Improving Your Serve

[640 words] One of the games my dad and I played when I was a teen was Ping-Pong. I played against my peers and generally won most games. But when I played my dad, he destroyed me every time. So, I practiced and I practiced and I practiced until one day we played each other…

The Path to Peace

[502 words] One of the great passages in the Bible on having peace of mind is in Philippians 4. Here are the keys: Make up your mind to be happy. “Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice” (v.4). Abraham Lincoln said a man is about as happy as he makes up his…

His Name Is Christian, But He Isn’t One

[500 words] Various and odd instances brought me into contact with a man whose first name is Christian. He had been through some trying times and needed help. In the process of things being done, I asked some of the usual background questions and in so doing received answers which seemed to indicate a possible…

The Church Roll and Body Parts

[532 words] In our ongoing efforts to be the church, the body of Christ, I can’t help but wonder if many folks are missing some vital points. We rightly preach baptism for remission of sins (Acts 2:38). We rightly teach that it is God who adds us to his church (Acts 2:47), and ultimately, he…

The Three R’s of a Great Marriage

[513 words] June is definitely the month for weddings, and this past June I presided over two weddings and attended another one. Weddings are stressful, but exciting times. It’s very moving to witness the joining of the lives of a man and a woman in holy matrimony. It brings to mind thoughts of optimism and…

To Have and to Lose

[542 words] There is “a time to get, and a time to lose” (Ecc. 3:6). Suffering loss is a part of living. We lose money. We lose health. We lose friends. We lose loved ones. We lose our happiness. Life is a constant cycle of ups and downs, gains and losses. Circumstances beyond our control…

The ‘Syndrome’ Syndrome

[725 words] The concept of sin has all but disappeared from modem society. We have become quite skilled in justifying our sins. It seems we can always find an excuse or a scapegoat to blame for, and excuse, our bad behavior. One of the most popular ways to do this nowadays is by dismissing our…

Our Spokesmen?

[534 words] Being ridiculed for our beliefs is a burden Christians must bear. This is not easy but it should not be a surprise. If Jesus was mocked and the early church was called a sect, why should we expect the world to understand us? It is natural to feel frustrated at times. Christians are…

Fan the Flame of Your Faith!

[642 words] The fire began to burn low, so he got another log and put it in the fireplace. Those who wish to remain warm normally do this. Flames burn their fuel and, without additional fuel, they will go out. Timothy needed a boost; his zeal to use God’s spiritual gift had declined. We do…

Looking Good and Being Good

[609 words] I have owned 12 vehicles before my current car, which is a Scion xB. Included in that list are a number of”luxury” brands, including Audi, BMW, Infiniti, and Mercedes Benz. One would assume that when I identify the best vehicle I have ever owned (with my current Scion xB not being eligible, since…

Can Any Good Come From Stress?

[549 words] Samuel was one of the best men in the Bible. We read about his good life of faith and justice in 1 Samuel, but it is a statement made hundreds of years later about him that tells us just how godly a man he was. In Jeremiah’s day the people of Judah were…

He That Blasphemeth the Name of the Lord

[503 words] “And the son of an Israelitish woman, whose father was an Egyptian, went out among the children of Israel: and this son of the Israelitish woman and a man of lsrael strove together in the camp;And the Israelitish woman’s son blasphemed the name of the LORD, and cursed. And they brought him unto…

Sobriety Tests

[600 words] The Bible says Christians are to be sober. We must “be sober” if we are to face our adversary the devil (1 Pet. 5:8). Young and old and men and women alike must “live soberly” in this sinful world (Titus 2:1-12). Like many other virtues we read in the New Testament, this word…

Will You Open the Door?

[529 words] William Holman Hunt was an English painter from the late 19th century. He was a very religious man and spent much of his talent for painting directed toward religious subjects. In 1854, he completed another religious work. The painting was titled “Light of the World.” The title for the painting comes from the…

Ponder Before You Post

[527 words] It’s happened again. It happens all too frequently. I’ve been online, and I’m wondering if anybody “out there” cares anything at all about basic morality and decency. I’m questioning whether those who say they believe in God really do. I’m wondering if there really is any difference between those who wear the name…

Don’t Quarrel Along the Way!

[558 words] As is so often the case, a fresh reading of scripture brings a fresh perspective and new insight on passages we have read many times. Such was true with me as I recently perused the story of Joseph and his brothers as recorded in the last few chapters of Genesis. As you know,…

Boring Christianity?

[503 words] I can remember one time when I was a boy, I made the mistake of stating to my mother that I was bored. The next thing I know I was doing chores, carrying firewood, cleaning, and anything else my mother could think of on our small three and half acre farm. I learned…

Are You Perfect In Every Way?

[533 words] Back in the 80’s Mac Davis sang, “Oh Lord it’s hard to be humble when you’re perfect in every way.” God deliver the family, the friends, the brethren and the congregation from those who think they are “perfect in every way.” Romans 12 is an awesome chapter. Paul challenges Christians (us) to be…

The Importance of Character

[581 words] Webster tells us that character is “moral excellence” and “firmness.” I tried to find the word in the Bible, and could not in the KJV. However, the word from which we get “character” is there, and thus other translations including NASV, RSV, and NIV use that very word. The text of which I…

Bait and Switch

[628 words] Back when gas prices began to be so outrageously high, the news media spent a lot of time on stories related to the issue. One story I saw on television at the time was that customers in some locations were being tricked into purchasing gas at one price, only to find when they…

Sackcloth and Ashes

  [513 words] Did you ever wear a starchy feedsack shirt? (I mean a real one, not the store-bought kind you see now-a-days.) Scratchy, ain’t they? Can’t you just imagine one made out of towsack? (Grass-sack, for some of us.) Well, wearing sackcloth had a special meaning at one time.  King Ahab, stirred by Jezebel,…

Understanding the Soil

  [640 words] The truth of matter is that the only way to build up the church is to actively reach out—in word and deed—to the people that God places in our lives. While understanding the mission itself is not difficult, the reality is that seeking after the lost, the primary mission of the church,…

After Thanksgiving Sale

  [547 words] Many phrases inspire quick responsive behavior on the part of others. “Fire! Run! Help! Dinner! Free Television! Incoming! Snake!” Right alongside these declarations “ After Thanksgiving Sale ” must reside. Each year, prior to Thanksgiving the advertisements come pouring out. Shopping men and women dutifully take note, writing down all the particulars…

Stay Away From These People

  [537 words] The wise man himself, Solomon, tells us not to get close to: People who are always changing their mind. “Meddle not with them that are given to change” (Prov. 24:21). You can’t depend on these people. You can’t trust them. They have no convictions or principles. They change with the situation. They…

Duck Soup

  [561 words] The story is told of a young man who came to the door of a monastery with a large duck in his arms. His uncle, who happened to be one of the monks, answered the knock. “Here, uncle, this is a gift for you and the others. Eat it in good health.”…

Leaving Your Bible?

  [507 words] My father and mother used to carry a Bible to church with them every Sunday. My brothers and sisters and I, when we were old enough to read, were given a Bible so we could do the same. We didn’t leave the house without our Bible because my father would surely tell…

Portraits of Endurance

  [579 words] Barton W. Stone was born in 1772. In his autobiography he wrote, “My father, John Stone, died when I was very young. I have no recollection of him in life.” He grew up without his father, but he never used his loss as an excuse to rebel or quit. When soldiers returned…

Driven or Drawn?

  [518 words] Several years ago, long before children were required to be in car seats, a mother was having trouble with her young daughter staying seated and in her seat belt. The little girl, like most children of that time, wanted to stand up and see where she was going. The mother repeatedly told…

Tap to Snooze

[510 words] I generally use an Apple iOS device as a wake-up alarm. When the alarm sounds, text appears on the screen of my device and gives me this option: “Tap to snooze.” All I have to do is tap the screen of my nifty device and I’m right back to my comfortable, peaceful sleep…

Cleaning from the Inside Out

[512 words] The story is told of an old man who lived on a farm in the mountains of eastern Kentucky with his young grandson. Each morning, Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table reading from his old, worn out Bible. His grandson who wanted to be just like him tried to imitate…

To Give, or Not to Give?

[518 words] It’s that time of year again. You know…cold weather, Christmas decorations, long shopping lines, and “soldiers” in the Salvation Army standing at the entrance of nearly every major shopping area. These dedicated soldiers brave the cold while ringing a little bell, as they solicit donations to help the needy. These red kettles are…

This World is Not My Home!

  [505 words] It just makes sense that the Lord’s people should discuss their future destination. It also makes sense that we talk about heaven because of the terrible things that happen in our world which remind us that life is short. As a favorite song says, “This world is not my home, I’m just…

A Few Gray Hairs

[565 words] “Gray hairs are here and there upon him, yet he knoweth not” (Hos. 7:9). “I see some gray hair!” We all hear these Words eventually. The hoary head is one of creation’s Way of reminding us that our lives are like a flower. They bloom and fade quickly. Hosea did not bring up…

Conforming to the World

[562 words] One of the most horrific crimes in the history of Israel took place in the days of the weeping prophet Jeremiah. The people built “the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings unto Baal” (Jer. 19:5). How could God’s people have done something this barbaric? The Lord…

Sorry Kanye, But You Aren’t God

[516 words] To say that Kanye West has an ego is quite an understatement. He believes one would have to go back to Beethoven to find his equal; he has compared himself to Picasso; and he has claimed, “I am Steve Jobs,” and “I am Walt Disney.” But his claims to be on par with…

How Do You Feel?

[596 words] God gave us feelings. We feel joy and sadness, anger and fear. These emotions test us. They can help or hinder us in our choice between right and wrong. Who we are and where we spend eternity depends on how we handle them. It feels good to be happy. God wants us to…

Are You at a Loss?

[559 words] Paul said, “We are perplexed, but not in despair” (2 Cor. 4:8). The word perplexed means more than just being puzzled. It comes from aporeo which means “to be at loss with one’s self, be in doubt; not to know how to decide or what to do, to be perplexed” (Thayer, 66). We…

Do These Verses Apply?

[554 words] People find ways to get around verses that condemn them. Two groups with different agendas use the same maneuvers to reject passages that are against them. One is the homosexual movement and the other is the feminist movement. Here are some of their arguments . “I’ll Take Jesus Over Paul.” President Barack Obama…

Remember Who You Are

[528 words] If you are familiar with the story The Lion King, you know the critical point of Simba’s life. He was a young lion cub destined to become the next King. But due to some tragic events, including the death of his father, and the evil influence of his wicked uncle he had left…

Home Improvement

[587 words] Recently as Alice and I were traveling, we saw this bumper sticker on the back of a vehicle:‘Home Improvement Begins With the King James Bible.’ We speak of home improvement in different ways. Perhaps we are painting or remodeling our home or maybe even building a new one. There are certainly many ways…