The Christian and ‘Presents’

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Concerning others, Christians should be present and be a present. Let me explain. Webster’s defines “present” as: “being in view or at hand.” The same resource also gives another definition of “present” as “something presented: gift.”

So concerning others, Christians should be present (in their company) and be a present (a blessing to their lives). According to Jesus, the second greatest commandment is to love others as we love ourselves (Matt. 22:39). The Greek word for love in that passage is agapao (the verb form of agape). This is a giving type of love that looks out for the best interest in the one loved. Love is best expressed in the presence of the one loved and in kind actions toward them.

We should seek to be in the presence of others and, when we are, we should focus on benefitting their lives in the name of Christ. We should be present and be a present!

“And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ forgave you” (Eph. 4:32).

Edd Sterchi
Broadway church of Christ
Campbellsville, KY

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