenly a mysterious concept becomes plain to them. The teacher has just opened the door for the student, and the student now has the keys themselves. There is…

Quote on Teaching in the Church

“The strength of any local church depends upon the effectiveness of its teaching (Acts 20:32). When faithful, effective teaching is not present, a congregation can never be strong.” Terry Broome Scottsboro, AL… We are sorry, but this content is for Trial, Annual, and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have…

The Importance of the Bible Class Teacher

It is impossible to overstate the importance of the Bible class teacher. There are those who can teach and impart certain skills, trades and knowledge. There are those who run large corporations, and those who rule countries. Yet, if a list were somehow composed of all positions of the world being arranged in order of…