Why Only One Day for Thanksgiving?

Charles Dickens said that we are somewhat mixed up here in America. He told an audience that instead of having one Thanksgiving Day each year we should have 364. “Use that one day just for complaining and griping,” he said. “Use the other 364 days to thank God each day for the many blessings He…

Words of Wisdom

A man is only as good as what he loves.All the beautiful sentiments in the world weigh less than a single lovely action.One of the nice things about problems is that a good many of them do not exist except in our imaginations.To err is human; to blame it on someone else is really human.Too…

Quote on Love and Obedience

“Love compels humble obedience to God, and service to fellowman. Without love, our good works are empty and vain. Let love be the greatest motivation in your Christian life!” Darwin Hunter Shreveport, LA… We are sorry, but this content is for Trial, Annual, and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register),…

Quote on Teaching in the Church

“The strength of any local church depends upon the effectiveness of its teaching (Acts 20:32). When faithful, effective teaching is not present, a congregation can never be strong.” Terry Broome Scottsboro, AL… We are sorry, but this content is for Trial, Annual, and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have…

Quote on Loyalty to Jesus

“From baptism by John to death on a cross, Jesus didn’t balk at anything God asked and/or directed Him to do. How about you? Just how expensive is your loyalty to Jesus? Have you followed Him in baptism and the new life that follows it (Romans 6:1-4)?” Dan Gulley Smithville, TN… We are sorry, but…

Quote on Living for God

“One who only lives for God in certain places or in front of certain people is not living for God at all.” Darrell Powell Greenville, AL… We are sorry, but this content is for Trial, Annual, and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address…

I’ve learned…

“…that when you harbor bitterness, happiness will dock elsewhere.”… We are sorry, but this content is for Trial, Annual, and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check). Register Already…

The Old Farmer’s Wisdom

A newspaper reporter was interviewing an old farmer and asked him to what he would attribute his success as a farmer. With a twinkle in his eye the man replied, “It’s been about 50 percent weather, 50 percent good luck, and the rest is brains.”… We are sorry, but this content is for Trial, Annual,…

Souvenir from Heaven

From the mouth of a child, sometimes embarrassing. We are sorry, but this content is for Trial, Annual, and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check). Register Already a…