Planting Seeds

[368 words] I’m no poet, but I certainly appreciate those who can create thought-provoking and vivid images with the words that they write. I came across an ever-so-brief poem recently that has made quite an impression on me. It is called, “Forecast” by Luci Shaw: “Planting seedsInevitablyChanges my feelingsAbout rain” There are numerous helpful insights…

Freeing Me by Freeing You

[381 words] Slavery of the mind commonly is more horrible than slavery of the body. Frequently, an enslaved mind enslaves the body. Damaged emotions and distorted perspectives condemn the body to an unfulfilled, joyless existence. Such a mind and body experience pain frequently and contentment rarely. Everyone sees such slavery. Consider persons enslaved mentally and…

Bridles Are Not Just For Horses

[329 words] In the traditional sense, riders use a bridle to direct their horse where they want it to go. They use this small but effective tool to control a powerful, 1000-pound animal with ease. James compares it to the influence we wield with the tongue, one of our smallest muscles: “If we put bits…

‘Go Ahead and Use Some Profanity’

[421 words] Several years ago a friend of mine was being transported by ambulance for treatment at an emergency room. He was suffering with intense pain. One of the attendants on the ambulance, as he sensed my friend’s discomfort, suggested to him, “Go ahead and use some profanity.” He assured my friend this would make…

It’s Bean a Problem

[286 words] If you struggled in geometry, you may not like the name Pythagoras. However, he is an interesting fellow. Now it is hard to separate the myths from the facts when it comes to the ancient Greek philosopher, but his influence, not only in math, but in science, music, ethics, and religion are remarkable.…

The Case for a Paper Bible

[562 words] First things first: I am not anti-electronic Bible. In fact, I know people who basically must use one if they are going to be able to read the text. A lot of older people with failing eyesight have been blessed by being able to blow up the font size on a tablet to…

100 Percent Chance We’ll Be Right Back

[492 words] Recently, while watching “The World’s Funniest Weather” on The Weather Chanel, while going to commercials, the announcer proclaimed, “There’s a 100% chance we’ll be right back.” On a different episode, it was said, “Don’t go away. We’ll be right back in fact.” Another episode proclaimed, “Weather permits, we’ll be right back.” Likely, those…

The Great Need

[343 words] “Be strong and of good courage, for to this people you shall divide as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers to give them. Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn…

Why Do Some People Take So Long?

[286 words] “In faith there is enough light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don’t.” — Blaise Pascal Physicist Pascal hit the nail on the head with this quote. Anyone who has taught and prayed for a loved one to obey the gospel – only to hear excuse after…

Just What the Doctor Ordered

[161 words] Some years ago, a doctor called in his staff to tell them of a medical experiment he wanted to conduct in his clinic. All their patients were to be treated with massive doses of kindness, care, and concern. As he expected he discovered that this love that was shown was conducive to healing.…

What is the ‘One Baptism’ in Ephesians 4:5?

[425 words] There are several baptisms mentioned in the New Testament: John’s baptism (Luke 3:16), baptism of the Holy Spirit (Luke 3:16), baptism of fire (Matthew 3:11), and the baptism of the great commission (Acts 8:36-39). But Ephesians 4:5 says there is one baptism. Which of these is the one baptism in Ephesians 4:5? John’s…

Finding It Hard to Accept

[212 words] A college student in a philosophy class was taking his first examination. On the paper there was a single line which simply said: “Is this a question? —Discuss.” After a short time he wrote: “If that is a question, then this is an answer.” The student received an “A” on the exam.  God…

God’s Word is Beyond Wonderful!

[339 words] In Psalm 19:7-11, we can read of some of the incredible aspects of God’s word: “The law of the LORD1 is perfect2, converting the soul3; The testimony of the LORD is sure4, making wise the simple5; The statutes of the LORD are right6, rejoicing the heart7; The commandment of the LORD is pure8,…

What God Has Given, Man Must Receive

[467 words] Joshua 6 is where Israel “fights” the battle of Jericho. In reality, even though Israel took the city, there would be no taking if God had not first given. Hebrews 11 tells us that the faith that took the city of Jericho was the faith that caused the walls to fall down (Heb.…

He Brings Good Things To Life

[195 words] There are those times when it all seems too much. Paul wrote about a time he was in that place in 2 Corinthians 7:5. Worn out physically, surrounded by problems, “conflicts without, fear within”. You probably know that feeling. When it seems the whole world is against you and that includes you. Depressed. Downcast.…

Deacons Are Needed

[307 words] The best definition I have ever heard to describe a deacon is a man chosen to serve or do a job related to the congregation that is too important to be left up to chance. This seems to be what is taking place in Acts 6:1-6; the choosing of “the seven” to help…

Now That’s Love

[89 words] Recently in Japan, a man and his nine-year-old daughter were caught in a terrible blizzard. Their car disabled, they began to walk to where they were going. As the storm intensified, the father wrapped his coat around his daughter and hunched over her against a concrete wall to shelter her from the cold.…

Improvement Requires Focus

[78 words] Warren Buffett reads all day to build the knowledge necessary for his investments. Stephen King writes 1000 words a day, 365 days a year. Athlete Eliud Kipchoge makes notes after each training session to establish areas that can be improved. Habits, repeated hundreds of times over years, are powerful. The benefits of these…

Good Advice for Social Media

[20 words] • Before you assume, learn the facts.• Before you judge, understand why.• Before you hurt someone, feel.• Before you speak, think…. We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or…

Overheard in an Orchard

[48 words] Said the Robin to the Sparrow:“I should really like to knowWhy these anxious human beingsRush about and worry so?” Said the Sparrow to the Robin:“Friend, I think that it must beThat they have no heavenly FatherSuch as cares for you and me.” Elizabeth Cheney… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual…

The Colors of Love

[146 words] Purple was the robe,the beaten Jesus wore (John 19:2)Brown, the thorny crownwhich in much pain He bore (Matt. 27:19) White, the sinlessnessfrom which He didn’t shrink (Heb. 4:15)Yellow, the bitter gallthat He’d refuse to drink (Matt. 27:34) Green, the lovely plantsnearby Calvary’s hill (John 19:41)Red, the precious bloodthat today heals us still (1…

Life, A Fragile Thread

[52 words] I just unwrapped a new calendarThree hundred sixty-five pages smooth and coldI fanned them through my fingersAnd wondered what each day would hold.Joy, happiness, death—the sod?There’s no way one can knowBut the answer lies in walking daily,By the side of the living God. Benny B. Bristow… We are sorry, but this content is…

He Chose to Take the Nails

[193 words] His friends turned against HimIn a brutal act of betrayalBut, His love enduredAnd, He chose to take the nails. To the ground from his browHis sweat drops of blood fellFor He knew His life on earth was overAnd, He chose to take the nails. Soldiers approached Him from all sidesAnd, to the ground…

The Very Least I Can Do

[105 words] Jesus has created in me a marvelous new life…the least I can do is to always for Him be living Jesus have given me many wonderful blessings…the least I can do is pass that on in blessed giving Jesus have lovingly pardoned all of my sins…the least I can do is show compassion…

Bible Quiz: Revelation 22:1-5

[71 words] The river or water of life was clear as __. What was in the middle of the street? “The __ of the tree were for the __ of the nations.” “And there shall be no more __, but the __ of God and of the Lamb shall be in it, and His servants…

Bible Quiz: Revelation 22:6-11

[80 words] “And the Lord God of the holy __ sent His __ to show His servants the things which must shortly take place.” “Behold, I am coming __! Blessed is he who keeps the __ of the __ of this book.” Did the angel allow John to worship him? “For I am your fellow…

Bible Quiz: Revelation 22:12-17

[63 words] “And behold, I am coming __, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his __.” Jesus said He is the __ and the Omega, the Beginning and the __, the First and the __.” This who do His commandments will have the right to the __ of…

Bible Quiz: Revelation 22:18-21

[63 words] “For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the __ of this a __…” “If anyone __ to these things, God will add to him the __ written in this book…” Those who take away from the words of the book God would take away his __ from the Book of…

Quotes and Sayings (April 2023)

“Spring is the time of plans and projects.” — Leo Tolstoy “Though I do not believe that a plant will spring up where no seed has been, I have great faith in a seed… Convince me that you have a seed there, and I am prepared to expect wonders.” — Henry David Thoreau “If people…

On the Lighter Side (April 2023)

Garden Time My gardener talked to me about edible herbs I can grow. It was sage advice. — I started growing some fungi in my garden, but it failed miserably. I guess there is mushroom for improvement. — So my neighbor sees me kneeling down, busy in my garden and asks what I’m doing.”I’m putting…