“Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD; and the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate” (Psa. 127:3-5). What an awesome blessing, as well as responsibility, rearing children is! If only more fathers and mothers had a greater appreciation of this gift and took more seriously their God-given roles as parents (cf. Deut. 6:1ff; Pro. 22:6; 31:1ff; Eph. 5:22ff; 6:4). “Father’s Day” is a day set aside each year to honor our fathers for a job well-done. In addition, it is a day to remind fathers of the influential impact they have on their children as well as society. It is true, “as the home goes, so goes…
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