Lights In the Darkness

(from Ephesians 4-6)

Lights in the darkness are Christians who:

• Walk worthy of their calling (4:1)
• Are humble (4:2)
• Are gentle (4:2)
• Are patient (4:2)
• Bear with one another in love (4:2)
• Are eager to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (4:3)
• Are no longer children, spiritually (4:14)
• Speak the truth in love (4:15)
• Are renewed in the spirit of their minds (4:23)
• Put on new self (4:24)
• Honest (4:25)
• Do not sin when angry (4:26)
• Are kind to one another (4:32)
• Imitate God (5:1)
• Avoid immoral thought and conduct (5:3-5)
• Conduct themselves carefully and wisely (5:15)
• Seek to understand God’s will (5:17)
• Worship God wholeheartedly by singing (5:19)
• Submit to one another in respect for Christ (5:22)
• Love and respect their spouses (5:33)
• Honor their parents (6:2, 3)
• Raise their children in godly manner (6:4)
• Respect their employers (6:5)
• Respect their employees (6:9)
• Stand firm, in the armor of God, as soldiers of God (6:13)

“…but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of Iight” (Ephesians 5:8b).

Lance Cordle
Calvert City church of Christ
Calvert City, KY

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