The Opportunity to Do Good

[306 words]

We live in the land of opportunity. Every person has the opportunity to do an extremely vast number of things each day. We have choices when it comes to employment. We have choices when it comes to living. We have choices when it comes to entertainment. We have so many choices that usually we have a hard time choosing what we are going to do.

Many times, if we are honest, we have so many choices that we are distracted to what is really important. Notice Galatians 6:9-10: “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” I believe there are four important words in this passage: if, not, opportunity, do. 

IF: The truth is that not one person is forced to be a Christian and live the Christian life. “If” we are willing to live the Christian life we can do good. 

NOT: If we are willing to do good and if we are willing to faint not then we can be people who follow after Christ. The not means that we must be willing to never give up. 

OPPORTUNITY: Each of us have the opportunity to do good in our lives. It is right in front of us and we must be willing to open our eyes. 

DO: We must be willing to do good. Not wait for someone else to do good but willing to find people to help.

The truth is that we have so many opportunities. Opportunities to invite someone to church services. Opportunities to help someone who is hurting. Opportunities to change lives if we are willing to do good. Someone is depending on you! 

Jonathan Burns
Findlay church of Christ
Sparta, TN

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