Sermon Outline: Anything is Wrong That is Almost Right

[EDITOR’S NOTE: This devotional or sermon outline is by Bill Dillon, a gospel preacher for many years. He left this earthly life in 2020, but his lessons and sermons still live on. This one is found in his book, Gospel Gems Volume 1.]

Introduction. Men’s choices in religion are limited to two: the right way or the wrong (Joshua 24:15; Matthew 12:30). But what about the “gray area” of being almost right?

Is it acceptable to be almost right in worship to God? In Leviticus 10:1-2, Nadab and Abihu presented an offering unto God of “strange fire. ” This act of worship was almost what God commanded but the offering was rejected and Nadab and Abihu lost their lives. Why? Because anything is wrong that is almost right. Worship must be exactly according to truth (John 4:24; 17:17; Hebrews 8:5).

Is it acceptable to be almost right in salvation? Saul of Tarsus was honest and sincere in the practice of his religious convictions (Acts 23:1). He was also zealous in keeping the law of Moses but being almost right left Saul entirely lost! He was later told to arise and be baptized and wash away his sins (Acts 22: 16).

Is it acceptable to be almost right in doctrine? Paul the apostle, in effect, said Hymenaeus and Philetus were almost right in teaching the resurrection of the dead but to teach it was “past already” was erring from the truth and overthrowing the faith (2 Timothy 2:17,18). Hymanaeus and Philetus were almost right, but wrong!

Is it acceptable to be almost right about the church? Jesus died for the church He came to establish (Matthew 16:18; Acts 20:28). Acts 2:47 says the saved were added to “the church.” Whose church? John the Baptist’s church? Martin Luther’s church?

Just to be called a “church” and do some things the Bible commands is to be almost right! Anything is wrong that is almost right. How important for men to be altogether right in religion!

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