Resolve to Involve Everything

[385 words] With the new year comes resolutions. We like a fresh start, and we generally feel that the start of a brand new year is best time to implement changes. I guess it’s because we look back on the previous year and analyze successes and failures and make decisions on what we need to…

Putting Jesus Back in the Box

[232 words] The Christmas holiday has come and gone. Time to take down those decorations, Christmas trees, blow-up yard ornaments, and lights, including those religious scenes and figurines. Along with the tinsel and multicolored lights, the little statues of the baby Jesus will be placed in boxes and storage bins and stored away till next…

How to Have a Happy New Year

[166 words] What phrases are you tired of hearing? I asked this question once in a class and was surprised by the number of statements that came from the students. Among those mentioned was the simple wish: “Happy New Year!” I must confess that I love to hear the phrase because it reminds me of…

The Nature of God

[339 words] The Bible is a rich document that provides us details and ideas into who God is. Three New Testament descriptions say that He is something: Spirit (John 4:24), Light (1 John 1:5), and Love (1 John 4:8). Yet, the Bible from cover to cover shows us much more about who God is. We…

He Will Take Us Through

[202 words] We are constantly reminded that life can be challenging. Life can be hard. Sometimes….life can be very hard. But we don’t go through alone! We don’t go through it unnoticed by heaven! Someone has said: “Since God the Father intends to make you like Jesus, He will take you through the same experiences…

The Disease of Discouragement

[196 words] dis·cour·age·ment dəˈskərəjm(ə)nt  a loss of confidence or enthusiasm; dispiritedness. an attempt to prevent something by showing disapproval or creating difficulties; deterrent. Where does discouragement come from? Let’s consider an interesting comment in the book of Ezra. The book of Ezra tells the story of the rebuilding of the temple. Though the act is brought…

Why We Need To Confess

[180 words] As John Dewey exclaimed, “A problem well-put is half solved.” For us to fix something we have to know what is wrong and what is causing the problem. Too many times we face an issue and are unable—or maybe better said unwilling—to examine ourselves to see what is wrong. That is what makes…

The King and His Bible

[332 words] As God anticipated, the people of Israel would one day ask for a king. God spoke this prophecy by Moses in Deuteronomy 17:18-20. One of the most notable commands, and the one that Moses centers on in this passage, was the responsibility of each king of God’s people to make his own copy…

Stay Bold and Stay ‘Old’

[312 words] There is a saying among those who fly planes, “There are old pilots, and there are bold pilots—but there are no old, bold pilots.” While humorous, it makes a good point. Those who choose to fly by the seat of their pants run the risk of being prematurely laid to rest. My prayer…

Times Have Changed

[278 words] “Times have changed” is a common refrain from those who find themselves in contradiction with the Word of God. This happens especially when moral standards are involved. First of all, one might question what folks mean when they say “Times have changed.” Are they talking about a changing culture? Are they talking about…

High Anxiety and Blessed Relief

[189 words] Christians are not completely immune to anxiety. However, as Holy Spirit-filled followers of the will of God, we do have access to a God who cares for us and who will help us cope with this human reality. Consider, for instance, some things that have been discovered about human anxiety. Objective studies indicate…

Fortify Your Faith

[568 words] A father brought his demon-possessed son to Jesus (Mk. 9:17). He told Jesus he had taken his son to the disciples, but they could not cast the demon out (Mk. 9:18). Thus, the father asked Jesus, “if You can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.” (Mk. 9:22). What was the…

Greed: What Are You Drawn To?

[375 words] I would be the last person chosen to counsel anyone when it comes to “money!” Additionally, I would never be elected to lecture on personal finance or budget development for an organization or business. But, after fifty years of living, I’ve learned money/possessions should be used as tools and not as something to…

Have You Memorized God’s Number?

[178 words] Do you have a phone number you have memorized? Mine was my grandparent’s phone number, 363-3009. They have been dead for several years now. I have not used that number for a long time, but I still know their old number. Many people today do not memorize phone numbers much, we often store…

What If Jesus Had Never Come?

[393 words] I cannot imagine trying to make it through life without having “the good shepherd” (John 10:11), who is the “one mediator between God and men” (1 Timothy 2:5) and the “King of kings and Lord of lords” (Revelation 19:16) in my corner. But what if Jesus had never come into this world “to…

Pastor Who?

[498 words] Lately, I have been disturbed by the number of preachers and youth directors who have started to refer to themselves as “Pastor so-in-so.”  The latest one was a young man who had just graduated from a university associated with churches of Christ. He introduced himself to me as “Pastor Bull”* from XYZ* Church…

A Human Jesus

[144 words] The Gospel Accounts present a truly human Jesus, not a ghostly figure who only appeared to be flesh and blood. Jesus spoke of His own body (Mark 14:8), head (Luke 7:44–46), hands, feet, flesh, and bones (Luke 24:39), and blood (Matthew 26:28). He also displayed distinctly human feelings and qualities: He was moved…

Pulling on Both Oars

[157 words] An old Scotsman operated a small rowboat for transporting passengers. One day a passenger noticed that the old man had carved on one oar the word “Faith” and on the other oar the word “Works.” Curious, he asked the meaning. The old man replied, “I’ll show you.” He dropped the “faith” oar and…

Jesus Loves Me

[254 words] Around 1860, Anna B. Warner penned the following words that were later extended and set to music by William B. Bradbury and continue to be sung around the world: Jesus loves me—this I know, / For the Bible tells me so:Little ones to him belong— / They are weak, but he is strong.Yes,…

During the New Year May You Have…

[68 words] …Enough happiness to keep you sweet….Enough trials to keep you strong….Enough sorrow to keep you human….Enough hope to keep you happy….Enough failure to keep you humble….Enough success to keep you eager….Enough friends to give you comfort….Enough wealth to meet your needs….Enough enthusiasm to make you look forward to tomorrow….Enough determination to make each…

Pass the Good Word

[28 words] When you hear a kind word spoken about a friend, pass it along (Proverbs 3:27; Galatians 6:10). If it’s a negative word, keep it to yourself…. This content is for Annual and Lifetime Members only! Please log in or register to use our free church bulletin resources, or start an Annual Membership and…

Spoil Your Spouse

[25 words] As a man, spoil your spouse, not your children (2 Samuel 12:3, 8; Proverbs 5:18–19; Ephesians 5:25; 1 Peter 3:7)…. This content is for Annual and Lifetime Members only! Please log in or register to use our free church bulletin resources, or start an Annual Membership and get bulletin articles weekly by email,…

Our Job

[30 words] It is not our job to get people to like us. It is our job to like people (John 13:35; Hebrews 13:1; 1 Peter 1:22; 2:17)…. This content is for Annual and Lifetime Members only! Please log in or register to use our free church bulletin resources, or start an Annual Membership and…

Leave and Cleave

[32 words] Establishing your own home gives your marriage the space it needs to flourish. Do not ignore your parents, but recognize that your new family is a higher priority. See Genesis 2:24!… This content is for Annual and Lifetime Members only! Please log in or register to use our free church bulletin resources, or…

Old Testament Statistics

[45 words] 39 books929 Chapters23,145 VersesSmallest book: ObadiahLargest book: Psalms Middlebook: ProverbsShortest verse: 1 Chronicles 1:25Longest verse: Esther 8:9Longest chapter: Psalms 119 “I will delight myself in thy statutes: I will not forget thy word” (Psalm 119:16)…. This content is for Annual and Lifetime Members only! Please log in or register to use our free…

The Family

[65 words] The family is like a book—The children are the leaves,The parents are the coversThat protecting beauty gives. At first the pages of the bookAre blank and purely fair,But time soon writes memoriesAnd paints pictures there. Love is the little golden claspThat bindeth up the trust;O, break it not, lest all the leavesShould scatter…

Living It Day by Day

[161 words] She sat alone in an old people’s home,Lonely and old and gray;She wished that someone, just anyone,Would call on her that day.Did you? He lay for days on his hospital bed;The hours were long and hard.He wished someone, just anyone,Would send him a cheery card.Did you? He was far from home on foreign…

They Burned the Truth

[70 words] They burned Truth in the marketplace,And thought their work complete;But next day, with a smiling face,They met it on the street. They threw it in a dungeon damp,And thought it was no more;But lo, it walked with lighted lampAmong them as before. They scorned and ostracized it,And ordered it to depart;But still it…

What of Tomorrow?

[52 words] I do not know what still awaits,Or what the morrow brings;But with the glad salute of faith,I hail its opening wings!For this I know – that in my LordShall all my needs be met;And I can trust the heart of himWho has not failed me yet. Author Unknown… This content is for Annual…

Bible Quiz: Matthew 1:1-17

[62 words] “The book of the __ of Jesus Christ, the Son of __, the Son of __:” Who was David’s father? Which son of David is listed in the genealogy? Who was the father of Manasseh? “So all the generations from Abraham to David are __ generations, from David until the captivity in Babylon…

Bible Quiz: Matthew 1:18-25

[72 words] Who was the mother of Jesus? “Then __ her husband, being a __ man, and not wanting to make her a __ example, was minded to put her away secretly.” Who appeared to Joseph in a dream? “And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name __, for He…

Bible Quiz: Matthew 2:1-6

[65 words] What is the name of the city where Jesus was born? Who was king in Judea during that time? Wise men came to Jerusalem from the east because they has seen a __. “When __ the king heard this, he was __, and all Jerusalem with him.” The king of Judea gathered all…

Bible Quiz: Matthew 2:7-12

[88 words] “Then Herod, when he had secretly called the __ men, determined from them what time the __ appeared.” Herod sent the wise men from the east to __ and told them to bring back __ to him when they found Him. “When they heard the king, they departed; and behold, the star which…

Quotes and Sayings (January 2024)

“An exhaustive study of police records shows that no woman has ever shot her husband while he was doing the dishes.” — Earl Wilson “There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” — C.S. Lewis “Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on.” — Hal Borland “With…

On the Lighter Side (January 2024)

Worst Sermon Ever A preacher was suddenly called out of town and he asked the new youth minister to conduct services on Sunday. When he returned, he asked his wife how the young man had done. “Not so well,” she reported. “It was the poorest sermon I had ever heard—nothing to it at all.” Meeting…