Homefront Crumbling

[498 words] Douglas MacArthur II (the general’s nephew) worked for the government. The Secretary of State once called his home and asked to speak with him. His wife replied, “He’s not here. He’s where he always is—weekends, nights, Saturdays, Sundays—at the office. You can reach him there.” She had not recognized the Secretary of State’s…

He Bought Us Back

[56 words] When sin put us on Satan’s auction block, Jesus bought us back with His own blood. Paul wrote, “God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). We will never understand that kind of love…How can we not follow a Savior like…

What Jesus Offers

[104 words] On January 6, 1941, Franklin D. Roosevelt addressed Congress about the state of the war in Europe. As he closed, he said that he looked forward to a world founded upon four essential freedoms: • Freedom of speech• Freedom of worship• Freedom from want• Freedom from fear Upon consideration, is not this what…

The Autobiography of Jesus

[415 words] The closest Jesus came to writing a book while on earth was when He stooped in the presence of the sinful woman’s accusers and scratched something in the dirt (John 8:6, 8). He was many things while on earth, but a writer was not one of them. That changed when Jesus returned to…

Elders Need to Lead With Compassion

  [322 words] Elders face problems of all shapes, sizes, and colors. A few years of putting out fires can leave them burned out. They can come to rule with an iron fist rather than a velvet touch–more of the shepherd’s rod than his crook. Early Roman philosopher Publilius Syrus said, “You can accomplish by…

What to Expect on Your First Visit

[189 words] A warm welcome, but not a twenty-question interrogation. We know the value of low-key. A simple service—no showy production—just ordinary people offering God sincere worship. Communion with the Lord. We take the Lord’s Supper every Sunday, as the early church did (Acts 20:7; l Corinthians ll). It’s spiritual and meaningful. A Bible sermon.…

Are We Bringing Our Children Up or Down?

[309 words] Rules for Bringing Up a Child: 1. Make home the brightest and most attractive place we can. 2. Make him responsible for helping in some daily duties at home. 3. Never punish in anger nor to relieve our own feelings, but only in love and for disobedience. 4.Do not ridicule his ideas; talk…