Do You Have the Grace of Giving?

[417 words] In many of the letters in the New Testament we find examples of people being corrected and encouraged to repent of their sinful behavior. This even includes entire churches like those found in the book of Revelation chapter two and three. Very rarely do we see a person or church that is held…

Ten Percent

[278 words] In Malachi 1:8, the Lord is very put off about the sacrifices offered to Him. He calls out the people because what they offer to Him, they would not offer to a political leader. It is this way today, I am afraid. We offer to the Lord something, but if a prominent leader…

They Gave Till They Heard ‘Stop Giving’

[421 words] It was a plethora! In fact, the two lead craftsmen of the tabernacle said that they had, “more than enough for doing the work of the Lord” (Ex. 36:5). What a statement to be made about God’s people. There was work to be done, there was a godly plan to be executed, and…

Why Do You Give?

[497 words] “Isn’t it enough to give? As long as I’m giving, does it matter why? Does it really matter what my motivation is?” Think about this for a moment and consider what Scripture has to teach us. Much of the giving in the early church was done to help brethren who were in need…

Giving As God Desires

[448 words] To purpose to give is a godly pursuit that many spend little if any thought. However, the Lord expects us to determine in our hearts to give sacrificially and happily and joyfully.  “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful…


[425 words] ”Will a man rob God? Yet you are robbing Me! But you say,’How have we robbed You? In tithes and offerings” (Malachi 3:8). Regarding the giving of one’s material blessings to God, the teachings of both Testaments bear out a common encouragement, it should be done generously. In the above text, not giving…

When Giving is Wrong

[265 words] Ribbons and wrapping paper, shimmering Christmas trees, and children with sparkling eyes are the hallmarks of the “season of giving.” So many of us enjoy the holiday as a time of expressing love through the imparting of gifts. But did you ever consider when giving may be wrong? Our heavenly Father is certainly…

Thoughts About the Grace of Giving

[350 words] This time of year, many don’t think twice about volunteering in a food bank, in a soup kitchen, or in taking a neighbor some extra peanut brittle made for an office party. This time of year, it doesn’t take much prompting for someone to drop some pocket change into the rounded-metal canisters sitting…

To Give, or Not to Give?

[518 words] It’s that time of year again. You know…cold weather, Christmas decorations, long shopping lines, and “soldiers” in the Salvation Army standing at the entrance of nearly every major shopping area. These dedicated soldiers brave the cold while ringing a little bell, as they solicit donations to help the needy. These red kettles are…

The Greatest Gift of All

  [245 words] A long time ago in Persia, a benevolent ruler named Shah Abbis reigned. To get to know his people better, he wore disguises to mingle among them. One day, he went as a poor man to the public baths, and sat by the fireman tending the furnace. At mealtime, he shared his…

The Best Things To Give

[45 words] – To a friend: loyalty- To an enemy: forgiveness- To a stranger: kindness- To your neighbor: peace- To your boss: service- To a child: good example- To your father: respect- To your mother: gratitude- To your spouse: devotion- To all men: charity- To God: your life Author Unknown… We are sorry, but this…

In Giving, You Lose Nothing

[274 words] The Christian faith has always placed a great emphasis on giving. This is due in part because we serve a giving God. He is a God of abundance (John 10:10; James 1:5; Psalm 103:8; Isaiah 55:1-7; 2 Corinthians 9:8; Romans 5:20), and He loves to give. He sacrificed willingly on the cross and…


Paul told the young preacher Timothy concerning the eating of food, “for every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving” (1 Tim. 4:4). That certainly includes the Thanksgiving meal that we will partake of in a few days. But, it seems that, in this day…

Boost Your Budget by Missing Worship?

If you miss worship on the first day of week does that mean your pocket has a little extra in it to spend the rest of the week? If you answer yes, you have the wrong answer. Giving as we have been prospered means exactly that – giving as we have been prospered; not giving…

Giving Like God

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” John 3:16. There’s a lot of talk about giving this month. Even the retail stores, who have separated themselves from the reason for the season, have not moved away…

Boost Your Budget by Missing Worship?

If you miss worship on the first day of week does that mean your pocket has a little extra in it to spend the rest of the week? If you answer yes, you have the wrong answer. Giving as we have been prospered means exactly that – giving as we have been prospered; not giving…