Encouragement for Fathers

[401 words] Being a Dad is one of the greatest honors in life, but it’s also one of the most difficult jobs out there. Culture’s skewed expectations and diminishing view of fatherhood haven’t made our work as dads any easier. We know the importance of providing, protecting and leading; but, how do we do that…

How We Honor Our Fathers

[201 words] My father passed away in 1996. My maternal grandfather left this earth in the 1960s. My dad’s dad died in the mid-1970s. Yet, I plan on honoring my “fathers” today in a special way. While we are worshipping and praising the Lord, I plan to thank the Lord for the influence my father…

Thanks Dad

[207 words] William woke up at his usual time on Sunday morning and headed for the kitchen. As he walked down the hall, he remembered that it was Father’s Day. But this would be a different Father’s Day than all the ones before because this would be the first one in which his 18-year-old son,…

My Daddy is Here

[169 words] David Elkind, the famous child psychologist and author of the best-selling The Hurried Child, tells this true story about his role as a parent: “I remember visiting my middle son’s nursery school class, at the request of his teacher, so that I could observe a “problem child” in the class. It so happened…

The Influence of a Father

[340 words] As we go through life, we have different perspectives about our Dads. Here’s how one person summed it up: When I was… 4 years old, my Daddy could do anything. 7 years old, my Dad knew a lot, a whole lot. 8 years old, my father didn’t quite know everything. 12 years old,…

Honoring Dad

[257 words] If you’re a father, today you might get another “interesting” tie or a wild t-shirt. Or your kids might do something for you to help you feel like something special. Soak it all in, because you deserve it and it’s good for your children to honor you.  But as you’re celebrating, don’t forget…

In Honor of Godly Fathers

[632 words] Father’s Day is a day to recognize the role fathers play in society. It is believed to have been first celebrated as a compliment to Mother’s Day on July 5, 1908, but it wasn’t made a federal holiday until 1966. Interestingly enough, where Mother’s Day was met with enthusiasm, Father’s Day was met…

What I Want for My Children

[648 words] Although we do not celebrate Father’s Day religiously, it is a day set aside for our nation to honor our fathers. Fathers have a special responsibility as leaders of the home. Since this responsibility is God-given, it should never be taken lightly. Every father would do well to seriously consider God’s instructions regarding…

We Need Fathers!

[470 words] The TV show “60 Minutes” ran a segment that revealed some disturbing news. Park rangers at a South African wildlife preserve were concerned about the slaughter of 39 rare white rhinos. It turned out that the rhinos were killed not by poachers but rather by juvenile delinquents. You see the story began a…

Dad’s Wisdom

[199 words] How many of us heard our fathers make the statement: “If all your friends jumped off a cliff, would you?” Of course, we were being scolded for doing something dangerous or hurtful. That’s when we offered our excuse: “but everyone was doing it.” As soon as those words hit my father’s ears, he…

Who is Dad?

[361 words] Who is dad? He is a man of Faith, that is, he is committed to the Lord Jesus and leads his family is the straight and narrow way. For a man who is a husband and father to not do this is to let his family down.  He is a man Assured of…

The Instruction of a Father

[582 words] Fathers are important to the development of children. We are thankful for those men who take seriously the command of Ephesians 6:4 by lovingly bringing their children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord rather than provoking them to anger. In their interactions with their children, fathers must avoid relating to…

Honoring Dads

[132 words] Sonora Dodd is usually considered the architect of the American event called “Father’s Day.” Sonora’s father raised 6 children after his wife’s death, and Sonora felt that such dads were worthy of double honor.  But the concept of honoring our fathers didn’t originate in the U.S.A. God was the first to urge people…

Father’s Day Perspective

[402 words] Father’s Day, what does it mean to you? Its meaning has changed for me over the years. When I was young’ it was a day to wear a red rose to church. It was a day to say, “Thanks Dad for all the things you do.” Later, when I became a dad, it…


[357 words] “Did you do your homework?” I’m very proud of you!” “Do you need anything?” “I love you.” “Can you hold this light for me?” These are just a few of the words I can still hear my father saying to me. Although my father has been gone for 24 years, I can still…

It’s Father’s Day Again!

[278 words] When they came home from school, the first words out of our children’s mouths was, “Where’s mom?” l would usually hear, “Where’s Dad?” when money was needed or a parental decision was required. Such is the common pecking order in a typical family. Moms are always needed. Dads? Well, perhaps not so much,…

The Importance of Honoring Our Parents

[369 words] Jesus’ mother, Mary, witnessed the crucifixion from the foot of the cross. Despite his agony, Jesus told his best friend, John, to take care of his mom, and to his mother he said, let John stand in my place as your son. John lived a very long life, and I believe he took…

What Does it Mean to Be Loved by a Father?

  [368 words] What does it mean to be loved by a father? Let the apostle John answer. “Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!” (1 John 3:1 NKJV). “Behold” See, behold, and understand. God wants us to understand how he loves us.…

If I Went Shopping For a Dad

[97 words] If I went shopping for a dad,Here is what I’d buy:One who would always stopTo answer a little child’s “Why?” One who would always speak kindlyTo a little girl or boy.One who would give to othersA bit of sunshine and joy. I’d pick a dad that followedThe Bible’s Golden Rule,And one who went…

A Father’s Toolbox

[356 words] Back on the farm, I remember that when something broke down, my father would get out his toolbox and make the repairs. As a child, I was always fascinated by his toolbox and its contents. It seemed my father could fix almost anything with the tools inside. From the very beginning, God has…

Honor Your Father and Mother

[410 words] God had just finished the giving of the first four commandments relating to the love we should have for Him (Ex. 20:3-11). He then turns His attention to the love we are to have for others, and begins with, “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the…

Father’s Day

[359 words] It was the peppery Erma Bombeck who once said of her father, “I never knew what to do with the daddy doll, so I had him say, ‘I’m going off to work now’; and I put him under the bed.” One of the most precious things a father can give his child is…

Father Knows Best

[205 words] Ephesians 4:6 tells us of “one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.” By right of creation all men stand under the Fatherhood of God (Acts 17:24-29); but by right of conversion, only those who are Christians can call God, “Our Father” (1 John…

12 Things Fathers Do Which Provoke Children to Wrath

[210 words] “And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). “Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged” (Colossians 3:21). Fathers do you discourage or anger your children? The scriptures clearly reveal God’s warning to fathers of…

Top Tips for Biblical Fatherhood

  [831 words] “As a father, if my words did not correspond to my actions, that which I taught was more in what I did than in what I said (cf. principle of Titus 2.9-10).” — Ron Thomas, Chillicothe, OH “Don’t forget to teach/show grace. Discipline and training is vitally important, but so is grace.…

The Patient Father

[320 words] We are told that children learn many life lessons from their fathers. I am delighted to hear that more and more fathers are seeing the importance of their role in the upbringing of their children. A recent survey showed that nearly half of all fathers spend more time with their children than their…

Faithful Fathers

  [412 words] It has been said that Father’s Day is just like Mother’s Day except you spend less on the gift! All humor aside, society has sadly downplayed the importance of a father in the home. Too many children are being raised without their fathers in their lives. And too many fathers who are…

Our Father

  [311 words] I remember the morning of my father’s funeral, my mother was in a hurry to leave the house. In a confused voice, I asked, “Why are you in such a rush?” She said, “Today is the last day we will get to see him.” I have longed to see and talk with…

Fathers, What is Your Legacy?

  [288 words] Inheritance is important. Good fathers desire to leave something behind for their children (Prov. 13:22). Old Testament law even regulated the passing down of a father’s possessions (Deut. 21:15-17; Num. 27:8-11). As fathers, what sort of inheritance would we like to see our children get? Material Possessions. There is nothing wrong with…

Father Figure

  [248 words] Why is there so much violence, crime, hostility, anger, hatred, discrimination, disrespect, etc. in our world today? What’s wrong with America? I believe the answer can be summed up in two words: FATHER FIGURE. The ABSENCE of a father figure within the home is reaping havoc on our society. And when I…

Fashion Police

[453 words] A few weeks ago my wife and I were preparing to go out for the evening and as she came into the room I asked, “Are you wearing that?” Her quick witted sarcastic response to my question was, “Who are you, the Fashion Police?” Before we go any further I want to clarify…

Father Figure

Why is there so much violence, crime, hostility, anger, hatred, discrimination, disrespect, etc. in our world today? What’s wrong with America? I believe the answer can be summed up in two words: FATHER FIGURE. The ABSENCE of a father figure within the home is reaping havoc on our society. And when I say FATHER FIGURE,…

12 Things Fathers Do Which Provoke Children

“And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). “Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged” (Colossians 3:21). Fathers do you discourage or anger your children? The scriptures clearly reveal God’s warning to fathers of the potential…

Faithful Fathers

“Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD; and the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the…

My Dad Knows God!

  [282 words] A small boy was playing with his buddies in the back yard. The father overheard them talking. The conversation was, amusingly, one of those “My Dad can whip your Dad” routines. One boy proudly says, “My Dad knows the mayor of our town.” Another said, “That’s nothing, my Dad knows the governor…

“Our Father in Heaven”

  [448 words] In giving the “model” prayer Jesus said, “In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name” (Matthew 6:9). God is called Father by Jesus no fewer than one-hundred and sixty times. The expression “Our Father in Heaven” is one of the greatest Bible statements. Jehovah is truly our…