[529 words] Introduction. Parents sometimes feel stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to guiding their children toward becoming a Christian. On one hand, we would never want to cause them to stumble (Matt. 18:6). On the other hand, obedience must be from the heart (Rom. 6:17), so just being able to repeat the plan of salvation doesn’t necessarily mean a young person is ready. This lesson takes for granted that the plan of salvation has been taught to your children, by you or a Bible class teacher, and that they understand these things (Rom. 10:17; John 3:16; 8:24; Matt. 10:32-33; Acts 17:30-31; Acts 2:38). But since it is possible to know the plan, but not obey from the heart, how do I know if my child is ready? Here are some concepts from the Bible that will help you answer this question. Knowledge. In the…