Don’t Have Anything to Do in the Church?

If you feel this way, then…

l. Mail a card to the sick members.

2. Read and study your Bible diligently every day.

3.Visit all the aged, ill and shut-ins, and bereaved of the congregation.

4. Tell your neighbors about Christ and invite them to church services.

5. Visit new members and newcomers and welcome them.

6. Provide transportation for those who need it.

7. Speak an encouraging word to those who serve: the elders, the preachers, the song leader, etc.

8. Help to make the congregation a friendly one by seeking out and speaking to every visitor and staying around a few minutes to talk and get to know others better.

9. Avoid making unjust criticism.

10. Love your brethren fervently.

11. Restore the erring.

12. Pray often, and radiate happiness and joy in the Lord.

If, after you have done all these things, you still don’t have enough to do, THEN ASK FOR A SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT!

“He said to them, Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation” Mark 16:15.

via Sunrise church of Christ (June 2005)
Lubbock, TX

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