Resolve to Involve Everything

[385 words]

With the new year comes resolutions. We like a fresh start, and we generally feel that the start of a brand new year is best time to implement changes. I guess it’s because we look back on the previous year and analyze successes and failures and make decisions on what we need to do to better ourselves—and that’s not a bad thing. We make plans and determinations with great hope of accomplishing them in our lives.

Most people will make resolutions that improve their body (like eating better and/or exercising more), improve their mind (like reading more or learning something new), or improve their attitude. Without a doubt, these are good things to make positive progress in our lives.

But, in making our resolutions, let us not forget about the most important thing to improve in our lives: our spirituality. As Christians, we should always be striving to be growing closer to God, reading the Bible more, increasing in service, and becoming more mature in the faith. Improving our spirituality will also help us to improve anything else we wish to implement into our lives.

Interestingly, Jesus mentioned all of these areas when asked what was the greatest commandment. He mentioned them in connection with our relationship to God. We read it in Mark 12:30, “And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.” Notice how we are to love God with our all—mind, body, heart, and soul. So, it makes sense that we would always want to improve ourselves in all of these areas.

Yes, let us resolve to involve every aspect of our lives in loving, honoring, serving, and praising God, and not just at the beginning of each year, but at the beginning of each and every day.

Even though given to the Israelites, Deuteronomy 10:12-13 should still inspire our resolve to involve our all in our relationship with God: “And now…what does the LORD your God require of you, but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in all His ways and to love Him, to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the commandments of the LORD…?”

Edd Sterchi
Broadway church of Christ
Campbellsville, KY

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