A Great Challenge to Christians

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Our challenge in this life is to make a positive difference for the Lord while we are on earth. The Bible clearly teaches us that serving God is vitally important (Matthew 22:37-40). Our main purpose is not working, hunting, texting, or hanging out with friends. Instead our purpose is that of serving God faithfully. Faithfulness to God requires a strong resolve to put Him first in our lives. Becoming a Christian is not enough. This is only the beginning of a life which is to be lived for God daily. The Lord must be first in the hearts and lives of His followers. “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33). The Macedonians had it right when “They first gave themselves to the Lord” (2 Corinthians 8:5). The Lord is satisfied only when He has “preeminence” in our heart and life. The Bible commands us to live a life worthy of the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus (Revelation 1:5). Your love for the Lord will lead you to faithful Christian living.

Charles Box
Walnut Street church of Christ
Greenville, AL

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