Abraham and God

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Among the greatest names in the roll call of faithful saints down through the ages, the name of Abraham must surely rank high on the list. Abraham’s distinction lies in the fact that Abraham listened to God, loved God and leaned upon God.

Abraham Listened to God. In Genesis 22:1, God spoke the patriarch’s name and Abraham replied, “Behold, here I am.” God proceeded to tell Abraham an awful thing. God does not always speak to us the things we like to hear. Very likely, any other command from the Lord would have been desired instead. The Lord, however, often calls upon His people for unpleasant tasks.

Abraham Loved God. Abraham’s love was so great that when God told him to offer his only son Isaac as a sacrifice, that faithful servant of God did as he was asked, without argument, excuse or delay. Abraham attained the victory of faith over the temptation to disobey What amounted to the hardest test of his life (Genesis 22:2-5). In anguish of soul, Abraham traveled to the place God designated. The great servant of the Lord erected an altar and put wood for the fire in place. Abraham proceeded to stretch forth his hand to slay Isaac. This was no bluff job, no pretension. But, the angel of the Lord spoke and stayed the man of faith’s hand and Isaac was spared (Genesis 22:9-11). Abraham’s faith was tried and tested and proven to be solid and strong. Actions do speak louder than Words! Instead of Isaac, a ram became the sacrifice (Genesis 22:12,13). God makes a way for those who listen to Him.

Abraham Leaned Upon God. While we Want God to listen to us when we pray, it is equally important for us to listen to Him. If we don’t stop and listen, we may never know God’s will for our lives. Our faith will go untested and an untested faith is not Worth having. As Abraham listened, loved and leaned on God so we must do the same. Leaning upon the Lord allows Him to do for us all the things we cannot do for ourselves. We need to appreciate a life of living, active and obedient faith and the hope such a life gives us for the world which is to come.

Bill Dillon
Gospel Gems Vol. 2

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