
  [393 words] The world teaches hate. Turn on the news or any social media and you will be flooded with stories and opinions that drive fear, distrust, and anger. If you are honest with yourself, you know we have all seen prejudice. We are all guilty of prejudice at one time or another, it…


  [424 words] You might have more in common with a diamond than you think. Scientists believe that most diamonds are made of carbon about 100 miles below the surface of the earth under tremendous pressure where temperatures reach 2000 degrees. The high heat and pressure combine to crystalize the carbon changing the arrangement of…


[304 words] There are many ways we use our words each day. In a recent study researchers found that on average, women speak 16,215 words per day and men speak 15,669 words per day. Some people use very few words and some people seem to never stop talking, even to talking in their sleep. By…

You Are Being Stalked!

[358 words] There have been a few times when I have been followed, stalked if you will, by animals. Once by a cat that wanted to play, once by a skunk on the UAM campus (who didn’t want to play), and once by a large dog that I am sure was trying to hamstring me.…