The Last Verse

[274 words] In 1814 Francis Scott Key had been negotiating the release of an American from the British Fleet. Key was successful and was only allowed to return to his ship, yet not allowed to leave the fleet because he had become familiar with the strength and position of the British units and their intention…

Our Declaration of Independence

[148 words] On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress adopted the United States Declaration of Independence. This declared the original 13 colonies’ freedom from the oppressive rule of England. We celebrate this emancipation as a nation every year on July 4—and well we should. We live in the freest, greatest, most abundant land of opportunity…

On Independence Day Remember our King!

[164 words] When this country was born, one of the great slogans was, “We have no king but Jesus.” As the Bible says: “He is the King of kings and the Lord of Lords” (Revelation 19:16; 1 Timothy 6:15). Despite what history “revisionists” and so-called fact checkers spin, this country was founded by people who…

On Remembering Faithful Soldiers

[443 words] Bradford Freeman was just 18 years old when he dropped out of Mississippi State and enlisted in the U.S. Army to become a paratrooper. He was assigned to be a mortarman in Company E, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division. The company name rings a bell from the work of author Stephen…

True Freedom

[357 words] In 1776, the 13 British colonies in North America protested the tyranny of the king of England and engaged in a struggle that gave birth to a brand new republic. The infant nation soon adopted that now famous document known as the Declaration of Independence. We celebrate this emancipation every July 4th. Almost…

Celebrate Freedom

[311 words] In a letter dated July 3, 1776, John Adams wrote to his wife: “This will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance,…

A Christian Pledge of Allegiance

[33 words] I pledge allegiance to the Fatherof the united saints of the kingdom,and to the Redeemerby Whom we stand,one Body, unified in Spirit,indivisible,with liberty and charity for all Author Unknown… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to…

The Flag We Fly

[279 words] As Americans, there are few sights that thrill us as much as seeing the “Stars and Stripes” billowing in the breeze over a free nation. When July 4th rolls around, many of us find ourselves rallying around our flag, thankful for the freedom we enjoy in our great country. The common purpose and…

Don’t Be a Dud!

[249 words] July was a favorite time of the year during my youth, because that was when we could shoot fireworks. It was a great experience to go down to the fireworks stand with my dad, look over all the multi-colored packages and imagine what each explosive would do. We usually ended up with a…

AMERICA is a Beautiful Word

[178 words] What do you see when you look at the word “America?” What mental pictures do the seven letters create in your mind? To me the capital letter “A” suggests our magnificent snow-covered mountain peaks, and the wigwams of the original Americans. The letter “M” symbolizes the broad shoulders of our pioneers; shoulders-to-the-wheel pushing…

Authentic Freedom!

[342 words] “Freedom” is a powerful word, full of all sorts of meaning to different people. Some people think freedom refers to political liberty, such as we have in the United States under the constitution. Others think freedom means being able to do whatever one wants morally. Some even think freedom means doing whatever one…


[234 words] This week we will celebrate another “Fourth of July.” I enjoy the hot dogs and the fireworks and especially the arrival of family. Yet, l always contemplate the history of what happened back in 1776 when the Declaration of Independence was signed by 56 courageous men. They, and many others of their generation,…