Are You Ready?

One of the questions that is asked frequently in my house is, “Are You Ready?” It is a question of preparation that always comes before something that is about to happen. This question is asked before we do a number of physical things: before leaving the house, before bedtime, before meals, before school, before sports, etc. It should also be asked in the spiritual sense too.

Before Jesus comes: Jesus will be revealed from Heaven one day with his mighty angels (2 The. 1:7). We don’t know when that time will be. Therefore, Jesus said (Mat 24:44) be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. Will we be found ashamed before him at his coming because we are not ready (1 John 2:28)?

Before death comes: We all know that death is coming (Ecc. 9:5). It should be asked, “Are you ready?” While the apostle Paul was facing death he said, “I am now ready to be offered” (2 Tim. 4:6). He was ready because he knew that he obeyed the Gospel with faith, repentance, confession of Jesus and baptism (Acts 22:16).

Before persecution comes: It is a fact that persecution will come into the life of a Christian (2 Tim. 3:12). If God’s Word has not fully “taken root” in the heart, it could be that you endure for a while and then become offended and fall away (Matt. 13:20,21). Make the choice now to be ready!

Derrick Coble
West Sparta church of Christ
Sparta, TN

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