[421 words] Racism. Patriotism. Football. Protests. Christianity. Maybe by now, you’re all tired of the rhetoric. Some of it has been unkind, some unreasonable, and some just coarse (as heard from our President). But I hope that you will find the brief thoughts below to be none of those things, and actually helpful. Please consider: I am a Christian first and a Patriot second. I long for the day when God’s people can be as moved and vocal about Jesus as they can be about the country they love. Are we as upset and vocal when the institutions and doctrines of God are disrespected as we are when our nations institutions are disrespected? Are we as willing to speak in defense of the cross as we are in defense of the flag? Friends, love your country, but don’t forget your citizenship is in heaven (Philippians 3:20). Freedom of Speech must…