Why Do Some Attend the ‘Optional’ Worship Services and Bible Classes?

[388 words] It has always been a struggle to get every member of the local church to attend all Bible classes and worship services. Yes, they will come to the A.M. worship service, but not to the other periods of Bible study and worship. When asked why, they will respond: “Those services are optional. They…

The Twig

[257 words] “Just as the twig is bent, the tree’s inclined.” — Alexander Pope, 1734. With all the education, all the psychoanalysis experts, and other so-called advancements in child raising, most of us parents still haven’t grasped what Alexander Pope was saying. If we want a straight growing tree, we make sure the tree is…

The ABC’s of Bible Class

[193 words] Attendance: No one can learn anything from Bible class if they are not there. Constant attendance will help reinforce the lessons being repeated each week. Attendance not only means being there every time but also on time. Not a minute of instruction time should be missed if you want the child to receive…

Characteristics of Good Bible Teachers

A good Bible teacher carefully examines the Master teacher’s life and methods. Here is a partial list. Consecration: A teacher must be dedicated to the task of teaching as well as to the Christian life (Gal. 2:20). Love: A faithful teacher has a strong love for God, His holy word and the Lord’s church (1…

God’s Plan Revealed

God had a planned the church before the creation of the world (Ephesians 3:10-11). But it was not made known until “the dispensation of the fullness of times” (1:9). The “dispensation of the fullness of times” is a statement filled with meaning. Jesus was sent into the world by the Father “in the fullness of…

Quote on Teaching in the Church

“The strength of any local church depends upon the effectiveness of its teaching (Acts 20:32). When faithful, effective teaching is not present, a congregation can never be strong.” Terry Broome Scottsboro, AL… We are sorry, but this content is for Trial, Annual, and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have…

Bible Class Can Be Destructive

As shocking as this statement is, we must admit its truthfulness. Consider the following: Bible classes can destroy ignorance. If this does not occur, we ourselves are in danger of being destroyed as were the people of old (Hosea 4:6) Studying together can eliminate this malady. Bible classes can destroy loneliness. Some of the strongest…

The Importance of the Bible Class Teacher

It is impossible to overstate the importance of the Bible class teacher. There are those who can teach and impart certain skills, trades and knowledge. There are those who run large corporations, and those who rule countries. Yet, if a list were somehow composed of all positions of the world being arranged in order of…