Don’t Sell the Farm!

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There was a man that owned a wonderful farm, but over the years he began to take it for granted, and reached the point where he was tired of it. He decided that he would put it up for sale and find a better one. He called a realtor who came out and surveyed all the good aspects of this farm and then we back to his office to write a description for the newspaper. A few days later the farmer read the description of his farm in the paper, and was amazed at its greatness. He rushed to the phone and called his realtor to retract his idea to sell the farm. He told his realtor: “Don’t you dare sell this farm to anyone else, after reading about it in the paper, I realized that this is the kind of farm I have always wanted.”

Most of us have a job, family, car, food, clothing, shelter, luxuries, and live in a country where freedom is a priority. We have a Bible that is capable of directing us to the Glory of Heaven. However, we are usually looking for that great green pasture. We complain to our spouse on how we want it to be and do not realize what we have. We complain to our children on how we want them to be and do not realize how they really are. We complain at our fellow Christians about what we wanted and we do not realize what they actually give us. The apostle Paul wrote about his blessings in Philippians 4:11, “…for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” We are blessed!

Jonathan Burns
Findlay church of Christ
Sparta, TN

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