Wednesday Night Bible Study

[250 words] Adam grew up in the church. His parents were both Christians from the day he was born. He attended Sunday Bible class, his family went to worship God on Sunday mornings, Sunday nights, and then on Wednesday nights. They were a very happy Christian family. Then something happened. Adam started school and his…

What Can I Do?

[504 words] “I do not feel as close to the Lord as I once did. I know that I do not study and pray as I once did. I want to be close to God again. What can I do?” We have all felt this way! We have awakened to find ourselves adrift from God.…

Museum Bibles

[170 words] The Bible is not a museum piece to be admired at a distance and dusted now and again. It is a treasure to be polished. It is a tool to be used. It is a light to be shined. It is a mirror to be viewed. It is a sword to be sharpened.…

Read It, Believe It!

[286 words] How often do you read the Bible? A survey by the American Bible Association found that 57 percent of the people read their Bible four times or less per year. Another survey found that only 19 percent of the people read the Bible on a daily basis. The ABA survey also showed that…

Bible Blindness

[283 words] Several videos have been published online depicting colorblind individuals seeing color for the first time, with the help of a pair of special glasses. Valspar Paint partnered with scientists and ophthalmologists from a company called Enchroma to make the seemingly impossible become a reality for the colorblind.  “Oh, look at that!” one man…

Honest Heart, Open Bible

[161 words] It takes two things to go to heaven. Those two things are an honest heart, and an open Bible. The fog of religious confusion and division makes finding true Christianity difficult in our day. We did not want nor cause the denominational division of our day; we were just born into a world…

Emptying the Ocean

[361 words] When I was a young preacher student at International Bible College, now known as Heritage Christian University, I had the great privilege of sitting at the feet of a man by the name of Basil Overton. Brother Overton was in his mid-sixties and had been preaching since he was 14. He had a…

Bible Study Questions

[194 words] 1. What woman was paid for nursing her own baby? 2. Noah sent the raven or dove out first? 3. What does the word “testament” mean? 4. Why was the one-talent man condemned? 5. At what gate of the temple was the lame man lying who was healed by Peter and John? 7.…

Bible Questions for Family Study

[172 words] 1. What O.T. character’s name means “laughter”? _______________ 2. Who was the first metal craftsman? _______________ 3. What is the first color mentioned in the Bible? _______________ 4. What king of Israel was murdered while drunk? _______________ 5. Who was told by Almighty God to name his son Maher-shalal-hash-baz? _________ 6. Who outran…

Context Can Keep You From Drowning

[487 words] It is possible to twist the scriptures, particularly those portions which are harder to understand, to one’s own destruction (2 Peter 3:16). Satan misuses scripture to cloud the thinking of those he wishes to lead astray (Matthew 4:6), and he certainly has not gone out of business in the information age. We have…

Losing Your Connection

[414 words] With technology comes great gains in the way we are able to live our lives. However, nothing can be more frustrating than when that same technology meant to make our lives easier fails. One of the most frequent ways this can happen is to lose a connection. Cell phones, internet access, and satellite…

Curiosity About the Bible

[431 words] Curiosity is an exciting aspect of life. Parents love to see their children explore and discover their world. Likewise, teachers enjoy seeing students come to class with curiosity and a hunger for learning. Curiosity about the Bible is expected and natural as well. Who can help but be moved to seek answers to…

Read Kant

[310 words] My graduate philosophy instructor was a newly minted PhD, and he was an expert in Immanuel Kant. A well-informed, thoroughly devoted expert. His seminar on the German philosopher was, of course, excellent. His cardinal rule for our class was simple: Read Kant. Too many instructors present philosophy and philosophers through the writings of…

Hungry? Really?

[458 words] “The full soul loatheth an honeycomb; but to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet” (Prov. 27:7). When you are full you don’t want anything else to eat. Even a delicious dessert has no appeal. If you are really hungry, however, you will eat what you can even if it is something…

How Gullible Are We?

[254 words] A freshman at Eagle Rock Junior High won first prize at the Greater Idaho Falls Science Fair, April 26, 1997. In his project he urged people to sign a petition demanding strict control or total elimination of the chemical “dihydrogen monoxide.” And for plenty of good reasons, since: 1. It can cause excessive…


[274 words] Solomon knew what he was talking about when he said, “Much study is a weariness of the flesh” (Ecclesiastes 12:12). One of the challenges of Bible study/reading is staying awake and alert while you read. Jesus gave some encouraging words that may help with that problem. At the conclusion of the parable of…

Can You Find 16 Bible Books in the Following Paragraph?

[153 words] I once made a remark about the hidden books of the Bible. It was a lulu. Kept people looking so hard for facts, and for others it was a revelation. Some were in a jam, especially since the names of the books were not capitalized. But the truth finally struck home to numbers…

Emergency Contact Numbers

[269 words] If any of the following situations are happening in your life, please dial the appropriate numbers: If you are unsure that God loves you, dial John 3:16. If you need faith, dial Hebrews 11. If you need comfort, dial 2 Corinthians 1:3-7. If you are worried, dial Matthew 6:25-34. If you feel depressed,…

Will He Be Pleased With What He Sees In Me? 

  [236 words] (can you find the Bible references?)  Some Do Not Please Him ___________  “They shall not offer wine offerings to the LORD, neither shall they be pleasing unto Him: their sacrifices shall be unto them as the bread of mourners; all that eat thereof shall be polluted: for their bread for their soul…

Perils to the Soul

[322 words] Have you noticed the growing fascination that some have with other people’s perils? They pay good money to watch stunt drivers jump a string of cars, or a tightrope walker make his way across a tiny rope 200 feet above the pavement. We marvel when someone unnecessarily puts himself at risk. The greatest…

Cleaning from the Inside Out

[512 words] The story is told of an old man who lived on a farm in the mountains of eastern Kentucky with his young grandson. Each morning, Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table reading from his old, worn out Bible. His grandson who wanted to be just like him tried to imitate…

Psalm 119:23

  [83 words] Sometimes I allow the most insignificant things to get in the way of my study of God’s word. Perhaps you do, too. We play right into one of Satan’s traps when we do. Let us keep in mind daily the words expressed by the psalmist in 119:23, “Even though princes sit and…

Guiding the Blind

[298 words] He hasn’t done it all, but he’s done a lot. Erik Weihenmayer has summited Mount Everest as well as becoming one of the 150 climbers in the world who had, at the time, climbed the other 6 highest peaks in the world. He has kayaked the 277 miles through the treacherous white waters…

Brief Rules for Bible Study

1. Read it through (get something definite). 2. Write it down (mark your Bible). 3. Work it out (in daily life). 4. Pass it on (tell others). via Findlay church of Christ Sparta, TN… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register),…

Is Your Bible ‘Red’?

[172 words] A preacher once observed in a sermon that every Christian should own a “red” Bible. At least that was what people heard He actually said, “Every Christian should own a ‘read’ Bible.” Regardless of the color, it should be well-worn by the constant study of its owner. It is amazing how little people…

‘But They Did Not Ask Counsel of the Lord’

Soon after Israel’s victories over Jericho and Ai, several of Canaan’s southern city-states formed an alliance and immediately set out to fight against God’s people (cf. Gen. 9:1ff). The fearful Gibeonites, however, had a different strategy. They chose to deceive Israel into thinking they were somebody that they were not (non-Canaanite inhabitants) with hopes of…

Faith Comes by Hearing

“So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ” (Romans 10:17). Pertaining to personal salvation, there is no subject more necessary than faith. In Hebrews 11:6 it is written, “And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He…

Grounded in Truth

Truth is constant. Truth does not vary from one person to the next and it does not change with the circumstance. Truth is like a tree with deep roots. The winds of change may blow strong against it but that tree does not move an inch and when the storm passes by the tree is…

Doers of the Word

It isn‘t popular to quote the Bible. It is even less popular to believe the Bible is God’s Word. Many who proclaim to be “Christians“ do not believe the Bible! Does that remind you of the Jews in the first century? They ridiculed Jesus when He claimed to be the Son of God. They accused…

Well, That’s Your Opinion!

[266 words] Do you use the rule book when you play Monopoly? I have never read the rules for Monopoly. Why? Getting to do something while making up my rules just seems easier. Playing the game with a skeleton set of guidelines takes the pressure off of trying to examine, prepare, and do what I…

Study. But How?

[215 words] “Did you behave in worship?” asked a mother. “Yes ma’am,” answered her boy, “I even heard the lady behind me say, ‘I’ve never seen a child behave like that in all my life!’” We need to be careful how we interpret the word of another. Such is especially true with the Word of…

15 Reasons to Read the Bible Daily

[138 words] 1. To be rid of anxiety and have peace (Psalm 119:165). 2. To set things right when life is out of control (Psalm 19:7-8). 3. To have direction and know God’s will (Psalm 119:105). 4. To experience healing and deliverance (Psalm 107:20). 5. To grow in the Lord (1 Peter 2:2). 6. To…

15 Reasons to Read the Bible Daily

To be rid of anxiety and have peace (Psalm 119:165). To set things right when life is out of control (Psalm 19:7-8). To have direction and know God’s will (Psalm 119:105). To experience healing and deliverance (Psalm 107:20). To grow in the Lord (1 Peter 2:2). To have strength, comfort, and hope (Psalm 119:28.50,114). To…

Faith Comes By Hearing

“So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ” (Romans 10:17). Pertaining to personal salvation, there is no subject more necessary than faith. In Hebrews 11:6 it is written, “And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He…

Some Things to Think On

  [146 words] Never neglect daily prayer. When you pray, remember that God is present, and that He hears you. Never neglect daily private Bible reading. When you read, remember that God is speaking to you, and that you are to believe and act upon what He says.  If you are in doubt whether a…

Your Bible: On Top of TV Guide, or Under It?

A young child watched her mother reading from the Bible for a few minutes each morning. Finally one day she asked, “Aren’t you ever going to get finished reading that book?” The mother replied, “No honey, we never get finished with this Book. It always has something that helps encourage, challenge, and make me into…