Fashion Police

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A few weeks ago my wife and I were preparing to go out for the evening and as she came into the room I asked, “Are you wearing that?” Her quick witted sarcastic response to my question was, “Who are you, the Fashion Police?”

Before we go any further I want to clarify that there was nothing inappropriate about what my wife was wearing, I was merely questioning the color combination. However her question did get me to thinking how we as husbands and fathers do have and should acknowledge and take responsibility to “police the fashions of our family.”

Fashion is commonly defined as a current trend of popularity. Most often we think of “fashion” in reference to items such as clothing, footwear, hair styles, make-up and accessories. As Christians we want to always dress appropriately, keeping in mind what is popular or fashionable is not always appropriate in professing examples of modesty and purity in our lives. Fathers/Husbands we must be aware that the clothing we wear, hair styles, make-up, jewelry and others personal accessories have an effect in our family’s attitudes and in the image they (we) portray to others.

Fashion can also refer to the places we go as well as the activities we are involved in.
There are obvious places we would not allow our families to go. However we must use caution in allowing our families to go to seemingly harmless popular places such as theaters, parties, concerts and even some school sponsored events. We must be aware that many activities, though popular or fashionable, are also inappropriate for Christians to be involved. We must never compromise what is right for the sake of being fashionable or popular.

Let’s consider Joshua’s question to the men of Israel and His example of leadership in choosing what is best/right for his family. “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15).

Fathers/Husbands you must lead your families in ways that are fashioned (planned and made) according to God’s will and not according to what is fashionable (currently popular and acceptable) to the world. God has given you the responsibility to lead your family, to love your wife and children, to bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. So the next time someone asks you, “Who are you, the Fashion Police?” proudly stand up and say “YES I AM”

Scott Jacques
West Plains, MO

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